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Mesoamerica Pt. 2

What are the origins of Maya? When did agriculture begin? Social complexity? Urbanization? Agriculture: 3000 BCE Social complexity: 650 BCE Urbanization: 600-300 BCE
Describe the Formative Period. What two cities were thriving during this period? Beginnings of sedentary village life, rapid transformation to ceremonial centers; San Lorenzo and La Venta
Describe the Late Formative/early Classic Period. What two cities were thriving during this time? Major urban centers; Monte Alban and Teotihuacan
Describe the Classic Period. What two cities were thriving during this time? ~200-300 CE, very large centers, writing systems; Tikal and Palenque
_____ ______ was the first city in Mesoamerica. Monte Albam
Describe Phase 1 of Monte Alban. When was it occupied? By how many? What kinds of features did it have? 500-200 BCE Population grew to 5000 then 17000 Monumental construction, including ball court
Describe Phase 2 of Monte Alban. When was it occupied? What did they erect? How far did their control expand to? 200 BCE - 200 CE Defensive wall established Control beyond Oaxaca
When was Phase 3 of Monte Alban occupied? By how many? 200-800 CE 25-30,000 inhabitants
When did agriculture begin in Maya? When did signs of social complexity begin to emerge? What about urbanization? Agriculture: 3000BCE Social complexity: 650BCE Urbanization: 600-300BCE
Maya was occupied during the ______ _______ Period. Early Classic
What period was Palenque occupied? What time was that? Who was its ruler? What city is it now? Early Classic Period, 600 CE Ruler: Pakal Chiapas, Mexico
When was Tikal occupied, and what is it considered now? 200-900CE, Guatemala
What questions do anthropologists ask about the rule of Tikal? Was there a king of the city? A chiefdom? A stratified society?
What is bloodletting? Where is it done, and what ideas is it often done for? Bloodletting is making yourself bleed as a sacrifice 1. Often done through tongue and genitals 2. Often done about ideas of fertility
The Classic Period was the pinnacle of ___________ beginning at 250 CE. civilization
What kinds of city states did they have in the Classic Period? What types of villages? What kind of specialization? Did they have a king? Autonomous urban city states, farming villages, craft specialization, no king
When was the Postclassic Period? What happened to the population? 800CE, declining population
What are some explanations explaining the Mayan collapse? Violence and warfare, top heavy social hierarchy, damage to agricultural lands, droughts
(Aztec) Cortez arrived in _____________ at 1519. The population was ________ and had enormous temples and pyramids. Tenochtitlan, 200,00
(Aztec) Tenochtitlan was capital of what? When was it founded and established into an empire? Capital of the Aztecs, founded in 1325, allied with petty states forming empire in 1428
(Aztec) Motecuhzoma had over a ___________ inhabitants. million
(Aztec) Chinampas had huge, raised ____________ _______. agricultural fields
(Aztec) What turns you into a deity? Sacrifice
Describe characteristics of the Aztecs. Deities, ritual calendar, elaborate clothing, education system (everyone, 7-14), arts
Between 1519CE and 1680CE, how much did the Aztec population decline? 1.2 million to 70,000; about 85%-95% of population killed in 160 years
What are the explanations for why the Aztec population declined so quickly? Disease, war, slavery, famine
Created by: iminaconspiracy
Popular Anthropology sets




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