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The Music Experience

Test 1

Score Music in written form
Rhythm Organization and durations of sounds and silences
Tempo How fast the beat is going
Beat Basic pulse in a composition
Syncopation When prominent notes fall between the notes
Meter Organized pattern of beats into patterns of stresses
Rest Silence
Rubato Expressive device of lengthening and shortening the length of a beat
Accelerando Beat gets faster
Dumka Melancholy with contrasting lively sections
Backbeat Something noticeable happens on beats 2 and 4
Ritardando Beat slows down gradually
Melody The tune, a collection of rhythm and notes organized into a meaningful whole
Conjunct Melody Uses mostly single step wise motion
Disjunct Melody Uses a lot of jumps
Pitch The highness-lowness of something
Frequency Number of wave lengths of something (Hertz)
Interval Distance between 2 notes
Octave A type of interval featuring a 2:1 ratio of frequency
Scale A trip through the musical alphabet
Program Where the list of the pieces are fora concert
Program Notes Paragraphs written about the music in the program
Movement Large section of a larger work, usually set apart by e pause and a change in character and style
Multi-movement piece A piece with more than one movement
Harmony Created whenever 2 or more pitches are sounded at the same time
Accompaniment The music that accompanies the melody
Consonance Combination of notes that are in harmony
Dissonance Lack of harmony
Western Music European based music
Tonal Music Music without hierarchy of pitches
Dynamics Loudness1softness
Forte Strong, loud
Piano Soft
Pianoforte Piano the instrument
Crescendo/Decrescendo Gradually getting louder/softer
Texture How many musical lines are occurring at one time
Timbre Tone color in music
Form The structure of a piece
Key Changes When a composer decides to begin using a different scale
A Cappella Voices only (as in the chapel)
Verse New text to a repeating melody
Chorus Same text to a repeating melody
Strophic Form Song with repeating melodies and text
Da Capo Back to the beginning (the head)
Legato Long notes, connected notes
Staccato Short notes, spaced
Hemiola When triple meter music changes 2x3 to 3x2
Cadence Series of chords or notes that brings the music to at least a temporary close
The Seven Broad Categories Rhythm, melody, timbre, harmony, dynamics, texture, form
The Four O-phones Chordophone (string), aerophone (woodwind and brass), idiophone (percussion), membranophone (drums)
I Chord 1, 3, and 5
IV Chord 4, 6, and 8
V Chord 5, 7, and 2
Song #1 Chopin- Estude in E major, Op. 10, No. 3 "Tristesse"
Song #2 Handel-"Alla Hornpipe" from Water Music (underlined)
Composer Person who writes music
Arrangement Arranger taking pre-existing piece and making it as you like
Created by: 564352003
Popular Music sets




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