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Geology Grade 5 VA

Geology Grade 5 VA 2012 Mr. G. 868607 mles

geologist (geólogo) A person who studies geology (geo = Earth ology = study ist = a person who)
fault A weak spot in the Earth's crust. Earthquakes are likely to occur here
inner core Innermost layer of the Earth - Solid due to pressure - Hot!
outer core Layer of of the Earth above the inner core
mantle Layer of the Earth below the crust
crust Outermost layer of the Earth
tension Pulling apart force
compression Pushing together force
shear Sliding or twisting force
plates Pieces of the Earth’s crust that are in motion, floating on the mantle
magma Molten rock below the Earth's surface
lava Molten rock above the Earth's surface - emerges through a volcano
weathering The breakdown of rock and soil into smaller pieces
erosion The carrying away of material by wind or water
physical weathering Breakdown of rock by wind, rain, or moving water
chemical weathering Breakdown of rock by a chemical process such as acid rain
deposition Eroded material is deposited or dropped off when the wind or water slows down
delta A large triangular shaped area of land at the mouth of a river caused by the deposition of eroded sand or rock
compound Two or more elements combined - examples include salt sugar
metallic Metal-like - high luster - relativelyhard
physical properties Property of a substance that is easy to observe - examples, color, hardness, density, melting point, etc.
crystals (cristales) The geometric shape formed by different minerals in their natural state
luster How light bounces off a mineral - shininess
streak The color of the material left when a mineral is rubbed against a hard rough surface
Moh's hardness scale A measure of how well a mineral resists scratching 1 is soft 10 is hard
ore A mineral in its raw state, it contains valuable substances that people use - iron is refined from _____ to make iron
igneous rock Formed by fire when cooled above ground, crystals are smaller when cooled below ground, crystals are larger
pumice Rock formed as lava cools
sedimentary rock Rock formed by sediments deposited in a river, lake, or ocean - add millions of years, pressure and maybe chemical "glues"
limestone A sedimentary rock formed at the bottom of the ocean
metamorphic rock Rock that has undergone change in the Earth by heat and pressure - coal is an example
granite An igneous rock
rock cycle (ciclo de la roca) A never ending cycle in which rocks are created, changed, decay, and are reformed
landslide Sudden movement of a section of rock or soil down a hill
fossils (fósiles) Remains or evidence of a plant or animal that once lived - found in limestone or other sedimentary rocks
Bonus: What is Shangri La Bonus question - look up the answer
cover crop Grass or other crop planted to prevent erosin
mineral Substances occurring in nature, of definite chemical composition and usually of definite crystal structure
Copyright © 2012 S Gissendanner Free for personal or classroom use
Created by: Mr Giss
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