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Question: What points are used in HT patterns of Qi, Yang deficiency and yang collapse?Answer: All patterns: PC6; Tonify Qi: HT5, UB15, RN17, RN6, DU14; Rescue yang: RN4, RN6, RN8, DU20; KD yang: Du4, UB23; HT yang ST36, DU14, Question: What points are used in HT deficiency and HT yin deficiency?Answer: All patterns: PC6; Nourish and tonify HT: HT7, RN14, RN15; Tonify blood and yin: RN4; Tonify blood: UB17; tonify SP: UB20; yin: SP6; Night sweats: HT6, KD7 Question: What are used for HT fire?Answer: fire: HT8, HT9, LI11; Calm mind: HT7, RN15, DU24, DU19; Promote yin: SP6, KD6 [fire will burn fluids; fire also affects mind; when blood is strong mind is at rest] Question: What points are used for HT fire?Answer: HT9 open HT orifice; Resolve phlegm: PC5, ST40, RN12, UB20; Clear HT fire: HT8, HT9, LV2, UB15; Calm mind: RN15, HT7, PC7, SP6, DU24, GB13 [schizo]; Consciousness: DU20; Open : GB17 Question: What are used for HT phlegm?Answer: HT9 open HT ; Resolve phlegm: PC5 [non-substantial phlegm tonify SP as source of phlegm], ST40, RN12, UB20; Clear HT: DU14, UB15; Consciousness: DU26 Question: What are points for HT Qi ?Answer: Move Qi in chest: RN17, LU7, LI4; Calm mind: PC6, ST40, HT5, HT7, Question: What are for HT blood stasis?Answer: Move blood: UB17, SP10, PC6, UB14, RN17; Calm mind: HT7; Chest pain: PC4, Question: What are for HT vessel obstruction?Answer: Calm mind: RN15; Open chest and move Qi and blood: PC6; Move HT Qi and : HT5, HT7; Move Qi: LU7, LI4, RN17; Move HT blood: UB17, UB15; Resolve phlegm: ST40; Supp SP: RN12 Question: What should you know HT/PC patterns?Answer: PC resemble HT patterns; menstrual problems will differentiate b/w HT and PC; discomfort in chest or SOB; so HT Sx w/ menstrual and chest discomfort = PC Question: What are s/s of PC blood ?Answer: discomfort in the , palpitations, insomnia, choppy pulse Question: What are points for PC deficiency?Answer: Tonify PC: PC6, UB14; Tonify blood: UB17, UB20, RN4; Calm mind, tonify blood: Rn14, RN15, hT7, SP4, PC6; move Qi and : Rn17 Question: What are s/s for PC heat?Answer: Fever at , delirium, red tongue, no coat Question: What are used for PC heat?Answer: PC heat: PC8, PC9, HT9; Nourish fluids: KD6 [ying level heat and 4 bigs; less heat than w/ fire] Question: What are s/s for PC fire?Answer: Palpitations, a feeling of tightness of the , thirst bitter taste, insomnia Question: What are for PC fire?Answer: LI11; PC fire: PC8, UB14, RN17; HT fire: HT8, RN14, RN15; LV fire: LV2; Nourish yin: SP6; Calm mind: DU24, DU19 [lots of heat in HT, PC and LV] Question: What are s/s of PC fire?Answer: Feeling of oppression and pain of the chest; all symptoms; red swollen tongue w/ sticky yellow coat Question: What are points used for PC fire?Answer: HT fire: UB15, HT8, HT9, PC7, HT7; PC fire: UB14, RN17; LV fire: LV2; phlegm: ST40, PC5, UB20, RN12, SP6; Calm mind: RN15, GB13, DU24, DU20, GB17 Question: What are s/s of PC Qi ?Answer: Palpitations, a feeling of distension in the Question: What are points used for PC Qi ?Answer: Move Qi: LU7, LI4, PC6, HT5, HT7, UB14, RN17, ST40; calm mind open : RN14, RN15 Question: What are s/s of PC stasis?Answer: Stabbing chest pain, lips Question: What are for PC blood stasis?Answer: Move blood: UB17, SP10, PC6, UB14, HT7, RN14, RN17; pain: PC4 Question: What are s/s of LV Qi ?Answer: Feeling of , depression, moodiness, wiry pulse; feeling of heat, wiry pulse red sides of tongue Question: What are points used for LV Qi ?Answer: LV3, GB34; Move LV Qi: SJ6, PC6; LV invading: LV14 (ST); LV13 (SP); Transform heat Question: What are s/s of LV stasis?Answer: Dark and clotted blood, purple tongue Question: What are for LV blood stasis?Answer: LV3, GB34; Move blood: UB17, UB18, SP10, KD14, ST29; Move Qi and : RN6, LV5, lV6; Open chong and move blood stasis: SP4, PC6 Question: What are s/s for LV fire?Answer: H/A irritability, red face, red eyes, red , yellow coat Question: What are for LV fire?Answer: LV3; Drain fire: LV2, GB20, LV1; H/A: taiyang: GB1, GB6, GB8, GB9; SP6, LI11, Question: What are s/s of LV cold?Answer: Hypo pain referring to scrotum, cold hands and feet wiry deep slow Question: What are used for LV cold?Answer: LV3, RN3, LV1, LV5 [like a ; LJ pain refers to scrotum Question: What are s/s for LV DH?Answer: Fullness of hypo and abd, feeling , nausea, biter and sticky taste, sticky yellow coat; slippery pulse Question: What are used for LV DH?Answer: Reg Qi: LV14; Resolve damp: GB34, UB18, RN12, SP9, SP6; damp heat: LI11; Clear LV heat: LV2 Question: What are points for LV yang ?Answer: Subdue LV yang: LV3, GB20, SJ5, PC6, LI4; Yin: LV8, ST36, SP6, KD3, KD6; H/A: GB43, GB38, Tai yang, UB2, GB8, GB9, GB6 Question: What points are used for LV wind d/t heat?Answer: Wind: DU16, DU20; Cool : Shi Xuan, DU14, DU8 [exterior like meningitis, opisthotonos, stiffness of neck, upward staring eyes, lockjaw, LOC Question: What points are used for LV yang ?Answer: LV3, GB LI4, SJ5; Extinguish wind: DU19; Nourish yin: SP6, LV8, KD3; Nourish KD yin: KD6, RN4; blood: UB17, RN4 Question: What are used for LV fire?Answer: LV3, GB20; Drain LV fire: LV2, LI11; Wind: GB1, LV1; and tremors; DU8; Nourish yin: SP6 [interior yin] Question: What are for LV blood deficiency?Answer: LV3, GB20; wind: Li4, SJ5, DU19; Nourish blood: RN4, UB17, SP6, LV8, Question: What are s/s of LV def?Answer: Blurred vision, scanty periods, dull pale , pale tongue Question: What are used for LV blood deficiency?Answer: Nourish blood: LV8, RN4, UB18, UB17; Tonify post heaven Qi: ST36, SP6; Tonify: UB20, UB23; H? vision: Yu Yao Question: What are s/s of LV yin ?Answer: Blurred vision, dry eyes, tongue w/o Question: What are for LV yin deficiency?Answer: Nourish LV blood: LV8, ST36, SP6, RN4; Nourish LV & KD yin: KD3, KD6; empty heat: LV2 Question: What are s/s of LV=> SP?Answer: Alternating constipation and diarrhea, abdominal distension and pain; wiry Question: What are for LV => SP?Answer: LV attack SP/ST: LV14, LV13; Regulate LV Qi: LV3, GB34, SJ6; MJ: RN6, SP6; Open chong; Tonify SP regulate LI: ST36, RN12, ST25, SP15 Question: What are used for LV => ST?Answer: LV14; Regulate LV Qi: GB34; Descend ST Qi: RN13, RN10, ST21, ST19; ST Qi: ST36, UB21; Epi pain: ST34 Question: What are s/s of LV LU?Answer: Breathlessness, asthma, fullness of hypo, h/A, wiry Question: What are points for LV fire LU?Answer: Harmonize LV Qi in : LV14; Regulate LVQi: LV3; Clear LV fire: LV2, LI11; Descend LU Qi: RN17, RN22, LU7, PC6 Question: What are s/s of LV and HT deficiency?Answer: Palpitations, dizziness, insomnia, blurred vision, poor memory, pale Question: What are used for LV and HT blood deficiency?Answer: Nourish blood: RN4, UB17, UB20; Nourish LV blood: UB18, UB23, LV8k, ST36, SP6; HT blood/calm mind: HT7, RN14, RN15; Tonify HT Qi/calm mind: PC 6 [Combined patterns] Question: What are s/s of LU Qi ?Answer: SOB, weak voice, empty Question: What are used for LU Qi deficiency?Answer: Tonify LU: LU9, LU7, UB13, DU12; Qi: RN6, RN12, ST36 Question: What are s/s of LU yin ?Answer: Dry cough, weak hoarse voice, dry throat, night sweat [has heat, doesn’t] Question: What are for LU yin deficiency?Answer: Nourish yin: RN4, KD6, SP6, UB43; Tonify LU: LU9, RN17, UB134, DU12; Tonify Qi: RN12; Clear deficient heat: LU10, Question: What are s/s of LU ?Answer: Dry , dry throat, dry tongue, hoarse voice Question: What are points for LU ?Answer: Tonify LU: LU9, Nourish Yin: RN4, KD6, SP6; Tonify ST nourish fluids: ST36, Question: What are s/s of LU WC?Answer: Aversion to cold, , floating pulse Question: What are used for LU WC?Answer: UB12, LU7, DU16 [MAC use LI4 but may be on exam] Question: What are s/s of LU WH?Answer: Fever, aversion to cold, sore , floating rapid pulse Question: What are for LU WH?Answer: Expel wind: UB12, LU7, DU16, GB20, SJ5; Release exterior clear heat: LI4; Clear heat: DU14, LI11, Question: What are s/s of LU Wind ?Answer: Sudden swelling of face to wind, floating slippery pulse Question: What are for LU wind water?Answer: UB12, UB13; Release exterior: LU7, LI4; Open water : LI6, RN9, DU26; Xi cleft: LI7 [yang edema in CAM points different; DU channel crosses UB12] Question: What are s/s of LU heat?Answer: Cough feeling of heat, thirst, red tongue w/ coat [barking/strong cough; starts exterior and has penetrated] Question: What are for LU heat?Answer: LU5, LU10, LI11, LU1, UB13, LU7 [drains as luo point] Question: What are s/s of LU cold ?Answer: Cough w/ watery sputum, phlegm in the throat, swollen tongue w/ sticky white coat Question: What are for Cold phlegm in the LU?Answer: Expel phlegm: LU5, ST40, RN22, PC6; phlegm: Rn12, UB20, RN9; Restores descending fxn of LU Qi: LU7, LU1, RN17, UB13; Tonify KD yang: UB23 [rooted in KD yang def affecting LU] Question: What are s/s of Damp in the LU?Answer: Chronic cough w/ profuse white sputum, thick sticky tongue coat Question: What are for damp phlegm in the LU?Answer: Strengthen LU: RN12, UB13; Resolve phlegm: LU5, ST40, UB20, RN9, RN22; : LU7, LU1; Open and move Qi: RN17, PC6 [SP is def; strengthen MJ, Tx phlegm and Tx cough] Question: What are s/s of fluids [rheum] in the LU?Answer: Cough w/ white watery frothy Question: What are points for fluids in the LU?Answer: Strengthen LU: RN12, UB13; Phlegm: LU5, ST40, RN9; Open and move: RN17; Tonify Qi: ST36, UB20, UB43, LU9, Question: What are s/s of dry in the LU?Answer: Dry cough w/ expectoration of scanty sputum, a feeling of oppression of the chest Question: What are for dry phlegm in the LU?Answer: Nourish Yin: LU9, LU7, KD6; Nourish fluids: Rn12, ST36, SP6; Resolve phlegm: ST40; Restores Descent of LU Qi: LU7, UB13, RN17 [looks like LU yin def; sticky sputum, diff to expectorate, drain and resolve + yin] Question: What are s/s of LU heat?Answer: Cough w/ or green sputum, thick sticky yellow coat; rapid slippery pulse Question: What are for phlegm heat?Answer: Strengthen LU: RN12, UB13; Phlegm: LU5, ST40; Cough: LU7, LU1; Clear heat: LI11, LI10 [barking , can be chronic; clear heat, reg cough, clear phlegm, strengthen LU] Question: What are for LU & HT Qi deficiency?Answer: Tonify Qi: RN6, ST36, RN12; Tonify LU Qi: LU9, LU7, UB13, DU12; HT Qi: HT5, PC6, UB15; Tonify gathering Qi: RN17 Question: What are common points for SP deficiency ?Answer: Tonify MJ: SP3, SP6, ST36; Transform damp: RN12, UB20, Question: What are s/s of SP Qi ?Answer: Poor , tiredness, loose stools Question: What are points for SP Qi ?Answer: Tonify MJ: SP3, SP6, ST36; Transform damp: RN12, UB20, UB21 [SP Qi def is the root for all SPO Def patterns] Question: What are s/s of SP yang ?Answer: stools, feeling cold, cold limbs, tiredness Question: What are points for SP yang ?Answer: Tonify MJ: SP3, SP6, ST36; Transform damp: RN12, UB20, UB21Resolve edema: RN9, ST28, UB22, SP9 [add’n of cold s/s and water accum; edema – nothing really addresses the cold] Question: What are s/s of SP Qi ?Answer: Bearing down sensation, weak Question: What are points for SP Qi ?Answer: Tonify MJ: SP3, SP6, ST36; Transform damp: RN12, UB20, UB21; Raise Qi: DU1, DU20; Treat prolapse: RN6, Question: What are s/s of SP not blood?Answer: Fine , pale tongue, bleeding Question: What are points for SP not controlling the ?Answer: Tonify MJ: SP3, SP6, ST36; damp: RN12, UB20, UB21; Stop bleeding: SP10, SP4, SP1, UB17 Question: What are s/s of SP deficiency?Answer: Tiredness, abd distension, scanty periods, pale tongue Question: What are for SP blood deficiency?Answer: Tonify MJ: SP3, SP6, ST36; damp: RN12, UB20, UB21; Nourish blood: RN4, UB17 Question: What are points for SP excess patterns?Answer: Tonify SP/transform damp: SP6, SP9, ST22, ST28, RN9, RN11, UB20, Question: What are s/s of SP Damp Cold?Answer: Abd fullness, a feeling of heaviness, sticky coat [Also have s/s in the head H/A, dizziness, Meniere’s] Question: What are for SP damp cold?Answer: Tonify SP/transform damp: SP6, SP9, ST22, ST28, RN9, RN11, UB20, UB22; phlegm/damp: ST8, RN12, SP3 Question: What are s/s of SP Damp Heat?Answer: Abdominal fullness, of heaviness, sticky yellow coat Question: What are for SP damp heat?Answer: SP/Transform damp: SP6, SP9, ST22, ST28, RN9, RN11, UB20, UB22; Resolve damp heat: LU1, DU9, GB34 [DU9 for jaundice rest for DH] Question: What are common points s for SP patterns?Answer: Tonify SP: SP3, SP6, ST36, RN12, Question: What are s/s of SP and LU Qi ?Answer: Lack of appetite, , breathlessness Question: What are points for SP & LU Qi ?Answer: Tonify SP: SP3, SP6, ST36, RN12, UB20, UB21, RN6; LU: LU7, LU9, UB13, DU12 Question: What are s/s of SP and LV deficiency?Answer: Loose stools, scanty periods, blurred , pale sides of tongue Question: What are points for SP and LV blood ?Answer: Tonify SP: SP3, SP6, ST36, RN12, UB20, UB21; Blood: LV8, UB17, UB18, UB23, RN4 Question: What are s/s of SP Damp w/ LV Qi ?Answer: Fullness of the epigastrium, hypo distension, thick sticky yellow Question: What are for SP damp w/ LV Qi stagnation?Answer: Tonify SP: SP3, SP6, ST36, RN12, UB20, SP9, Resolve MJ damp: ST19; Move LV Qi: LV3, LV13, LV14, GB24, Question: What are s/s of SP & HT deficiency?Answer: Palpitations, insomnia, tiredness, stools, scanty periods Question: What are points for SP & HT blood ?Answer: Tonify blood: RN4, UB17, UB20; Tonify HT blood and calm mind: HT7, PC6, RN14, RN15; Tonify SP Qi and SP blood: RN12, ST36, Question: What are s/s of KD yang ?Answer: Backache, feeling of cold, abundant clear urination, pale tongue, deep pulse, , dizziness, etc Question: What are points for KD yang ?Answer: Tonify KD Qi/yin/yang/essence: KD3; Tonify KD Qi/yang: UB23, UB52, DU4, KD7, Jing Gong; Tonify Qi: RN4, RN6 [UB52 good for yang def, KD7 for yang; Jing Gong to UB52] Question: What are s/s of KD Qi not ?Answer: SOB on , LBP, clear urination [difficult inhalation, SOB] Question: What are points for KD Qi not ?Answer: Tonify KD Qi/yin/yang/essence: KD3; Tonify KD Qi: UB23, DU4, KD6, LU7; Tonify Qi: RN4, RN6, RN17, ST36, DU12, UB13; KD receiving function: KD7, KD25, KD13 [tonify yin/yang; DU12 for cond’n] Question: What are s/s of KD Qi not firm?Answer: Dribbling after urination, chronic vaginal discharge, backache [classic Qi def w/ of fluids from lower yin; full leakage below; stop leaking and replenish yin/yang] Question: What are for KD Qi not firm?Answer: Tonify KD: KD3; Tonify KD Qi/Yang: UB23, UB52, DU4, JIng Gong; and tonify Qi: DU20, RN4, RN6; KD essence: KD 13; Leukorrhea: UB32 Question: What are s/s of KD yin ?Answer: Backache, night Question: What are for KD yin deficiency?Answer: KD: KD3; Tonify KD yin: KD6, KD9, KD10, SP6, RN7, RN4, LU7, KD6 [KD6 for yin, RN7 is a MAC KD yin; Open RN b/c sea of yin] Question: What are s/s of KD deficiency?Answer: Children: poor bone ; Adult: weak knees, falling hair; weak sexual activity Question: What are points for KD essence ?Answer: Tonify KD: KD3; Tonify KD: UB23, DU4, KD6; Tonify Jing: RN4, KD13; marrow/brain: DU16, DU17, DU20, GB39, UB11, DU14; Nourish HT yang: UB15 [tonify Jing and Mingmen fire: DU16 & 20 enter brain so nourishes so does 14 & 17] Question: What are s/s of KD yang w/ water overflowing?Answer: Edema of the , deep weak pulse, pale swollen tongue Question: What are for KD yang deficiency w/ water overflowing?Answer: Tonify yang: DU4, KD7, UB23; Reg water: UB22, RN9, ST28; fluids: SP9, SP6, UB20; Tonify HT: DU14, UB15; Tonify LU: UB13, DU12, LU7 [strongly transform fluids; water overflows to LU or HT so Tx both] Question: What are s/s of KD yin def w/ heat blazing?Answer: Malar flush, dizziness, tinnitus, feeling of heat in the afternoon, red peeled tongue; [yin def s/s w/ heat] Question: What are points for Yin deficiency w/ heat blazing?Answer: Tonify yin: SP6, RN4, KD3, KD6, KD9, KD10; Clear heat: KD2, LI11, LU10; Calm mind: HT5, HT6, LU7, Question: What are s/s of Ht/KD not ?Answer: Palpitations, dizziness, tinnitus, night sweat, red tongue w/ redder tip and crack w/o coat Question: What are points for HT/KD not ?Answer: Tonify KD: KD3; KD yin: RN4, SP6, KD6, KD10; clam mind: HT7, DU24, Yintang, KD9, RN15; Clear HT heat: HT5, HT 6, KD7, UB15 Question: What are s/s of KD & LV yin ?Answer: Dry eyes, dry throat, night , scanty menstruation, tongue w/o coat Question: What are points for KD & LV yin ?Answer: KD: KD3, KD6, KD13, UB23; Tonify KD/LV yin: RN4, SP6, LV8; Occipital H/A: UB10 Question: What are s/s of KD & LU yin ?Answer: Dry cough, dizziness, tinnitus, sweat, tongue w/o coat Question: What are for KD & LU yin deficiency?Answer: Tonify KD: KD3, KD6, KD13; Tonify KD/LV yin: RN4, SP6; LU Yin: LU1, LU7, LU9, UB43 Question: What are s/s of KD & SP yang ?Answer: LBP, feeling of cold, loose stools, deep weak Question: What are points for KD/SP yang ?Answer: Tonify SP yang: ST36, RN12, SP3, UB20, UB21; Tonify KD yang: KD3, KD7, UB23, UB52, DU4, RN4, RN6, Jing Gong; Stop diarrhea/edema: ST25, ST37, UB25, Question: What are common points for UB ?Answer: Regulate LJ : UB28, RN3 Question: What are s/s of UB damp heat?Answer: Burning on urination, dark urine, difficult Question: What are for UB damp heat?Answer: Reg LJ water: UB28, RN3; Resolve damp: SP6, SP9, UB22, ST28; heat: UB66, Xi cleft: UB63 [looks like UTI; Xi cleft for pain] Question: What are s/s of UB damp cold?Answer: Difficult urination, a feeling of heaviness, pale urine Question: What are for UB damp cold?Answer: Regulate LJ water: UB28, RN3, Resolve damp: SP6, SP9, UB22, ST28; Damp: Question: What are s/s of UB cold?Answer: Frequent pale urination, deep weak pulse Question: What are for UB deficiency cold?Answer: Regulate LJ water: UB28, RN3; tonify yang: UB23, DU4, RN4; Tonify Qi: RN6, DU20 [rooted in KD def; raise Qi b/c incontinence to lower yin] Question: What are s/s of GB damp heat?Answer: Hypo fullness, taste, thick sticky yellow coat on right side Question: What are for GB damp heat?Answer: Clear hat: GB24, UB19; Resolve damp: RN12, UB20; Clear heat and resolve damp: GB34, Dannangxue, DU9, LI11; Smooth LV Qi: LV14, SJ6; ST Qi: ST19 Question: What are s/s of LV & GB damp heat?Answer: Hypo fullness, bitter taste, sticky yellow coat on side, genital skin rashes & itching Question: What are of LV/GB damp heat?Answer: DH: GBG34, Dannangxue; Clear GB heat: GB24, UB19, DU9; Reg LV Qi: LV14, LV3, LV5, UB18; damp: RN12, UB20; Clear heat: LI11; Move Qi, clear heat: SJ6; Descend Qi: ST19 Question: What are s/s of GB ?Answer: Timidity, lack of , indecision Question: What are for GB deficiency?Answer: GB40, Tonify LV blood and Qi: UB18, LV8, ST36, SP4, RN4; Reg Hun: Question: What are s/s of ST fire/phlegm fire?Answer: Burning sensation in the epi, thirst w/ desire to drink cold liquids, thick yellow coat, red tongue [can also have mania but in bowels to DDX HT] Question: What are for ST fire/phlegm fire?Answer: Clear ST excess: ST21; heat: ST44, LI11, SP154; Move Qi and blood: RN11, RN12, LI4, ST34; Descend ST Qi: RN13 Question: What are s/s of ST cold?Answer: Sudden pain in the epi, vomiting, of cold, deep tight pulse Question: What are points for ST cold?Answer: Clear ST excess: ST21; Descend ST Qi: RN13; Expel cold accum: SP4, ST34 [sudden pain and ; SP4 – 5 stag + cold] Question: What are s/s of Food ?Answer: Epi fullness, sour regurgitation, thick coat Question: What are for food stagnation?Answer: Clear ST excess: ST21; Reg Stagnant Qi: SP4, PC6, RN12; Descend ST Qi; RN10, RN13, ST19, ST40, KD21; heat: ST44, ST45 Question: What are s/s of ST Qi /Answer: Tiredness in the morning, uncomfortable feeling in the epi; empty pulse in ST Question: What are for ST QI deficiency?Answer: Tonify SP/ST ST36, RN6, RN12, Question: What are s/s of ST cold?Answer: in epi, better after eating, tiredness, cold limbs [yang def, just like Qi def + cold signs Question: What are points for ST cod?Answer: SP/ST: ST36, RN6, RN12, UB21, UB20 Question: What are s/s of ST yin /Answer: Dull epi pain, dry , tongue w/ o coat or w/ rootless coat in the center Question: What are for ST yin deficiency?Answer: Tonify SP/ST: ST36, RN12; SP yin: SP3, SP6 [tonify ST yin w/ MJ; SP6 whole body yin, source of SP both to build fluids in MJ] Question: What are s/s of ST & SP Qi ?Answer: Poor appetite, epi , tiredness Question: What are points for ST & SP Qi ?Answer: Tonify ST & SP: RN12, ST36, SP3, SP6; Tonify ST: UB21; Tonify SP: UB20; Qi: RN6 Question: What is the point for SI excess?Answer: Question: What are s/s of SI heat?Answer: Abdominal pain, ulcer, scanty dark painful urination [heat transmits to SI to UB; tongue ulcer (HT) urine issues n(UB)] Question: What are for SI Heat?Answer: ST39, HT5, HT8, SI2, Question: What are s/s of SI Qi pain?Answer: Lower abd twisting pain, , deep wiry pulse [more chronic; twisting = colicky; Qi stag is the root so Qi and blood stag in LJ] Question: What are for SI Qi pain?Answer: ST39; Move Qi, stop pain: LV3, SP6, GB34, RN6; Move Qi LJ: ST27, ST29; : LV13 Question: What are s/s of SI Qi tied?Answer: Sudden severe abdominal pain, constipation, , deep wiry pulse [appendicitis; CAM equivalent is intestinal abscess] Question: What are for Si Qi tied?Answer: ST39; Move Qi, stop pain: LV3, SP6, GB34, RN6; Pain: ST25; Question: What are s/s of LI damp heat?Answer: Abd pain, diarrhea w/ and blood in the stool; [SP has n/v LI doesn’t; LI has sweating on limbs and chest stuffiness] Question: What are for LI damp heat?Answer: LI/ST excess: ST37, ST25; Clear heat: LI11, UB25, SP10; SP Qi: RN6, Rn12, UB20; Resolve damp: SP9, RN3, UB22; Nourish Yin: SP6, Stop pain: ST27 Question: What are s/s of LI heat?Answer: Dry , burning sensation in anus, thick, yellow dry coat [fluids are dried up; not as strong as YM organ heat] Question: What are for LI heat?Answer: LLI/ST excess: ST37, ST25; Clear heat: LI11, LI2, ST44, UB25; Nourish yin: KD6, SP6; Tonify SP, resolve damp: Question: What are s/s of LI heat ?Answer: Constipation, abd pain, fever, dry yellow coat Question: What are for LI heat obstruction?Answer: LI/ST excess: ST25; Clear heat: LI11, LI2, ST44, UB25; Constipation: LI4, SJ6, SP15; Nourish yin: SP6 [going for constipation b/c descending move ] Question: What are s/s of LI cold?Answer: Sudden abdominal pain, , feeling of cold Question: What are for LI cold?Answer: LI/ST : ST37, ST25; Expel cold: ST27; Move Qi: LV3; Warm SP tonify Qi: ST36; Nourish yin: SP6 [move Qi b/c cold constricts; ST27 regulates] Question: What are s/s of LI ?Answer: Dry stools that are to pass, thin body [no heat, stems from yin or blood def; see s/s in T & P] Question: What are points for LI ?Answer: Tonify SP/ST: ST36, SP6; Regulate MJ: ST25; Yin: KD6, RN4; Constipation: SP15 [nourish fluids and move bowels] |
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