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GRE group 3

Hit parade, beyond hit parade 3

equipose equilibrium
errant traveling, peripatetic
eschew to shun, avoid
estimable worthy, formidable
evince to show clearly
excoriate to censure scathingly
exegesis critical examination
exemplar model, standard
expatiate to discuss or write about at length
expostulate to argue in order to correct or protest
expurgate to purify, censor
exscind to cut out
extant existing; not destroyed
extirpate to destroy
fallow inactive; dormant
fatuous silly
feckless irresponsible
felicitous well chosen, suitable
fetter to put in chains
filigree ornamental work
foment to rouse, incite
forbearance patience
forestall to hinder
forswear to renounce
fracas noisy quarrel
fractious quarrelsome, rebellious
frieze semi-sculptural raised-surface ornamental facade to a building
froward not willing to yield or comply
gainsay to deny, dispute
gambol to skip about playfully
gauche crude, awkward, tasteless
gossamer delicate; insincere
hallow to create stress
heretical unorthodox
heterodox unorthodox
hirsute hairy
homiletics art of preaching
iconoclastic attacking cherished beliefs
idyll carefree, light hearted romantic or pastoral episode
ignominious shameful, undignified
imbroglio difficult, embarrassing situation
impassive expressionless
imperious commanding, masterful
importune to beg, nag
impugn to attack or assail verbally
impute to attribute to a source or cause
indefatigable tirelessness
indolent lazy, torpid
ineluctable certain, inevitable
ingenuous guiless, trusting
inherent innate
inimical hostile, adverse, unfriendly
canon established set of principles or code of laws
castigation severe criticism or punishment
cogent convincing
complaisance willingness to comply with the willingness of others
contrite regretful; seeking forgiveness
dearth smallness of quantity; scarcity
didactic intended to teach or instruct; erudite
discretion cautious reserve
dogmatic stubbornly opinionated
ebullience quality of lively or enthusiatic expression of thoughts and feelings
empirical based on observation
enigmatic mysterious
esoteric understood by a small group
furtive stealth, covert
gregarious sociable, outgoing
heretical violating accepted dogma
impecunious having no money
incipient beginning to come about
intransigent refusing to compromise
inveigle to obtain by deception or flattery
odious evoking intense aversion or dislike
peruse to examine with great care
prodigious abundant in size, force
sanction authoritative approval; penalty
urbane sophisticated, refined, elegant
Created by: cree
Popular GRE sets




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