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Music Notes Q2

consonant sounds are... Settled, secure, and peaceful. Don't feel like they need to move.
dissonant sounds are... feeling like they want to go somewhere
Major triad M3 and m3, P5
Minor triad m3 and M3, P5
Augmented triad never diatonic, M3 and M3, A5
Diminished triad m3 and m3, d5
diatonic triads in a major scale M, m, m, M, M, m d
diatonic triads in a minor scale m, d, M, m, m (always changed to M by raising ^5), M, M
I chord name tonic
ii chord name supertonic
iii chord name mediant
IV chord name subdominant
V chord name dominant
vi chord name submediant
vii d chord name leading tone
Triad Type of chord. 3 notes. Separated by thirds. Root, third fifth. All lines or spaces.
The third of the triad... gives the chord its quality!
The root of the triad... names the chord!
The fifth of the triad... fully voices the chord!
Baroque music and seventh chords? Baroque music mainly used four voices, so they only used a couple types of seventh chords, and no ninth chords.
Romantic music said after Baroque music?? Let's use more notes!
Borrowed chords/secondary harmonies chords or ideas from other keys
Tendancy tones create tonal pull, want to be resolved. ex. ^7 (leading tone)
Artistic intent purpose of a song, how it's executed with chords and such
Roman numberal chords chord IN A KEY. You have to label the key to use roman numerals for keys. Roman numerals accompanying chords help you ANALYZE and understand the music. They aren't necessary for performance.
Figured bass performance tool used by keyboards to fully voice four part harmony with only bass notes and little numbers. Because composers were lazy.
Inverted chords... have weaker stability!
6 first inversion of a triad
6/4 second inversion of a triad
7th chords sound... more dense than triads because with one more note, there's twice as many little interactions
Why is the diminished seventh so special? any note can serve as the bass because it's a symmetrical chord (all minor thirds). Good for changing keys or borrowing chords.
Ertext music exactly how the composer wrote it, printed without editing
Inversion is a tool to... more subtly slip between chords. Everything would be really abrupt without it. Now moving the bass has a much bigger effect.
Adults have their own motives... trust no one
It's called protecting yourself... and monitoring your expectations
conjunct melody steps, no leaps between notes
disjunct melody leaps, bigger intervals between notes
VII chord in natural minor chord name subtonic. no longer leading tone because is has a different purpose.
closed position chords more full, playing every consecutive chord tone, not played low like in left hand piano because it's muddy
open position chords not playing every consecutive chord tone, spice it up
7 root position of a seventh chord
6/5 first inversion of a seventh chord
4/3 second inversion of a seventh chord
4/2 third inversion of a seventh chord
Major seventh chord (MM7) Major triad, major seventh. M3, m3, M3. Diatonic on I and IV.
Dominant seventh chord (7) Major triad, minor seventh. M3, m3, m3. Diatonic on V.
Minor seventh chord (mm7) Minor triad, minor seventh. m3, M3, m3. Diatonic on ii, iii, vi.
Half diminished seventh chord (7(/)) Diminished triad, minor seventh. m3, m3, M3. diatonic on vii(/).
Diminished seventh chord (7( )) Diminished triad, diminished seventh. m3, m3, m3.
Minor Major seventh chord (mM7) Minor triad, major seventh. m3, M3, M3. NOT used in Baroque!
Function How chords work together. A more macro examination of music, looking at phrases as a whole, not just chord to chord.
Typical chord progression for the period we're studying. Same for major and minor, just change cases of chords. Tonic (Home) (I, vi) -> Pre-Dominant (Long journey) (ii, IV, vi, vii d) -> Dominant (Powerful climax) (V, could sub with vii d because both have tendency tones ^4 & ^7) -> Tonic. You can switch out chords if they have similar notes (vi for I in Tonic)
Why do you see a lot of inverted IV in the tonic part of the function? Because you can change chords but keep the bass the same.
What types of chords are used in the Pre-Dominant part of the function? chords with as few similar notes to tonic as possible.
Cadence Punctuation for music. Musical run-on sentences without them. Points of arrival or decompression. 90% of them are between two chords. Strong and weak types. We learned about four classical cadences.
Authentic Cadence most strong and profound. V->I
Plagal Cadence second strongest. safe, church music. IV->I
Deceptive Cadence second weakest. subvert expectations. V->vi
Half Cadence weakest. empty inside, hate, fear, oh so alone. ?->V (vii) COMMON PATTERN - phrase -> HC -> same phrase -> AC
the only types of entertainment people had during Bach's time music, drama, and church
secret recipe flat VI -> flat VII -> I
Created by: mortehay000
Popular Music sets




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