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MA - Unit 3

MA Notes/Vocab - Unit 3

Baroque Period 1600-1750
Meaning of Baroque Portuguese word meaning “a pearl of unusual shape.”
Unity of Mood Create & maintain 1 mood within a movement
Continuity of Rhythm To maintain the unity of mood
Polyphonic Texture with 3-4 different melodies harmonizing each othe
Terraced Dynamics Sudden shifts in dynamics like loud to soft
Word Painting how you write music so it sounds like the text
Basso Continuo The core of every instrumental Baroque ensemble. Contains a cello and a harpsichord
Baroque Orchestra Cello & harpsichord were always there, but the rest would be whoever was available
Antonio Vivaldi One of the best Italian composters in Western history & Baroque period. He was a Catholic Priest w/ the nickname “The Red Priest” due to his bright red hair. Wrote 4 violin concertos w/ accompanying poetry, each one describes a season “The Four Seasons”
Ritornello Form An Italian word meaning “refrain.” in music is a repeat that keeps coming back. Also known as refrain form
Solo Concerto A composition for a solo instrument & orchestra accompaniment w/ 3 movements (fast, slow, fast)
Opera (1575) A culmination of all the Arts (musical arts, theatrical arts, literary arts, visual arts). Operas can be comedies, histories, tragedies. Half of it is dialogue to move the plot, and the other half is songs. Are secular stories.
Recitative Dialogue in opera
The Florentine Camarata Created/invted the opera
Camarata Means tight-knit group
Floorentine People from Florence, Italy
Libretto The Play in opera & means “little book” in Italian
Librettist Person who writes the Libretto
Composer Person who the music for an opera
Score Music for an opera or any theatrical event (musical or movie)
Chorus Large groups of people singing together
4 Different kinds of compositions found in operas Recitative, Aria, Arioso, and Chorus Numbers
Recitative Means speech singing and is accompanied by basso continuo
Aria Italian word for “song” & accompanied by Orchestra
Arioso Means "song-like" and is sung like a song but is only accompanied by basso continuo
Chorus Numbers Where a chorus is accompanied by an orchestra
Oratorio Brother composition to opera. Text/subject comes from the bible and are not acted out, just singing.
Messiah The most important & longest lasting oratorio written by George Frederick Handel. Hallelujah chorus
George Frederick Handel Wildly popular German composer & producer. Spent most of his adult life in England and is buried in London. Focused on English Oratorios and Italian Operas
Johann Sebastian Bach Primarily a church composer but wasn’t popular during his life. The most eminent organist/church composer. Created musical compositions of every kind, except opera
Suite A collection of dances
Two kinds of Suites Solo suite and Orchestral suite
Solo Suite Just for solo instruments & just for listening. Begins w/ a Prelude movement, then 6-8 dances
Orchestral Suite For dancing. Begins w/ an overture & also has 6-8 dance movements
Two most important events of the classical age The American Revolution 1775-1783 and The French Revolution
Date the U.S. was founded & DOI was Ratified July 4th 1776
Democracy Government by the people
Federalism The cooperation between states and the federal government
George Washington The founding father of our country. Beat the British & turned down becoming the king
The U.S. Constitution Our main governing document
1st 10 Amendments Limits what the government can do to us
The Classical Period 1750-1820
Rococo Style Light, busy, complicated, highly ornamented style
Galant Style Simple, straightforward, symmetrical style
Baroque Melodies are ___ & ___. Elaborate & ornamental
Classical melodies are ___. Simple
Concert Music Large ensemble music
Chamber Music Solo/small group playing in a small room
String Quartet Two violins, one viola, and one cello. Has the same movements as a symphony.
Created by: llliiizzzyyy3
Popular Music sets




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