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MA Unit 2

Zoom "Need to Know" Notes for Unit 2

Eastern Empire Capital Constantinople
Western Empire Capital Rome
Three Main Social Classes Nobles, Peasants, & Clergy
Nobles Known as the landowners. They owned all the land & everything on it. Did very little in the Church
Peasants Had nothing & were referred to as “Serfs.” Basically, an enslaved population but were able to do good in the Church
Clergy Refers to the Catholic Church & had the most power because they were the most literate
Two Main Forms of Music/Art Sacred & Secular
Sacred Religious art or music
Secular Non -religous music with no restraint (can use any texture)
Three Types of Medival Composition Gregorian Chant, Organum, & Medival Mass
Gregorian Chant Type Monophonic (strictly vocal, Latin, & melismatic)
Organum Type Homophonic (strictly vocal, Latin, & melismatic)
Medival Mass Type Polyphonic (strictly vocal, Latin, & melismatic)
Melismatic Multiple notes per syllable
Solavik One note per syllable
Organum Definition Harmonized Gregorian chant developed by 2 Italian monks, Leonan and Periton, who worked at the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris
Estampie Stamping dance
The School of Notre Dame People who followed the harmonizing chants by Leanan and Periton
Medival Mass Definition The polyphonic setting of the ordinary mass
Pope Gregory the Great Reorganized the church liturgy (all the ceremonial aspects of the Church).
Ars Nova Means new art. Gave us the ability to write rhythm. Mud-14th century to present day
Ars Antique Means old art. Pre-14th century
Humanism Dominant intellectual movement of the Renaissance that focused on human life and its accomplishments. It was about science and exploration. This idea strongly influenced art
Charlemagne The first Emperor of Europe who started in 800
Marin Luther Led the reformation and the Christian Church was created when he broke away
The Reformation The Protestant revolt that became a movement and began in 1517. The unity of Christendom “exploded” during this
Hildegard Von Bingen Famous German nun who wrote great music like O successores. 1st woman composer from whom a large number of works—monophonic sacred songs—have survived.
Johannes Guttenberg Invented moveable type & printed the Bible that way
Christopher Columbus Reached America in 1492, where he began his voyage
Nicholas Copernicus A Renaissance mathematician and astronomer. Published De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium
Ferdinand Magellan Navigated the globe
Counter Reformation A reform of the internal catholic church, NOT the protestant revolt
Romanesque Architecture Has a semicircular arch style copied after rome
Gothic Architecture Uses a pointed arch
Mona Lisa Painted created by Leonardo da Vinci in 1503
Michelangelo Painted the ceiling of the sistine chapel
David Sculpture created by Michelangelo in 1504
The School of Athens Painted by Raphael
Fall of Rome A.D. 476
Founding of Europe by Charlemagne 800
The Middle Ages 450-1450. Early on was a time of migrations, upheavals, and wars. Around 1450, it became a period of culutral growth
The Renaissance 1450-1600. Started when Islam overran Castantiople. Overran the Eastern Empire in 1453
Columbus Arrives in America 1492. The beginning of the "New World"
Drone Consists of one or more long, sustained tones accompanying a melody
Troubadours During the Middle Ages, poet-musician who lived in southern France and wrote poems in the Provençal language
Trouvéres During the Middle Ages, poet-musician who lived in northern France and wrote poems in Old French
Trobairitz Women troubadours
Minstrels (jongleurs-juggler) During the Middle Ages, wandering entertainers who performed music and acrobatics in castles, taverns, and town squares. Had no civil rights & on the lowest social level.
Cantus Firmus (fixed melody) A chant used as the basis for polyphony
Ballata An Italian poetic and musical form that originated as a song to accompany dancing
Rondeau An Italian poetic and musical form that originated as a song to accompany dancing.
Mass Ordinary Consists of texts that remain the same from day to day throughout the church year
Word Painting A musical depiction of specific words
A cappella Choral music without instrumental accompaniment.
Motet Polyphonic choral work set to a sacred Latin text other than that of the mass
Mass Polyphonic choral composition made up of five sections
Madrigal Composition for several voices set to a short secular poem, usually about love, combining homophonic and polyphonic textures and often using word painting; common in Renaissance music. Originated in Italy around 1520
Created by: llliiizzzyyy3
Popular Music sets




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