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DDMS 7th Grade Science - Weather & Atmosphere Unit

The horizontal movement of air from an area of high pressure to an area of low pressure Wind
An instrument used to measure wind speed Anemometer
A local wind that blows from the water to the land Sea Breeze
A local wind that blows from the land to the water LandBreeze
Bands of high speed wind that occur about 10 Km above the Earth's Surface Jet Stream
The process of the water vapor in the air becoming a liquid Condensation
The temperature at which condensation begins Dew Point
Wispy, feathery looking clouds, that form at high levels in the atmosphere Cirrus
Fluffy, round-looking clouds, that form less than 2 km from the ground Cumulus
Clouds that form in thin, flat layers Stratus
Any form of water that falls from the clouds and reaches the Earth's Surface Precipitation
The condition of the Earth's atmosphere at a particular time and place Weather
The envelope of gasses that surround a planet Atmosphere
Water in the form of a gas Water Vapor
The amount of mass that is contained in a certain volume Density
The force caused by the weight of air pushing down on an area Air Pressure
An instrument used to measure air pressure Barometer
The elevation, or height above sea level Altitude
A large body of air with similar temperature, humidity, and air pressure Air Mass
A warm, low pressure air mass Tropical
A cold, high pressure air mass Polar
A humid air mass, that forms over an ocean Maritime
A dry air mass, that forms over land Continental
The boundary where two air masses meet Front
A warm air mass that has been caught between two cold air masses, and is cut off from the ground Occluded
A violent disturbance in the atmosphere, caused by a sudden change in pressure Storm
A small storm that brings heavy precipitation, and thunder and lightning Thunderstorm
What type of front occurs when warm air slowly moves over a cooler air mass? Warm Front
What type of front occurs when a cold air mass quickly moves into a warmer air mass, and forces the warm air upward? Cold Front
What type of front occurs when a cold & warm air mass meet, but neither one moves past the other? Stationary front
What type of weather does a low pressure system typically bring? Cloudy & Rainy
What type of air is typically associated with a high pressure system? Cold air
What type of air mass would bring cold, dry air? Continental Polar Air Mass
What happens when warm air & cool air combine The less dense warm air rises and the more dense cool air sinks
A large vertical growth cloud, that typically brings thunderstorms & serious weather Cumulonimbus Cloud
Large scale movement of air, due to unequal heating of Earth's surface Global Wind
Why do the tradewinds turn to the west as they approach the equator? The Coriolis Effect
The Global winds that affect most of the United States, and bring most weather from the Southwest toward the Northeast. Prevailing Westerlies
The area near the equator, where very little wind occurs because warm air is rising. Doldrums
How does an increase in altitude affect air pressure & density? Air pressure & density will decrease
What type of air would a maritime tropical air mass bring? warm, humid air
The area in the central US where most tornadoes occur Tornado Alley
What are the two most abundant gasses in our atmosphere? Nitrogen & Oxygen
The global wind that occurs near the north & south pole Polar Easterlies
Global winds that occur near the equator Tradewinds
A rise in the water level, caused by offshore winds pushing the water toward the shore Storm Surge
The area created when warm, moist air rises, and moves counter-clockwise. High Pressure System (Cyclone)
The area created when cool air sinks, and moves clockwise. Low Pressure System (Anti-Cyclone)
Created by: jfakins
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