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ATH 370 Final

PSU Paleoanthropology Final - N. Vasey

Bipedal Traits – is Foramen magnum shifted forward or backward? forward
Bipedal Traits – is rib cage barrel-shaped or not? barrel-shaped
Bipedal Traits – describe the lumbar and cervical region. Secondary curves of lumbar and cervical region
Bipedal Traits – Is the pelvis broad and short or long and narrow? Shape of pelvis broad and short
Bipedal Traits – is the distance between sacroiliac joint and hip joint reduced or increased? reduced
Bipedal Traits – along which plane are the iliac blades oriented? sagittal plane
Bipedal Traits – Describe the size of the legs compared to the arms. Legs longer than arms and weigh more
Bipedal Traits – Which way is the knee joint angled? Knee joint angled medially
Bipedal Traits – How does the big toe (hallux) lie? Big toe brought in line with other toe
Bipedal Traits – is there a longitudinal arch present? yes. Longitudinal arch (not flat-footed)
Are thicker or thinner cranial vault bones shared derived characters for Homo? Thicker cranial vault bones
Is increased or reduced postorbital constiction a shared derived character for Homo? Reduced postorbital constriction
Is increased or decreased contribution of occipital bone to cranial sagittal arc a shared derived character for Homo? Increased contribution of occipital bone to cranial sagittal arc length
Is increased or decreased cranial vault height a shared derived character for Homo? Increased cranial vault height
Is a more posteriorly or anteriorly situated foramen magnum a shared derived character for Homo? More anteriorly situated foramen magnum
Is reduced or increased lower facial prognathism a shared derived character for Homo? Reduced lower facial prognathism
Are widened or narrowed tooth crowns shared derived characters for Homo? Narrower tooth crowns, particularly mandibular premolars
Is a reduction or increase in the length of the molar row a shared derived character for Homo? Reduction in length of molar row
How old are the Early Homo specimens found at the Omo Group (Omo, Koobi Fora, West Turkana), Ethiopia and Kenya? 2.0 – 1.7
How old are the Early Homo specimens found at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania? 1.9 – 1.6 MYA
Where is the Early homo site in Kenya? Chemeron, Kenya
How old are the Early Homo specimens found at Uraha, Malawi? 2.4 MYA
How old are the Early Homo specimens found at Hadar, Ethiopia? 2.3 MYA
How old are the Early Homo specimens found at Sterkfontein, South Africa? 1.8 MYA
How old are the Early Homo specimens found at Swartkrans, South Africa? < 1.8 MYA
Why – in the past-- was their resistance to the idea that Homo habilis was a “phyletic link” between Australopithecus and Homo erectus? Insufficient anatomical distance between A. africanus and H. erectus, including insufficient brain enlargement; Resistance to revise definition of Homo; Behavior not taken into account
Two Species of Early Homo and where they have been found Homo habilis – Olduvai and Koobi Fora (East Turkana); H. rudolfensis (and H. ergaster ) – Turkana Basin
What species of early Homo were found at the Omo Group (e.g., Koobi Fora) and to when do the fossils date? 2.0–1.8 MYA; H. habilis and H. rudolfensis
What species of early Homo was found at Olduvai Gorge and to when do the fossils date? 1.9–1.6 MYA (FLK site); H. habilis
What species of early Homo was found at Uraha, Malawi and to when do the fossils date? 2.4 MYA (Chiwondo Beds); H. rudolfensis
How old are the early Homo fossils found at Hadar, Ethiopia? 2.3 MYA (Kada Hadar Member)
What species of early Homo were found at Sterkfontein, South Africa and to when do the fossils date? 1.8 MYA Homo habilis
Is there much post-cranial material of H. rudolfensis? no, its postcranial traits are largely unknown
What post-cranial material of H. rudolfensis do we have? Hindfoot and femur (as in Homo)
Where is H. erectus' greatest cranial breadth? greatest breadth at base of cranium
Describe H. erectus' skull. Long and low
Does H. erectus have a supraorbital torus? yes
Does H. erectus have a Supratoral sulcus? yes
Describe the saggital region of H. erectus. Midsagittal keel with parasagittal depressions
Describe H. erectus' occipital torus. Transverse occipital torus
Describe H. erectus' Glenoid fossa. deep and narrow
How thick are H. erectus' cranial vault bones? Thick cranial vault bones (9-10 mm)
What is the adult cranial capacity of H. erectus 700-1300 cc (mean = 833 cc)
Does H. erectus have alveolar prognathism? some
Are H. erectus' mandibles gracile or robust? Robust
Does H. erectus have a chin? no, H. erectus has a posteriorly inclined symphysis (no chin)
Describe the molar pulp cavities of H. erectus. Molars with large pulp cavities – taurodont
Describe H. erectus' upper incisors. typically shovel-shaped
Zhoukoudian Cave is also known as what? Dragon Bone Hill
Describe the composition of Zhoukoudian Cave. Limestone breccia layers and non-breccia layers (sand, silt, clay, travertine, ash)
Which layers at Zhoukoudian Cave contain hominins? Layers 3-11
Were stone artifacts found at Zhoukoudian Cave? yes
Where is there possible evidence of the controlled use of fire? Zhoukoudian Cave
What is the date range of known homo erectus occupation of Zhoukoudian Cave? ~250-600 KYA – Middle Pleistocene
What sort of environmental trend is evidenced at Zhoukoudian Cave during the Middle Pleistocene? Trend toward drier, colder conditions through time
gradations of anatomical and genetic changes over geographic space are called what? Clines
gradual evolutionary change and accumulation of traits from ancestor to descendent is called what? Anagenesis
What is the date range of the Pliocene? 5-1.8 mya
When is the date range of the Pleistocene? 1.8 mya to present
What is the base of the Pliocene? 5.3 MYA - defined via paleomagnetic data & the Messinian salinity crisis
What is the base of Pleistocene? 1.8 MYA – Originally defined via fossil molluscs
What is the base of the Middle Pleistocene? 900 KYA
What is the base of the Late Pleistocene? 127 KYA
What is the date range of the Early Pleistocene? 1.6/8 – 0.9 MYA
What is the date range of the Middle Pleistocene? 0.9 – 0.127 MYA
What is the date range of the Late Pleistocene? 0.127 MYA -- present
When was it that African H. erectus (or H. ergaster ) populations were either supplanted or evolved into a highly varied group of hominins? 0.7 – 0.9 MYA
What are the other two names for archaic middle Pleistocene hominins? called either archaic Homo sapiens, Homo heidelbergensis, or archaic middle Pleistocene hominins
Is the anterior dentition of Middle Pleistocene Hominins reduced or enlarged? enlarged
Is the post-canine dentition of Middle Pleistocene Hominins reduced or enlarged? reduced
Did Middle Pleistocene Hominins display dental sexual dimorphism? yes
Did the molar crowns of Middle Pleistocene Hominins become simpler or more complex? Simplification of molar crowns
What is the term for the presence of large tooth pulp cavities? Taurodontism
Date of archaic homo (possible H. erectus) fossils found at Ceprano, Italy 0.9 MYA (900 KYA)
Date of archaic homo (possible H. erectus) fossils found at Boxgrove, England? ~ 0.5 MYA (500 KYA)
Date of archaic homo (possible Homo antecessor) fossils found at Atapuerca, Gran Dolina, Spain? 0.8 MYA (800 KYA)
Where were the earliest archaic homo fossils found IN EUROPE, and when do they date to? Ceprano, Italy 900KYA
Date of the Mauer, Germany, Archaic Homo fossils 0.5 MYA
Date of the Vértesszöllös, Hungary Archaic Homo fossils 0.25- 0.475 MYA
Date of the Shöningen, Germany Archaic Homo fossils 0.4 MYA
Date of the Bilzingsleben, Germany Archaic Homo fossils 0.23 – 0.34 MYA
Date of the Petralona, Greece Archaic Homo fossils 0.1 – 0.7 MYA
Date of the Arago, France Archaic Homo fossils 0.4 MYA
Which locales are the most likely candidates for having the earliest H. erectus fossils in Europe? Bilzingsleben, Germany (0.23 – 0.34 MYA) and Vértesszöllös, Hungary (0.25- 0.475 MYA)
Archaic hominin Middle Pleistocene location in Germany Steinheim
Archaic hominin Middle Pleistocene location in England Swanscombe
Date of the Ehringsdorf, Germany Archaic Homo fossils 0.225 MYA
Date of the Atapuerca, Sima de los Huesos, Archaic Homo fossils 0.3 MYA
When was the site at Atapuerca, Sima de los Huesos worked? Site worked from 1990 to present
When is the site at Atapuerca, Sima de los Huesos dated to? 300 KYA (U-Series)
How was the site at Atapuerca, Sima de los Huesos dated? Uranium Series (300 KYA)
How many AMPHs were found at Atapuerca, Sima de los Huesos? 28 individuals minimum
Is sexual dimorphism apparent at Atapuerca? Variation in sample suggests substantial sexual dimorphism
What is the cranial capacity of the Archaic Hominins found at Atapuerca, Sima de los Huesos? 1125 – 1390 cc
The Cranio-dental anatomy of the AMPHs found at Atapuerca, Sima de los Huesos resemble which other Archaics? their cranio-dental anatomy spans early and late Archaic groupings
Although the archaic hominins found at Atapuerca, Sima de los Huesos are a Mosaic of H. erectus, neandertals, and H. sapiens traits, with which do they share the most traits? Most features shared with neandertals
Date of Archaic Middle Pleistocene Hominin fossils found at Chaoxian, China < 200 KYA
Date of Archaic Middle Pleistocene Hominin fossils found at Dali, China ~ 200 KYA
Date of Archaic Middle Pleistocene Hominin fossils found at Jinnui Shan, China 200 KYA
Some Chinese researchers argue that anatomically modern Chinese evolved directly from whom? H. erectus.
Date of Archaic Hominin fossils found at Bodo, Ethiopia 0.6 MYA
Date of Archaic Hominin fossils found at Broken Hill (Kabwe) Zambia, 0.125 MYA
Date of Archaic Hominin fossils found at Ndutu, Tanzania 0.4 – 0.2 MYA
Do Archaics from Africa resemble neandertals? none resemble neandertals
What can we conclude by the fact that Archaics from Africa do not resemble neandertals? anatomically modern humans evolved earlier in Africa (and in Near East) than in Europe.
When is The Mauer mandible (Archaic Homo sapiens) from Germany dated to? 500kya -- until recently the oldest known of the European archaic Homo sapiens.
How does the Mauer mandible (Archaic Homo sapiens) compare to that of H. erectus? It has a robust mandibular body and a receding chin as seen in H. erectus, but relatively smaller molars. Other dental trends of Middle Pleistocene hominids are evident.
Is the anterior dentition of the Mauer mandible (Archaic Homo sapiens) reduced or enlarged? Enlarged
Is the post-canine dentition of the Mauer mandible (Archaic Homo sapiens) reduced or enlarged? reduced
The Mauer mandible (Archaic Homo sapiens) shows a simplification of what? molar crowns
The Mauer mandible has enlarged pulp chambers. What is this called? taurodontism
The Arago (France) Archaic Homo sapiens specimen is dated to when? 400 kya
What separates the Arago (France) Archaic Homo sapiens specimen's supraorbital tori from the long, flat frontal bone? a deep supraorbital sulcus
What is the cranial capacity of the Arago (France) Archaic Homo sapiens specimen? large cranial capacity (1,100 cc).
Are the cranial bones of the Arago (France) Archaic Homo sapiens specimen thick or thin? thick
Does the Arago (France) Archaic Homo sapiens specimen have an occipital torus? No, it has a rounded posterior braincase.
The Steinheim cranium from Germany is one of the younger of the archaic H. sapiens group from Europe, a group often referred to as what? anteneandertal.
What are some of features that ally the Steinheim cranium (Germany) with earlier archaic H. sapiens? Long, low flat cranial contour, relatively small cranial capacity, pronounced supraorbital torus with supratoral sulcus.
What are some features that ally the Steinheim cranium (Germany) with anatomically modern humans? No occipital torus or bun, greatest cranial breadth located high across the parietals.
The parietal (in conjunction with other cranial bones) which was found at the site of Swanscombe in England is considered to belong to what group? It is considered one of the younger of the archaic H. sapiens.
Are the parietal bones of the Archaic Homo sapiens from Swanscomb, England, thick or thin compared to AMH. Relatively thick cranial bones compared with anatomically modern humans.
When was the cranium of the Archaic Homo sapiens from Ehringsdorf, Germany dated to? 225 KYA.
Does the cranium of the Archaic Homo sapiens from Ehringsdorf, Germany show features of AMHS, ealier archaics, H. erectus, or a combination? a mix of features seen in both later anatomically modern Homo sapiens and earlier archaics and H. erectus.
What H. sapiens feature is seen in the cranium of the Archaic Homo sapiens from Ehringsdorf, Germany? The frontal bone rises relatively steeply.
What earlier archaic homo and H. erectus feature is seen in the cranium of the Archaic Homo sapiens from Ehringsdorf, Germany? the occipital torus is fairly well developed, as in earlier archaics and H. erectus
The ilium found at Kabwe (Broken Hill) was found in association with what? a cranium (in what was then Rhodesia, and is now Zimbabwe).
To when has the Archaic Homo sapiens material found at Kabwe (Broken Hill) been dated? 125 kya – considerably younger than archaic H. sapiens from Europe.
Are the fossils found at Kabwe (Broken Hill) thought to be Neandertal or Homo erectus? The fossils have variously been considered either African neandertal or Homo erectus. The material exhibits many primitive features similar to those of H. erectus.
Name some primitive features found in the Archaic Homo sapiens ilium from Kabwe (Broken Hill) Well-developed iliac pillar.
Are the brow ridges of the Archaic Homo sapiens cranium found at Kabwe (Broken Hill) gracile or heavy? The cranium has heavy brow ridges
Describe the occipital region of the Archaic Homo sapiens cranium found at Kabwe (Broken Hill) acutely flexed occipital with a prominent torus
Where is the maximum skull breadth of the Archaic Homo sapiens cranium found at Kabwe (Broken Hill)? maximum breadth of skull is low, presumably in mastoid region.
Anatomically modern H. sapiens are known from the Late Pleistocene beginning about when? 125 kya.
This Skuhl IV AMHS skull from the Near East is dated to when? between 80-119 kya.
What time period do the artifacts and pottery associated with the Skuhl IV skull and other fossils from the Near East (many of which are burials) come from? Both middle and upper Paleolithic
Who occupied the Skuhl IV skull site at a later time than AMHS? Neandertals occupied the site later in time, used the same tool kit, and also buried their dead.
When do anatomically modern H. sapiens appear in Europe? 34 kya
Is anatomically modern H. sapiens's appearance in Europe (34 kya) earlier or later than in Africa or the Near East? much later than in either Africa or the Near East, where the oldest anatomically modern humans date to at least 100 kya.
When does the oldest anatomically modern material from western Europe, collectively referred to as Cro-magnons, appear? 30-28 kya
Is a Cro-magnon's cranial vault smaller or larger than its ancestors? Enlarged
Describe a Cro-magnon's frontal bone. steeply ascending
Where is a Cro-magnon's greatest skull breadth? biparietal breadth is greatest
Does a Cro-magnon have a nuchal crest? no
Describe a Cro-magnon's occipital region. round with no nuchal crest
Does a Cro-magnon have a sagittal keel? no
Does a Cro-magnon have a suprorbital torus or thick brow ridges? no
Describe a Cro-magnon's mandible. more gracile with development of a chin.
What type of hominid occupied Europe directly before the Cro-magnons? Neandertals
The skull (Wajak I - Anatomically modern H. sapiens from East Asia) from Java is thought to be of Late Pleistocene age based on what? anatomical comparison with prehistoric Australian aborigines.
What does faunal correlation suggest about the Wajak (Anatomically modern H. sapiens from East Asia) material? it is essentially Recent in age.
What has the similarity of the Wajak I material to prehistoric cranial material from Australia been used as evidence for? regional continuity between East Asia and Australia.
Neandertal material from La Ferrassie is dated to when? between 60-75 KYA.
Who were the first hominids known to bury their dead? Neandertals
La Ferrassie is the sight of eight known burials of which group of hominids? Neandertals
What is the significance of the short, broad ilium of the australopithecine from Swartkrans? The short broad ilium in particular is an adaptation for bipedalism.
Is an australopithecine's pelvic bone more like that of a human or a gorilla? it is more like that of a modern human – short and broad.
La Chapelle-aux-Saints, France, is a site where which group of hominids was found? Neandertals
Where, and during what time period, did Neandertals gradually develop their unique suite of cranial and postcranial features? Europe, between 300-35 kya.
What are many Neandertal postcranial features adaptations to? living in cold climates.
When do Neandertals dissappear abruptly from the fossil record? by 29 kya.
Describe the braincase of Neandertals. Large, long, and low braincase, – wider at middle or bottom
Describe the eye orbits of Neandertals. high and rounded
Did Neandertals have high or low foreheads? low foreheads
Describe the occipital bone of Neandertals. bulging occipital bone
Describe the brow ridges of Neandertals. double-arched
Describe the cheeks of Neandertals. inflated cheekbones which slope backward.
Did Neandertals have large or small noses? large, voluminous noses
Describe the midfaces of Neandertals. midfacial projection
Did Neandertals have a strongly or weakly developed chin? weakly
Where is the retromolar gap located on Neandertals? behind 3rd molar
Where is the mental foramen of Neandertals usually located? under the 1st molar
Is the mastoid process of Neandertals larger or smaller than modern humans? smaller
On what continent was The Bodo cranium (Archaic Homo sapiens) discovered? Africa
The Bodo cranium (Archaic Homo sapiens) is from sediments dated to when? 600 kya, squarely within the Middle Pleistocene.
Did the hominids at Bodo began using Acheulian tools and abandoning Oldowan tools earlier or later than elsewhere in Africa? substantially later (600 kya) than elsewhere in Africa.
Does the Bodo cranium (Archaic Homo sapiens) have thick or thin bones? thick
Does the Bodo cranium (Archaic Homo sapiens) have brow ridges or a supraorbital torus? brow ridges
Does the Bodo cranium (Archaic Homo sapiens) have a small or pronounced glabellar region between the eyes? pronounced
Does the frontal bone of the Bodo cranium (Archaic Homo sapiens) recede as in other archaic H. sapiens or rise steeply as in anatomically modern H. sapiens? it recedes
Average capacity of autralopith crania 413-530 cc
Were austrolopith cranial bones thick or thin? thin
Had austrolopiths' temporal lobes expanded or contracted? expanded
With time, austrolopith faces become what? shorter, deeper and more massive
How would you describe and austolopith's post-canine teeth? megadontia
Austrolopith skull bones contained pockets of air, so they are characterized as being what? pneumatized
With time, did austrolopith's sagittal and nuchal crests grow larger or smaller? larger
Over time, did austrolopith's anterior pillars develop, or reduce? develop
What is considered the potential root species of all later hominins? Ardipithecus ramidus
How does Ardipithecus ramidus differ from australopithecines and resemble a presumed ape ancestor? large canines, thin enamel, and primitive P3 anatomy
Did Ardipithecus ramidus have large or small canines? large
Was Ardipithecus ramidus' tooth enamel thick or thin? thin
How could one describe Ardipithecus ramidus' P3 anatomy? primitive
Did Ardipithecus ramidus have postcanine megadontia? no
What indicates Ardipithecus ramidus' possible bipedalism? anterior placement of occipital condyles and foramen magnum.
Who was Australopithecus anamensis ancestral to? A. afarensis
Did Australopithecus anamensis have thick or thin tooth enamel? Thick
Did Australopithecus anamensis have megadontia? yes, buccolingual megadontia
How would you describe Australopithecus anamensis' megadontia? buccolingual megadontia
How does Australopithecus anamensis differ from other australopiths? it had parallel mandibular tooth rows, canines with long robust roots, and a small, elliptical ear hole (EAM)
How were Australopithecus anamensis' mandibular tooth rows arranged? parallel
Describe Australopithecus anamensis' canine roots. long and robust
Describe Australopithecus anamensis' ear hole. small and elliptical (EAM)
What characteristics of Australopithecus anamensis indicate bipedalism? Tibial plateau and straight tibial shaft.
Describe Australopithecus afarensis' craniodental features in relation to pongids and hominids Craniodentally intermediate between pongids and later hominids
How big was “Lucy” (Australopithecus afarensis)? 3.5 ft tall and 30 kg
Was Australopithecus afarensis bipedal? yes, but not as in modern Homo
Describe the arms and phalanges of Australopithecus afarensis Long arms and curved phalanges
Did Australopithecus afarensis display sexual dimorphism? yes, a great degree of sexual dimorphism
Describe Australopithecus africanus' cranium Dolichocephalic (long, narrow)
Did Australopithecus africanus have a supraorbital torus? yes
Were Australopithecus africanus' eye orbits circular as in Homo? yes
Did Australopithecus africanus have a prognathic face? Yes, slight facial prognathism.
Describe Australopithecus africanus' dental arch Parabolic
Did Australopithecus africanus have a diastema? no
Describe the position of Australopithecus africanus' foramen magnum. Forward
Describe Australopithecus africanus' brain in relation to apes. large relative to apes, but with apelike sulcal patterns
What was the approximate brain size of Austrolopithecus robustus? 530 cc
Describe Austrolopithecus robustus' face Face hafted high (little forehead)
Did Austrolopithecus robustus have large or small brow ridges? large
Describe Austrolopithecus robustus teeth. Reduced anterior dentition/ post-canine megadontia, with prominent anterior pillars
Was Austrolopithecus robustus' enamel thick or thin? Thick
Were the sagittal and nuchal crests of Australopithecus boisei/A. Aethiopicus accentuated? yes
Were the cranial bones of Australopithecus boisei/A. Aethiopicus pneumatized? yes, heavily.
Describe the foreheads of Australopithecus boisei/A. Aethiopicus. Low or absent forehead
Describe the faces of Australopithecus boisei/A. Aethiopicus Long, flat face
Describe the jaws and teeth of Australopithecus boisei/A. Aethiopicus Huge jaws and postcanine megadontia
Were Australopithecus boisei/A. Aethiopicus sexually dimorphic? yes (34 kg vs 49 kg)
Are there numerous Australopithecus boisei/A. Aethiopicus postcranial remains? no, few isolated postcranial remains
What features did Australopithecus aethiopicus share with A. afarensis? Flat, shallow palate; Pronounced subnasal prognathism; Large anterior teeth; Maxillary dental arch converges posteriorly; Flat cranial base & TMJ fossa
Describe the palate of Australopithecus aethiopicus. Flat, shallow palate
Did Australopithecus aethiopicus have pronounced subnasal prognathism? yes
Describe the anterior teeth of Australopithecus aethiopicus large
Describe the maxillary dental arch of Australopithecus aethiopicus? it converges posteriorly
Describe the cranial base of Australopithecus aethiopicus Flat
Did Australopithecus aethiopicus have a TMJ fossa? yes
How does the postcanine dentition of Australopithecus garhri compare to that of A. afarensis? Larger postcanine dentition
Describe the anterior dentition of Australopithecus garhri large
Does Australopithecus garhri have the craniodental features of the “robust” lineage? no
Describe post cranial traits of Australopithecus garhri Femoral elongation but still retains relatively long forearms (e.g., as in A. afarensis)
Who is Australopithecus garhri descended from? A. afarensis
Who is Australopithecus garhri ancestor to? Homo
are small anterior teeth a robust or gracile feature? Robust
is postcanine megadontia a robust or gracile feature? Robust
are large sagittal crests a robust or gracile feature? Robust
are zygomatic arches a robust or gracile feature? Robust
Is an absent forehead a robust or gracile feature? Robust
Is post-orbital constriction a robust or gracile feature? Robust
Are large brow ridges a robust or gracile feature? Robust
are large anterior teeth a robust or gracile feature? gracile
is a projecting face (prognathous) a robust or gracile feature? gracile
are smaller postcanine teeth a robust or gracile feature? gracile
are small or absent sagittal crests (smaller muscle attachments) a robust or gracile feature? gracile
is a higher cranial vault (forehead), a robust or gracile feature? gracile
is weak post-orbital constriction a robust or gracile feature? gracile
are weak brow ridges a robust or gracile feature? gracile
Describe H. Habilis' postcanine crowns. Buccolingually narrow
Is H. habilis' M3 enlarged or reduced? reduced
Were H. habilis' limb proportions and forelimb robusticity apelike? maybe (hey, that's what the powerpoint says)
Was H. habilis' hand like that of apes or humans? Hand is a mosaic of human and ape
Were the distal phalanges of H. habilis thin or wide? Wide distal phalanges
Describe the flexor attachments on H. habilis' metacarpals. Large flexor attachments on metacarpals
Is H. habilis' femur similar to australopiths or modern humans? austrolopiths
What is the mean brain size of H. habilis sensu stricto? 610 cc
Does H. habilis' cranium display an enlarged contribution of occipital to sagittal arc? yes
Does H. habilis' parietals have a larger coronal or sagittal chord? coronal
Is H. habilis' upper face or midface broader? Upper face breadth is greater than midface breadth
Describe H. habilis' Malar (cheekbone region)? the surface is vertical, not dished out like Austrolopiths
Is H. habilis' palate elongated or shortened compared to its predecessors? shortened
what is the brain size of australopiths similar to? that of extant (living) apes
was brain size expansion an early trend in hominid evolution? no
did brain size expansion or bipedalism came first in hominid evolution? bipedalism
Was the Ontogeny (maturation pattern) of australopiths like apes or humans? apes
Name 3 important trends in the Genus Homo Larger body size; Larger brain size (600 cc or more); Reduced sexual dimorphism
Was H. habilis' Maxilla and mandible larger or smaller than that of Australopiths? smaller
What was H. habilis' average brain size? 650 cc
Did H. habilis have slight or strong muscle markings, or was there a range? a range of slight to strong
Describe the parietal bone curvature in H. habilis' sagittal plane. it varies from slight to moderate
Describe the angle of H. habilis' occipital curvature. Wide angle curvature to occipital
Who displays the first evidence for Broca’s area, a speech area in left cerebral cortex? H. habilis
Were H. habilis' incisors large or small? large
Were H. habilis' molars larger or smaller than Australopiths or H. erectus, or did it overlap both ranges? it overlapped the ranges of both Austrolopiths and H. erectus
Describe H. habilis' canines in relation to its premolars. canines are large relative to premolars
Describe H. habilis' premolars in comparison to Austrolopiths. Premolars narrower than in Australopiths
Were H. habilis's teeth relatively narrow buccolingually and elongated mesiodistally? yes
Were H. habilis's teeth relatively narrow mesiodistally and elongated buccolingually? no - H. habilis's teeth were relatively narrow buccolingually and elongated mesiodistally
Describe the terminal phalanges of H. habilis. broad, as in humans
Describe the middle phalanges of H. habilis. curved, robust middle phalanges with marked flexor insertions, as in apes
Had the thumb joint (carpometacarpal) of H. habilis become human-like? yes
Describe the big toe of H. habilis Stout, adducted big toe (non-opposable) human-like
Describe the foot of H. habilis Well-marked longitudinal and transverse arches, human-like
What year was OH 62 found? 1986
Is OH 62's Palate and teeth similar to H. habilis specimens? yes
What is OH 62's Humerofemoral index? 95 (modern humans: 75; A. afarensis: 85)
Describe OH 62's arms. Very long, apelike
How big was OH 62? Tiny individual, smaller than Lucy and any other known fossil hominins
How old was OH 62 in comparison to Lucy and other known fossil hominins? 1 MY younger
A simple way of describing OH 62 is: Larger brained, tiny, ape-limbed thing
How does OH 62 not fit into the trend towards modern humans? Trend toward modern humans was supposed to involve larger bodies and brains
How much later than OH 62 did H. erectus appear? There is an awkward juxtaposition of relatively modern H. erectus (KNM WT 15000) just 0.2 MY later
What is the mean brain size of H. rudolfensis? 751 cc
Was H. rudolfensis' frontal lobe symmetrical or asymmetrical? asymmetry as in later Homo
Did H. rudolfensis' parietals have a larger sagittal or parietal chord? saggital
Was H. rudolfensis' midface or upper face broader? Midface breadth greater than upper face breadth
Describe the incline of H. rudolfensis' cheek bones. Anteriorly inclined cheek bones
Did H. rudolfensis have narrow or broad postcanine crowns? Broad
Were H. rudolfensis' M3's reduced? No M3 reduction
What is the mean brain size of H. rudolfensis? 751 cc
Was H. rudolfensis' frontal lobe symmetrical or asymmetrical? asymmetry as in later Homo
Did H. rudolfensis' parietals have a larger sagittal or parietal chord? saggital
Was H. rudolfensis' midface or upper face broader? Midface breadth greater than upper face breadth
Describe the incline of H. rudolfensis' cheek bones. Anteriorly inclined cheek bones
Did H. rudolfensis have narrow of braod postcanine crowns? Broad
Were H. rudolfensis' M3's reduced? No M3 reduction
What is the age of the earliest AMHS found to date? ~ 160 KYA
What sort of tools did Archaic MP hominins use? Early Stone Age tools
For how long was AMHS associated with Middle Stone Age tools? for over half of Late Pleistocene
Oldowan and Acheulian belong to Lower, Middle, or Upper Paleolithic? Lower (Early Stone Age)
Mousterian belongs to Lower, Middle, or Upper Paleolithic? Middle Stone Age (Middle Paleolithic) (cores and flakes)
Blade tools and microliths hafted to wood or bone handles belong to Lower, Middle, or Upper Paleolithic? Late Stone Age (Upper Paleolithic)
Which hominids are associated with Oldowan tools? A. boisei; A. robustus; H. habilis; Other early Homo; H. erectus; AMPHs (Bodo, Africa)
When was the earliest appearance of Olduwan tools? 2.5 MYA (Africa)
Which hominin species are associated with Acheulian tools? H. erectus; AMPHs; H. heidelbergensis (Atapuera, Gran Dolina)
When was the earliest appearance of Acheulian tools? 1.4 MYA (Africa)
Which hominin species are associated with Middle Paleolithic tools? Neandertals; Anatomically Modern Homo sapiens
What is the time frame for Middle Paleolithic tools? 100-200 KYA
Which hominin species are associated with Upper Paleolithic tools? AMHS (Saint- Césaire, Arcy-sur-cure, France)
Earliest appearance of Upper Paleolithic tools? 40-45 KYA (Africa and Asia)
What changes are visible in the cranial vault of Anatomically Modern H. sapiens? Cranial vault enlarged and elevated; Cranial bones thinner
Where is the greatest cranial breadth on Anatomically Modern H. sapiens? Biparietal breadth > biauricular region
Describe the occipital region of Anatomically Modern H. sapiens. round Occipital region
Describe the superior orbital margins of Anatomically Modern H. sapiens. Crest-like superior orbital margins
Did prognathism increase or decrease in Anatomically Modern H. sapiens? Reduced prognathism and short face
Did Anatomically Modern H. sapiens' alveolar processes increase or reduce? Reduced alveolar processes
Did Anatomically Modern H. sapiens have a canine fossa? yes, they developed canine fossa
Did Anatomically Modern H. sapiens' mandible become more or less robust? Reduced mandibular robusticity
What is the brain size of Anatomically Modern H. sapiens? Brain size 1000-2000cc (mean, 1300cc)
How adapted for speech were Anatomically Modern H. sapiens? Brain and vocal tract fully adapted for speech
Did Anatomically Modern H. sapiens' upper limbs become more or less muscular? Reduced upper-limb muscularity
Behaviorally modern is defined by archaeologists as what? a transition from Middle to Upper Paleolithic cultures
When did the shift to behavioral modernism occur in Central and Eastern Europe? ~ 40-45 KYA; AMHS appear ~35 KYA
Did the shift to behavioral modernism occur earlier or later in the Near East and Africa than in Central and Eastern Europe? Transition occurred slightly earlier in Near East and in Sub- saharan Africa
Is there a one-to-one correspondence between stone tool cultures and AMHS? No
Further examples of behavioral modernism: More objects of personal adornment; Art; More elaborate and substantial shelters; More sophisticated weapons; Specialized hunting of game species
Die Kelders Cave (Africa) contains AMHS layers from which parts of the Stone Age? Middle and Late Stone Age layers
When are the MSA layers at Die Kelders Cave (Africa) dated to? 57-71 KYA
What sort of tools were found at Die Kelders Cave (Africa)? Elongated flake tools
What were the Animal remains found at Die Kelders Cave (Africa) indicative of? less broad and daring diet than in Late Stone Age
Equus Cave contained tools from which parts of the Pleistocene? Middle and Late Stone Age tools
What years do the MSA layers at Equus span? 33-103 KYA
What was found at Equus Cave? 12 AMHS teeth and a mandible
Were the fossils found at Equus Cave found directly with MSA tools? No
Klasies River Mouth contains Middle Stone Age layers with human inhabitants dated to what time frame? 120-60 KYA
Is the postcranial material found at Klasies River Mouth fully modern? yes
Is the cranial material found at Klasies River Mouth robust and strongly sexually dimorphic? yes, yet still modern
There is evidence at Klasies River Mouth of the consumption of what kinds of food? Shellfish, sea and land mammals, plants
What location contained possible evidence of cannibalism? Klasies River Mouth
Border Cave (AMHS) contains Middle Paleolithic levels dating to when? 33-175 KYA
What was found at Border Cave? AMHS Cranial vault, mandibles, infant skeleton, postcranial fragments
Where was one of the only ornaments and the only grave known in South African MSA context found? Border Cave – Infant appears to have been buried and left with a sea shell
What Upper Paleolithic feature is evidenced at Border Cave? Evidence for hafting
When is the material from Florisbad (Africa) dated to? 250 KYA
How does the fossil cranium from Florisbad (Africa) resemble AMPHs? Projecting brow ridges and face as in archaic Middle Pleistocene hominins
How does the fossil cranium from Florisbad (Africa) resemble AMHS? Broad, round forehead as in AMHS
What is the date for the AMHS cranium found at Omo 1 (Kibish Formation)? 130 KYA
What is the date range for the AMHS fossils found at Jebel Irhoud? 90-125 KYA
Do the AMHS fossils found at Omo appear to be extensions of Mediterranean hominins? No. Not extensions of Mediterannean hominins, but more like other African material
Where are Neandertals primarily known to be from? Europe
What sort of tools are Neadertals associated with? Neandertals are associated with Middle Paleolithic tools
What are 3 locations of early Neandertal discoveries? Engis Cave, Forbes Quarry, Feldhofer Cave; (Neander Valley)
what are the 3 hypotheses regarding the relationship between AMHS and Neandertals? Peripheral and genetically isolated from AMHS; Evolutionary continuity between Neandertals and AMHS; Archaic group that went extinct while a distinct group evolved contemporaneously into AMHS, sometimes in same geographic region.
Describe Neandertal's cranial vault. Vault long, low, and wide
Were Neandertal's facials skeletons strong or weak? Massive facial skeleton
Describe the shape of Neandertal's supraorbital tori? Supraorbital tori semicircular
Describe Neandertal's occipital region. Angled occipital bone with bunning
Did Neandertal's have taurodontism? yes
Describe Neandertal's incisors. Large incisors, often shovel-shaped, with unusual wear pattern
Describe Neandertal's mandible. Mandible: retromolar space, mental foramen posterior, no chin
Were Neandertal's vertebral columns lightly or heavily built? Heavily built vertebral column
Describe Neandertal's scapula. Broad scapula
Describe Neandertal's humerus Robust humerus with massive head
Describe Neandertal's radius Laterally bowed radius
Describe Neandertal's distal phalanx (on the thumb). Long distal phalanx on thumb.
Describe Neandertal's Pelvis. dorsally rotated ilium and long pubic ramus
Describe Neandertal's cortical thickness (in the femur) Massive cortical thickness in femur
Were Neandertal's brachial and crural indices high or low? Low brachial and crural indices
Did Neandertals have foresight and mental templates suggestive of symbolic thinking? yes
Did Neandertals bury their dead? yes
Did Neandertals have an artistic sense? yes
Did Neandertals care for members of their societies who were disabled and/or old? yes
Did Neandertals have speech? possibly
When did Neandertals occupy Western Europe? they evolved gradually but disappeared abruptly (300- 29 KYA)
When did AMHS appear first in Eastern Europe? ~ 35 kya
When did AMHS appear in Western Europe? later than in Eastern Europe ~ 28-30 KYA (Cro-Magnons)
Who brought Aurignacian tools to Western Europe? AMHS
What model do Most Old World archaeologists prefer for Western Europe? Out of Africa model
Was there continuity in material culture and anatomy between Neandertals and H. sapiens in Central and Eastern Europe? Fossil and archaeological record supports Multiregional Continuity
the Szletian Upper Paleolithic assemblage has strong characteristics of what other subdivision of the Paleolithic? Middle Paleolithic
To when are the AMHS fossils found at Předmosti, Moravia dated? 26 KYA
Which site has the largest sample of Upper Paleolithic people in Eastern Europe? Předmosti, Moravia
What contributed to the large sample of Upper Paleolithic people at Předmosti, Moravia? A mass grave
Briefly describe the cranial and postcranial anatomy of the AMHS found at Předmosti, Moravia. Some Neandertal features in crania but postcrania fully modern
Did the site at Předmosti, Moravia contain more than AMHS material? yes, 1000s of bone, stone, and antler tools
To when are the Hominids found at Krapina, Croatia dated? Hominids dated to 130 KYA (levels 3-4)
Where is the most extensive sample of Neandertals known from a single locality? Krapina, Croatia
Are the Neandertals from Krapina, Croatia anatomically aligned with Neandertals from Western Europe? yes
Was was found at Vindija, Croatia? Over 80 Neandertal fragments
Briefly describe the cranial features of the skulls from Vindija, Croatia. Some cranial features intermediate between Neandertals and AMHS
Neandertals in youngest layers at Vindija, Croatia are associated with what sort of tools? a single Aurignacian tool
are both Neandertals and AMHS associated with Middle Paleolithic tools? yes
When was the transition to Upper Paleolithic tools? ~ 40 KYA
Was the transition to Upper Paleolithic tools before or after the appearance of AMHS? after the appearance of AMHS
Are some AMHS sites in Eastern Europe as old as some African sites? yes ~ 120 KYA
How long may have Neandertals and early modern humans co-existed in Eurasia? for over 50 KYA
Describe the cranial anatomy of the AMHS found at Skuhl, Israel. Mosaic of modern and Neandertal features but even hominids from oldest levels (80- 119 KYA) are anatomically modern postcranially
What sort of tools were being used at the Skuhl, Israel site? Middle and Upper Paleolithic artifacts (and pottery)
To when do the fossils found at Qafzeh, Israel date? 90-100 KYA
What was located at Qafzeh, Israel? Three AMHS burials with grave items
Were the AMHS fossils found at Qafzeh, Israel anatomically similar to those found at Skhul? yes
What does the larger amount of commensal rodents at the Qafzeh, Israel AMHS site (compared to Neandertal sites) suggest? possibly longer residence?
What could the femoral anatomy of the AMHS specimens from Qafzeh, Israel indicate? may indicate a more sedentary population compared to Neandertals
Where is one of longest records of stone tool change though the Middle and Upper Pleistocene (400/200 KYA – 46 KYA)? Tabun Cave, Israel
What is the time frame for the Neandertals found at Tabun Cave, Israel? Neandertals date from 130-85 KYA
Are the dates of the Neandertals found at Tabun Cave, Israel similar to AMHS sites? yes
How old is the Neandertal material from Kebara Cave, Israel? 60 KYA – younger than some of the AMHS from region!
What was found at Kebara Cave, Israel? Adult male skeleton with most complete known Neandertal pelvis and an intact hyoid bone
How old is the Neandertal material from Shanidar Cave, Iraq? 45-60 KYA – Younger than AMHS from area!
Where was the largest sample of Neandertal skeletons found in the Near East found? Shanidar Cave, Iraq (7 adults, 2 infants)
Is there much cranial variation between the specimens from Shanidar Cave, Iraq? Considerable cranial variation
Was there much trauma to the specimens from Shanidar Cave, Iraq? Extremely high incidence of trauma, a common pattern in Neandertals
Created by: kevin23
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