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Mus App Exam 1

String guitar, harp
How to play string Pluck/Bow
Woodwind (double reed) obo, bassoon
woodwind (single reed) clarinet
brass trumpet trombone
How to play brass mouth piece
percussion(definite) bells
percussion(indefinite) snare drum
keyboard organ
How to play keyboard hit key which causes hammer to hit string
Types of insturments String, Woodwind, Brass, Percussion, Keyboard, and Electronic
Baton Conductors Stick
Four parts of sound Pitch, Dynamics, Tone Color, and Duration
Pitch Highness or lowness of sound
Dynamics loudness or softness of sound
3 types of Dynamics Piano, Mezzo Forte, Forte
Piano(p) quiet
Mezzo Forte (mp) moderately loud
Forte (f) Loud
Tone color/timbre quality of sound
Rhythm flow of music through time
Beat Recurrent pulsation
Meter grouping of beats
Accent Emphasis placed on beat/note
Syncopation emphasis placed on an unexpected not or beat
Tempo The speed of the beat
4 types of tempo Adagio, Andante, Allegro, and Presto
Adagio Slow (tempo)
Andante Moderately slow (Tempo)
Allegro Fast (Tempo)
Presto Very fast (tempo)
Accelerando Speeding up
Ritardando Slowing down
Metronome Indicates exact tempo
Modulation Change of Key
3 types of Texture Monophonic, Polyphonic, and Homophonic
Monophonic Single sound (1 instrument)
Polyphonic 2 or more sounds (2+ instruments)
Homophonic One melody with cords
Form Organization of musical elements in time
Top number How many beats in measure
Bottom number What type note counts 1 beat (4- quarter notes)
Melody (describing words) legato, staccato, sequence, and cadence
Legato Long
Staccato Short
Sequence Repeating of melody with different pitches
Cadence Ending of phrase
Harmony The way chords are constructed and how they follow each other
Consonance Stable, restful sounds
Dissonance Unstable, annoying Ex: Fire Truck
Performance Take notes and bring it to life
Created by: brookebauer715
Popular Music sets




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