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human growth/development

Early Adulthood 20-40yrs old. senses and physical peak
exercise less than 10%=vigorous less than 25%=moderate
obesity 18-29yrs=12% 30-40yrs=25%
advantages of exercise cardio, muscle tone, agility, immune, stress/anxiety relief, depression relief, sense of control, sense of accomplishment, longevity
cause of death 20-35 1=accident 2=disease 3=suicide 4=homicide
homicide blacks are twice as likely to be murdered US rate is 22/100,000 for males Japan rate is 1/200,000 US homicide is declining and under average
good nutrition high fiber low fat low sodium more calcium
disability and statistics conditions that limit/affect major life activity 1/6 or 50million in US have disability
types of disability discrimination pity/avoidance treating as a child overlooking strengths
stress physiological response to events that threaten product of primary appraisal of threat and secondary appraisal of resources to cope
stress is magnified by... Negative emotions (fear and anger); An uncontrollable or unpredictable situation; Ambiguous or confusing events; and Multitasking
short term effects of stress Increase in heart rate; Increase in blood pressure; increase in respiration and Increase in perspiration
long term effects of stress Decrease in body’s ability to cope with stress; and Reduced resistance to disease by undermining the immune system.
coping strategies Problem-focused coping (tactfully confronting the threat); Emotion-focused coping (looking on the bright side); and Managing reactions (some examples include exercise, meditation, or prayer)
coping that doesn't work Defensive coping (described by Freud) distorts reality by Denial (“it’s not a problem”) and Trivialization (“It’s not important”) Using drugs does not solve the problem, but it can add a new layer of problem (physical or psychological addiction).
Labouvie-Vief is a Canadian neo-Piagetian who describes dialectical thinking, in which a thesis is opposed by an antithesis, resulting in synthesis (a creative solution).
Perry is a Harvard psychologist who describes multiple thinking as a result of encountering different points of view in college. Respects own thinking as valuable and others as equally valid if logical.
Schaie is a developmentalist who describes early adult thinking as achievement- or goal-oriented. Adolescent thinking is acquisitive.
Intelligence according to Robert Sternberg: Componential (analytical), which is traditional problem solving (or school ability); Contextual (practical), in which problem solving requires sensitivity to situational clues that lead to a successful resolution, and Experiential (insightful), which
Created by: 732813204
Popular Anthropology sets




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