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What points are used in HT deficiency patterns of Qi, Yang deficiency and yang collapse?
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What points are used in HT blood deficiency and HT yin deficiency?
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NCCAOM Points - MAC Rx

What points are used in HT deficiency patterns of Qi, Yang deficiency and yang collapse? All patterns: PC6; Tonify Qi: HT5, UB15, RN17, RN6, DU14; Rescue yang: RN4, RN6, RN8, DU20; KD yang: Du4, UB23; HT yang ST36, DU14, UB15
What points are used in HT blood deficiency and HT yin deficiency? All patterns: PC6; Nourish and tonify HT: HT7, RN14, RN15; Tonify blood and yin: RN4; Tonify blood: UB17; tonify SP: UB20; Nourish yin: SP6; Night sweats: HT6, KD7
What points are used for HT fire? Clear fire: HT8, HT9, LI11; Calm mind: HT7, RN15, DU24, DU19; Promote yin: SP6, KD6 [fire will burn fluids; fire also affects mind; when blood is strong mind is at rest]
What points are used for HT phlegm fire? HT9 open HT orifice; Resolve phlegm: PC5, ST40, RN12, UB20; Clear HT fire: HT8, HT9, LV2, UB15; Calm mind: RN15, HT7, PC7, SP6, DU24, GB13 [schizo]; Consciousness: DU20; Open orifices: GB17
What points are used for HT phlegm? HT9 open HT orifice; Resolve phlegm: PC5 [non-substantial phlegm tonify SP as source of phlegm], ST40, RN12, UB20; Clear HT: DU14, UB15; Consciousness: DU26
What are points for HT Qi stagnation? Move Qi in chest: RN17, LU7, LI4; Calm mind: PC6, ST40, HT5, HT7, RN15
What are points for HT blood stasis? Move blood: UB17, SP10, PC6, UB14, RN17; Calm mind: HT7; Chest pain: PC4, KD25
What are points for HT vessel obstruction? Calm mind: RN15; Open chest and move Qi and blood: PC6; Move HT Qi and blood: HT5, HT7; Move Qi: LU7, LI4, RN17; Move HT blood: UB17, UB15; Resolve phlegm: ST40; Supp SP: RN12
What should you know about HT/PC patterns? PC patterns resemble HT patterns; menstrual problems will differentiate b/w HT and PC; discomfort in chest or SOB; so HT Sx w/ menstrual and chest discomfort = PC
What are s/s of PC blood deficiency? discomfort in the chest, palpitations, insomnia, choppy pulse
What are points for PC blood deficiency? Tonify PC: PC6, UB14; Tonify blood: UB17, UB20, RN4; Calm mind, tonify blood: Rn14, RN15, hT7, SP4, PC6; move Qi and blood: Rn17
What are s/s for PC heat? Fever at night, delirium, red tongue, no coat
What points are used for PC heat? PC heat: PC8, PC9, HT9; Nourish fluids: KD6 [ying level heat and 4 bigs; less heat clearing than w/ fire]
What are s/s for PC fire? Palpitations, a feeling of tightness of the chest, thirst bitter taste, insomnia
What are points for PC fire? LI11; PC fire: PC8, UB14, RN17; HT fire: HT8, RN14, RN15; LV fire: LV2; Nourish yin: SP6; Calm mind: DU24, DU19 [lots of heat clearing in HT, PC and LV]
What are s/s of PC phlegm fire? Feeling of oppression and pain of the chest; all mental symptoms; red swollen tongue w/ sticky yellow coat
What are points used for PC phlegm fire? HT fire: UB15, HT8, HT9, PC7, HT7; PC fire: UB14, RN17; LV fire: LV2; Resolve phlegm: ST40, PC5, UB20, RN12, SP6; Calm mind: RN15, GB13, DU24, DU20, GB17
What are s/s of PC Qi stagnation? Palpitations, a feeling of distension in the chest
What are points used for PC Qi stagnation? Move Qi: LU7, LI4, PC6, HT5, HT7, UB14, RN17, ST40; calm mind open chest: RN14, RN15
What are s/s of PC blood stasis? Stabbing chest pain, purple lips
What are points for PC blood stasis? Move blood: UB17, SP10, PC6, UB14, HT7, RN14, RN17; chest pain: PC4
What are s/s of LV Qi stagnation? Feeling of distension, depression, moodiness, wiry pulse; feeling of heat, wiry pulse red sides of tongue
What are points used for LV Qi stagnation? LV3, GB34; Move LV Qi: SJ6, PC6; LV invading: LV14 (ST); LV13 (SP); Transform heat LV2
What are s/s of LV blood stasis? Dark and clotted menstrual blood, purple tongue
What are points for LV blood stasis? LV3, GB34; Move blood: UB17, UB18, SP10, KD14, ST29; Move Qi and blood: RN6, LV5, lV6; Open chong and move blood stasis: SP4, PC6
What are s/s for LV fire? H/A irritability, red face, red eyes, red tongue, yellow coat
What are points for LV fire? LV3; Drain fire: LV2, GB20, LV1; H/A: taiyang: GB1, GB6, GB8, GB9; SP6, LI11, GB13
What are s/s of LV cold? Hypo pain referring to scrotum, cold hands and feet wiry deep slow pulse
What points are used for LV cold? LV3, RN3, LV1, LV5 [like a hernia; LJ pain refers to scrotum
What are s/s for LV DH? Fullness of hypo and abd, feeling heaviness, nausea, biter and sticky taste, sticky yellow coat; slippery pulse
What points are used for LV DH? Reg Qi: LV14; Resolve damp: GB34, UB18, RN12, SP9, SP6; Clear damp heat: LI11; Clear LV heat: LV2
What are points for LV yang rising? Subdue LV yang: LV3, GB20, SJ5, PC6, LI4; Nourish Yin: LV8, ST36, SP6, KD3, KD6; H/A: GB43, GB38, Tai yang, UB2, GB8, GB9, GB6
What points are used for LV wind d/t extreme heat? Wind: DU16, DU20; Cool blood: Shi Xuan, DU14, DU8 [exterior like meningitis, opisthotonos, stiffness of neck, upward staring eyes, lockjaw, LOC
What points are used for LV yang rising? LV3, GB LI4, SJ5; Extinguish wind: DU19; Nourish yin: SP6, LV8, KD3; Nourish KD yin: KD6, RN4; Nourish blood: UB17, RN4
What points are used for LV fire? LV3, GB20; Drain LV fire: LV2, LI11; Wind: GB1, LV1; Spasms and tremors; DU8; Nourish yin: SP6 [interior yin]
What are points for LV blood deficiency? LV3, GB20; wind: Li4, SJ5, DU19; Nourish blood: RN4, UB17, SP6, LV8, KD3
What are s/s of LV blood def? Blurred vision, scanty periods, dull pale complexion, pale tongue
What points are used for LV blood deficiency? Nourish blood: LV8, RN4, UB18, UB17; Tonify post heaven Qi: ST36, SP6; Tonify: UB20, UB23; H? blurry vision: Yu Yao
What are s/s of LV yin deficiency? Blurred vision, dry eyes, tongue w/o coat
What are points for LV yin deficiency? Nourish LV blood: LV8, ST36, SP6, RN4; Nourish LV & KD yin: KD3, KD6; Clear empty heat: LV2
What are s/s of LV=> SP? Alternating constipation and diarrhea, abdominal distension and pain; wiry pulse
What are points for LV => SP? LV attack SP/ST: LV14, LV13; Regulate LV Qi: LV3, GB34, SJ6; Regulate MJ: RN6, SP6; Open chong; Tonify SP regulate LI: ST36, RN12, ST25, SP15
What points are used for LV => ST? LV14; Regulate LV Qi: GB34; Descend ST Qi: RN13, RN10, ST21, ST19; Tonify ST Qi: ST36, UB21; Epi pain: ST34
What are s/s of LV insulting LU? Breathlessness, asthma, fullness of hypo, h/A, wiry pulse
What are points for LV fire insulting LU? Harmonize LV Qi in chest: LV14; Regulate LVQi: LV3; Clear LV fire: LV2, LI11; Descend LU Qi: RN17, RN22, LU7, PC6
What are s/s of LV and HT blood deficiency? Palpitations, dizziness, insomnia, blurred vision, poor memory, pale tongue
What points are used for LV and HT blood deficiency? Nourish blood: RN4, UB17, UB20; Nourish LV blood: UB18, UB23, LV8k, ST36, SP6; Nourish HT blood/calm mind: HT7, RN14, RN15; Tonify HT Qi/calm mind: PC 6 [Combined patterns]
What are s/s of LU Qi deficiency? SOB, weak voice, empty pulse
What points are used for LU Qi deficiency? Tonify LU: LU9, LU7, UB13, DU12; Tonify Qi: RN6, RN12, ST36
What are s/s of LU yin deficiency? Dry cough, weak hoarse voice, dry throat, night sweat [has heat, dryness doesn’t]
What are points for LU yin deficiency? Nourish yin: RN4, KD6, SP6, UB43; Tonify LU: LU9, RN17, UB134, DU12; Tonify Qi: RN12; Clear deficient heat: LU10, LI11
What are s/s of LU dryness? Dry cough, dry throat, dry tongue, hoarse voice
What are points for LU dryness? Tonify LU: LU9, Nourish Yin: RN4, KD6, SP6; Tonify ST nourish fluids: ST36, RN12
What are s/s of LU WC? Aversion to cold, sneezing, floating pulse
What points are used for LU WC? UB12, LU7, DU16 [MAC doesn’t use LI4 but may be on exam]
What are s/s of LU WH? Fever, aversion to cold, sore throat, floating rapid pulse
What are points for LU WH? Expel wind: UB12, LU7, DU16, GB20, SJ5; Release exterior clear heat: LI4; Clear heat: DU14, LI11, LU11
What are s/s of LU Wind water? Sudden swelling of face aversion to wind, floating slippery pulse
What are points for LU wind water? UB12, UB13; Release exterior: LU7, LI4; Open water passages: LI6, RN9, DU26; Xi cleft: LI7 [yang edema in CAM points different; DU channel crosses UB12]
What are s/s of LU heat? Cough feeling of heat, thirst, red tongue w/ yellow coat [barking/strong cough; starts exterior and has penetrated]
What are points for LU heat? LU5, LU10, LI11, LU1, UB13, LU7 [drains excess as luo point]
What are s/s of LU cold phlegm? Cough w/ white watery sputum, phlegm in the throat, swollen tongue w/ sticky white coat
What are points for Cold phlegm in the LU? Expel phlegm: LU5, ST40, RN22, PC6; Resolve phlegm: Rn12, UB20, RN9; Restores descending fxn of LU Qi: LU7, LU1, RN17, UB13; Tonify KD yang: UB23 [rooted in KD yang def affecting LU]
What are s/s of Damp Phlegm in the LU? Chronic cough w/ profuse white sputum, thick sticky white tongue coat
What are points for damp phlegm in the LU? Strengthen LU: RN12, UB13; Resolve phlegm: LU5, ST40, UB20, RN9, RN22; Cough: LU7, LU1; Open and move Qi: RN17, PC6 [SP is def; strengthen MJ, Tx phlegm and Tx cough]
What are s/s of phlegm fluids [rheum] in the LU? Cough w/ white watery frothy sputum
What are points for phlegm fluids in the LU? Strengthen LU: RN12, UB13; Phlegm: LU5, ST40, RN9; Open and move: RN17; Tonify Qi: ST36, UB20, UB43, LU9, UB23
What are s/s of dry phlegm in the LU? Dry cough w/ occasional expectoration of scanty sputum, a feeling of oppression of the chest
What are points for dry phlegm in the LU? Nourish Yin: LU9, LU7, KD6; Nourish fluids: Rn12, ST36, SP6; Resolve phlegm: ST40; Restores Descent of LU Qi: LU7, UB13, RN17 [looks like LU yin def; sticky sputum, diff to expectorate, drain and resolve + nourish yin]
What are s/s of LU phlegm heat? Cough w/ yellow or green sputum, thick sticky yellow coat; rapid slippery pulse
What are points for phlegm heat? Strengthen LU: RN12, UB13; Phlegm: LU5, ST40; Cough: LU7, LU1; Clear heat: LI11, LI10 [barking cough, can be chronic; clear heat, reg cough, clear phlegm, strengthen LU]
What are points for LU & HT Qi deficiency? Tonify Qi: RN6, ST36, RN12; Tonify LU Qi: LU9, LU7, UB13, DU12; Tonify HT Qi: HT5, PC6, UB15; Tonify gathering Qi: RN17
What are common points for SP deficiency patterns? Tonify MJ: SP3, SP6, ST36; Transform damp: RN12, UB20, UB21
What are s/s of SP Qi deficiency? Poor appetite, tiredness, loose stools
What are points for SP Qi deficiency? Tonify MJ: SP3, SP6, ST36; Transform damp: RN12, UB20, UB21 [SP Qi def is the root for all other SPO Def patterns]
What are s/s of SP yang deficiency? Loose stools, feeling cold, cold limbs, tiredness
What are points for SP yang deficiency? Tonify MJ: SP3, SP6, ST36; Transform damp: RN12, UB20, UB21Resolve edema: RN9, ST28, UB22, SP9 [add’n of cold s/s and water accum; resolve edema – nothing really addresses the cold]
What are s/s of SP Qi sinking? Bearing down sensation, weak pulse
What are points for SP Qi sinking? Tonify MJ: SP3, SP6, ST36; Transform damp: RN12, UB20, UB21; Raise Qi: DU1, DU20; Treat prolapse: RN6, ST21
What are s/s of SP not controlling blood? Fine pulse, pale tongue, bleeding
What are points for SP not controlling the blood? Tonify MJ: SP3, SP6, ST36; Transform damp: RN12, UB20, UB21; Stop bleeding: SP10, SP4, SP1, UB17
What are s/s of SP blood deficiency? Tiredness, slight abd distension, scanty periods, pale tongue
What are points for SP blood deficiency? Tonify MJ: SP3, SP6, ST36; Transform damp: RN12, UB20, UB21; Nourish blood: RN4, UB17
What are common points for SP excess patterns? Tonify SP/transform damp: SP6, SP9, ST22, ST28, RN9, RN11, UB20, UB22
What are s/s of SP Damp Cold? Abd fullness, a feeling of heaviness, sticky white coat [Also have s/s in the head H/A, dizziness, Meniere’s]
What are points for SP damp cold? Tonify SP/transform damp: SP6, SP9, ST22, ST28, RN9, RN11, UB20, UB22; Resolve phlegm/damp: ST8, RN12, SP3
What are s/s of SP Damp Heat? Abdominal fullness, feeling of heaviness, sticky yellow coat
What are points for SP damp heat? Tonify SP/Transform damp: SP6, SP9, ST22, ST28, RN9, RN11, UB20, UB22; Resolve damp heat: LU1, DU9, GB34 [DU9 for jaundice rest for DH]
What are common points s for SP combo patterns? Tonify SP: SP3, SP6, ST36, RN12, UB20
What are s/s of SP and LU Qi deficiency? Lack of appetite, tiredness, breathlessness
What are points for SP & LU Qi deficiency? Tonify SP: SP3, SP6, ST36, RN12, UB20, UB21, RN6; Tonify LU: LU7, LU9, UB13, DU12
What are s/s of SP and LV blood deficiency? Loose stools, scanty periods, blurred vision, pale sides of tongue
What are points for SP and LV blood deficiency? Tonify SP: SP3, SP6, ST36, RN12, UB20, UB21; Nourish Blood: LV8, UB17, UB18, UB23, RN4
What are s/s of SP Damp w/ LV Qi stagnation? Fullness of the epigastrium, hypo distension, thick sticky yellow coat
What are points for SP damp w/ LV Qi stagnation? Tonify SP: SP3, SP6, ST36, RN12, UB20, SP9, Resolve MJ damp: ST19; Move LV Qi: LV3, LV13, LV14, GB24, GB34
What are s/s of SP & HT blood deficiency? Palpitations, insomnia, tiredness, loose stools, scanty periods
What are points for SP & HT blood deficiency? Tonify blood: RN4, UB17, UB20; Tonify HT blood and calm mind: HT7, PC6, RN14, RN15; Tonify SP Qi and SP blood: RN12, ST36, SP6
What are s/s of KD yang deficiency? Backache, feeling of cold, abundant clear urination, pale tongue, deep pulse, tinnitus, dizziness, etc
What are points for KD yang deficiency? Tonify KD Qi/yin/yang/essence: KD3; Tonify KD Qi/yang: UB23, UB52, DU4, KD7, Jing Gong; Tonify Qi: RN4, RN6 [UB52 good for yang def, KD7 for yang; Jing Gong close to UB52]
What are s/s of KD Qi not receiving? SOB on exertion, LBP, clear urination [difficult inhalation, SOB]
What are points for KD Qi not receiving? Tonify KD Qi/yin/yang/essence: KD3; Tonify KD Qi: UB23, DU4, KD6, LU7; Tonify Qi: RN4, RN6, RN17, ST36, DU12, UB13; KD receiving function: KD7, KD25, KD13 [tonify yin/yang; DU12 for chronic cond’n]
What are s/s of KD Qi not firm? Dribbling after urination, chronic vaginal discharge, backache [classic Qi def w/ leakage of fluids from lower yin; full leakage below; stop leaking and replenish yin/yang]
What are points for KD Qi not firm? Tonify KD: KD3; Tonify KD Qi/Yang: UB23, UB52, DU4, JIng Gong; Raise and tonify Qi: DU20, RN4, RN6; KD essence: KD 13; Leukorrhea: UB32
What are s/s of KD yin deficiency? Backache, night sweating
What are points for KD yin deficiency? Tonify KD: KD3; Tonify KD yin: KD6, KD9, KD10, SP6, RN7, RN4, LU7, KD6 [KD6 for yin, RN7 is a MAC KD yin; Open RN b/c sea of yin]
What are s/s of KD essence deficiency? Children: poor bone development; Adult: weak knees, falling hair; weak sexual activity
What are points for KD essence deficiency? Tonify KD: KD3; Tonify KD: UB23, DU4, KD6; Tonify Jing: RN4, KD13; Nourish marrow/brain: DU16, DU17, DU20, GB39, UB11, DU14; Nourish HT yang: UB15 [tonify Jing and Mingmen fire: DU16 & 20 enter brain so nourishes so does 14 & 17]
What are s/s of KD yang deficiency w/ water overflowing? Edema of the ankles, deep weak pulse, pale swollen tongue
What are points for KD yang deficiency w/ water overflowing? Tonify yang: DU4, KD7, UB23; Reg water: UB22, RN9, ST28; Transform fluids: SP9, SP6, UB20; Tonify HT: DU14, UB15; Tonify LU: UB13, DU12, LU7 [strongly transform fluids; water overflows to LU or HT so Tx both]
What are s/s of KD yin def w/ empty heat blazing? Malar flush, dizziness, tinnitus, feeling of heat in the afternoon, red peeled tongue; [yin def s/s w/ additional heat]
What are points for Yin deficiency w/ empty heat blazing? Tonify yin: SP6, RN4, KD3, KD6, KD9, KD10; Clear heat: KD2, LI11, LU10; Calm mind: HT5, HT6, LU7, DU24
What are s/s of Ht/KD not communicating? Palpitations, dizziness, tinnitus, night sweat, red tongue w/ redder tip and midline crack w/o coat
What are points for HT/KD not communicating? Tonify KD: KD3; Tonify KD yin: RN4, SP6, KD6, KD10; clam mind: HT7, DU24, Yintang, KD9, RN15; Clear HT heat: HT5, HT 6, KD7, UB15
What are s/s of KD & LV yin deficiency? Dry eyes, dry throat, night sweating, scanty menstruation, tongue w/o coat
What are points for KD & LV yin deficiency? Tonify KD: KD3, KD6, KD13, UB23; Tonify KD/LV yin: RN4, SP6, LV8; Occipital H/A: UB10
What are s/s of KD & LU yin deficiency? Dry cough, dizziness, tinnitus, night sweat, tongue w/o coat
What are points for KD & LU yin deficiency? Tonify KD: KD3, KD6, KD13; Tonify KD/LV yin: RN4, SP6; Nourish LU Yin: LU1, LU7, LU9, UB43
What are s/s of KD & SP yang deficiency? LBP, feeling of cold, loose stools, deep weak pulse
What are points for KD/SP yang deficiency? Tonify SP yang: ST36, RN12, SP3, UB20, UB21; Tonify KD yang: KD3, KD7, UB23, UB52, DU4, RN4, RN6, Jing Gong; Stop diarrhea/edema: ST25, ST37, UB25, RN9
What are common points for UB patterns? Regulate LJ water: UB28, RN3
What are s/s of UB damp heat? Burning on urination, dark urine, difficult urine
What are points for UB damp heat? Reg LJ water: UB28, RN3; Resolve damp: SP6, SP9, UB22, ST28; Clear heat: UB66, Xi cleft: UB63 [looks like UTI; Xi cleft for pain]
What are s/s of UB damp cold? Difficult urination, a feeling of heaviness, pale turbid urine
What are points for UB damp cold? Regulate LJ water: UB28, RN3, Resolve damp: SP6, SP9, UB22, ST28; Damp: RN9
What are s/s of UB deficiency cold? Frequent pale abundant urination, deep weak pulse
What are points for UB deficiency cold? Regulate LJ water: UB28, RN3; tonify yang: UB23, DU4, RN4; Tonify Qi: RN6, DU20 [rooted in KD def; raise Qi b/c incontinence to close lower yin]
What are s/s of GB damp heat? Hypo fullness, bitter taste, thick sticky yellow coat on right side
What are points for GB damp heat? Clear hat: GB24, UB19; Resolve damp: RN12, UB20; Clear heat and resolve damp: GB34, Dannangxue, DU9, LI11; Smooth LV Qi: LV14, SJ6; Descend ST Qi: ST19
What are s/s of LV & GB damp heat? Hypo fullness, bitter taste, sticky yellow coat on right side, genital skin rashes & itching
What are points of LV/GB damp heat? DH: GBG34, Dannangxue; Clear GB heat: GB24, UB19, DU9; Reg LV Qi: LV14, LV3, LV5, UB18; Resolve damp: RN12, UB20; Clear heat: LI11; Move Qi, clear heat: SJ6; Descend Qi: ST19
What are s/s of GB deficiency? Timidity, lack of initiative, indecision
What are points for GB deficiency? GB40, Tonify LV blood and Qi: UB18, LV8, ST36, SP4, RN4; Reg Hun: UB47
What are s/s of ST fire/phlegm fire? Burning sensation in the epi, thirst w/ desire to drink cold liquids, thick yellow coat, red tongue [can also have mania but mucus in bowels to DDX HT]
What are points for ST fire/phlegm fire? Clear ST excess: ST21; Clear heat: ST44, LI11, SP154; Move Qi and blood: RN11, RN12, LI4, ST34; Descend ST Qi: RN13
What are s/s of ST excess cold? Sudden pain in the epi, vomiting, feeling of cold, deep tight pulse
What are points for ST excess cold? Clear ST excess: ST21; Descend ST Qi: RN13; Expel cold accum: SP4, ST34 [sudden pain and vomiting; SP4 – 5 stag + cold]
What are s/s of Food stagnation? Epi fullness, sour regurgitation, thick tongue coat
What are points for food stagnation? Clear ST excess: ST21; Reg Stagnant Qi: SP4, PC6, RN12; Descend ST Qi; RN10, RN13, ST19, ST40, KD21; Clear heat: ST44, ST45
What are s/s of ST Qi deficiency/ Tiredness in the morning, uncomfortable feeling in the epi; empty pulse in ST position
What are points for ST QI deficiency? Tonify SP/ST ST36, RN6, RN12, UB21
What are s/s of ST deficiency cold? Discomfort in epi, better after eating, tiredness, cold limbs [yang def, just like Qi def + cold signs
What are points for ST deficiency cod? Tonify SP/ST: ST36, RN6, RN12, UB21, UB20
What are s/s of ST yin deficiency/ Dull epi pain, dry mouth, tongue w/ o coat or w/ rootless coat in the center
What are points for ST yin deficiency? Tonify SP/ST: ST36, RN12; Tonify SP yin: SP3, SP6 [tonify ST yin w/ MJ; SP6 whole body yin, source of SP both to build fluids in MJ]
What are s/s of ST & SP Qi deficiency? Poor appetite, epi discomfort, tiredness
What are points for ST & SP Qi deficiency? Tonify ST & SP: RN12, ST36, SP3, SP6; Tonify ST: UB21; Tonify SP: UB20; Tonify Qi: RN6
What is the common point for SI excess? ST39
What are s/s of SI heat? Abdominal pain, tongue ulcer, scanty dark painful urination [heat transmits to SI to UB; tongue ulcer (HT) urine issues n(UB)]
What are points for SI Heat? ST39, HT5, HT8, SI2, SI5
What are s/s of SI Qi pain? Lower abd twisting pain, borborygmus, deep wiry pulse [more chronic; twisting = colicky; Qi stag is the root so Qi and blood stag in LJ]
What are points for SI Qi pain? ST39; Move Qi, stop pain: LV3, SP6, GB34, RN6; Move Qi LJ: ST27, ST29; Harmonize: LV13
What are s/s of SI Qi tied? Sudden severe abdominal pain, constipation, vomiting, deep wiry pulse [appendicitis; CAM equivalent is intestinal abscess]
What are points for Si Qi tied? ST39; Move Qi, stop pain: LV3, SP6, GB34, RN6; Pain: ST25; Lanweixue
What are s/s of LI damp heat? Abd pain, diarrhea w/ mucus and blood in the stool; [SP has n/v LI doesn’t; LI has sweating on limbs and chest stuffiness]
What are points for LI damp heat? LI/ST excess: ST37, ST25; Clear heat: LI11, UB25, SP10; Tonify SP Qi: RN6, Rn12, UB20; Resolve damp: SP9, RN3, UB22; Nourish Yin: SP6, Stop pain: ST27
What are s/s of LI heat? Dry stools, burning sensation in anus, thick, yellow dry coat [fluids are dried up; not as strong as YM organ heat]
What are points for LI heat? LLI/ST excess: ST37, ST25; Clear heat: LI11, LI2, ST44, UB25; Nourish yin: KD6, SP6; Tonify SP, resolve damp: RN12
What are s/s of LI heat obstruction? Constipation, abd pain, fever, thick dry yellow coat
What are points for LI heat obstruction? LI/ST excess: ST25; Clear heat: LI11, LI2, ST44, UB25; Constipation: LI4, SJ6, SP15; Nourish yin: SP6 [going for constipation b/c descending move obstruction]
What are s/s of LI cold? Sudden abdominal pain, diarrhea, feeling of cold
What are points for LI cold? LI/ST excess: ST37, ST25; Expel cold: ST27; Move Qi: LV3; Warm SP tonify Qi: ST36; Nourish yin: SP6 [move Qi b/c cold constricts; ST27 regulates]
What are s/s of LI dryness? Dry stools that are difficult to pass, thin body [no heat, stems from yin or blood def; see s/s in T & P]
What are points for LI dryness? Tonify SP/ST: ST36, SP6; Regulate MJ: ST25; Nourish Yin: KD6, RN4; Constipation: SP15 [nourish fluids and move bowels]
Created by: kabrown
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If you are logged in to your account, this website will remember which cards you know and don't know so that they are in the same box the next time you log in.

When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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