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APB GRE Last List

GRE Last List

lissome nimble gracefully slender
gaffe social blunder
imperious commanding
improvidence absence of foresight
indelible strong, permanent
nefarious wicked, evil
ossified turned to bone
peccadillo small sin, fault
pulchritudinous beautiful
sapient insightful, wise
quicksilver liable to sudden change
proforma as a formality only
compendium synopsis, concise treatment, abridge
impugned to attack as false, challenge an argument
hallmark distinctive character or attribute
scintilla small amount, trace, smudge, ioda
bemuse bewilder, confuse, daze
pluck showing courage
gaucherie social awkwardness
brusque blunt, curt
apostate one who abandons religious, political beliefs
excoriate express strong disapproval of
timorous timid
licentious immoral
sybarite person devoted to enjoyment of worldly pleasures
megalomaniac one who has delusional fantasies about wealth / power
canon established set of principles, code of laws (religious in nature, often)
choleric easily angered
churlish rude
coffer strongbox, chest of money
cognomen family name, name, nickname
comeliness physical grace, beauty
commodious roomy, spacious
compunctious guilty, having misgivings
conflagration huge, destructive fire
consanguineous related by blood
contumacious rebellious
corpulence fat, obese, bulky
cosset pamper, treat with care
declivity downward slope
deleterious harmful, destructive, detrimental
demagogue rabble rouser, appeals to emotion or prejudice
denigrate blacken someone's reputation
descry reveal or discover
dictum authoritative statement, popular saying
distaff female branch of family / work
doughty courageous
encomium warm praise
calumny misrepresentation, slander
beatific saintly, angelic
belie exposes as false
bifurcate divide into two parts
bonhomie good-natured, good character
canard lie
invidious provoke ill will
allay lessen or relieve
ineluctable in-exculpable, doomed
saturnine sluggish, gloomy
pique miff, offend, egg on etc.
mawkish overly romantic, mushy (negative connotation)
temerity recklessness, boldness
Created by: brengle1
Popular GRE sets




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