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Spanish Verbs Fill In The Blanks

In each blank, try to type in the word that is missing. If you've typed in the correct word, the blank will turn green.

If your not sure what answer should be entered, press the space bar and the next missing letter will be displayed.

When you are all done, you should look back over all your answers and review the ones in red. These ones in red are the ones which you needed help on.
Question: to Answer: entrar en
Question: to look Answer: mirar
Question: to take Answer: tomar
Question: to take Answer: sacar
Question: to Answer: ensenar
Question: to win/earnAnswer:
Question: to prepareAnswer:
Question: to workAnswer:
Question: to singAnswer:
Question: to Answer: escuchar
Question: to play as in Answer:
Question: to shootAnswer:
Question: to kick or throw one's Answer:
Question: to Answer: parar
Question: to Answer: pasar
Question: to dribbleAnswer:
Question: to make a Answer:
Question: to Answer: bloquear
Question: to trapAnswer:
Question: to batAnswer:
Question: to Answer: robar
Question: to scoreAnswer:
Question: to startAnswer: (e-> ie)
Question: to or commenceAnswer: (e-> ie)
Question: to callAnswer:
Question: to play as in Answer:
Question: to Answer: cortar
Question: to Answer: caminar
Question: to remainAnswer:
Question: to checkAnswer:
Question: to Answer: revisar
Question: to inspectAnswer:
Question: to Answer: aboardar
Question: to take Answer:
Question: to landAnswer:
Question: to Answer: desembarcar
Question: to reclaimAnswer:
Question: to duck or go Answer:
Question: to Answer: patinar
Question: to snowAnswer:
Question: to Answer: esquiar
Question: to Answer: estornudar
Question: to examineAnswer:
Question: to Answer: recetar
Question: to give Answer: despachar
Question: to stay in bed; Answer: guardar la
Question: to suba Answer: bucear
Question: to rentAnswer:
Question: to Answer: echar
Question: to hit;smackAnswer:
Question: to Answer: brillar
Question: to ;let;allowAnswer: dejar
Question: to Answer: presentar
Question: to ;talkAnswer: conversar
Question: to dye;or colorAnswer:
Question: to completeAnswer:
Question: to finishAnswer:
Question: to helpAnswer:
Question: to search Answer: buscar
Question: to answerAnswer:
Question: to hope for ;to Answer: esperar
Question: to Answer: lienar
Question: to Answer: necesitar
Question: to Answer: usar
Question: to Answer: comprar
Question: to Answer: descansar
Question: to have Answer:
Question: to watchAnswer:
Question: to sentAnswer:
Question: to walk;to Answer:
Question: to paintAnswer:
Question: to Answer: practicar
Question: to Answer: regresar
Question: to just do Answer: de..
Question: to lift;to get Answer: levantar
Question: to crossAnswer:
Question: to Answer: doblar
Question: to Answer: manejar
Question: to changeAnswer:
Question: to pay Answer:
Question: to have Answer:
Question: to washAnswer:
Question: to dryAnswer:
Question: to Answer: limpiar
Question: to clear Answer: quitar
Question: to Answer: ordenar
Question: to ironAnswer:
Question: to Answer: cocinar
Question: to combAnswer:
Question: to brushAnswer:
Question: to Answer: banarse
Question: to showerAnswer:
Question: to go to Answer: acostarse
Question: to wake Answer:
Question: to sit Answer: senaterse
Question: to Answer: afeitarse
Question: to put on Answer: maquillarse
Question: to occupy; to be Answer: ocuparse
Question: to be Answer: preocuparse
Question: to have Answer: (o->ue)
Question: to Answer: (o->ue)
Question: to fall; Answer:
Question: to hurtAnswer:
Question: to marryAnswer:
Question: to put Answer: meter
Question: to runAnswer:
Question: to Answer: (e->ie)
Question: to returnAnswer: (e->ie)
Question: to backAnswer: (o->ue)
Question: to Answer: (O->ue)
Question: to Answer: toser
Question: to feel Answer: (o-> ue)
Question: to Answer: (o->ue)
Question: to drinkAnswer:
Question: to Answer: creer
Question: to Answer: vender
Question: to Answer: (e->ie)
Question: to learnAnswer:
Question: to Answer: vivir
Question: to Answer: subir
Question: to openAnswer:
Question: Answer: to cover
Question: to recieveAnswer:
Question: to Answer: (E->IE)
Question: to Answer: (O->UE)
Question: to lieAnswer: (e->ie)
Question: to Answer: (e-> i)
Question: to Answer: (e->i)
Question: to orderAnswer: (e->i)
Question: to dieAnswer: (o->ue)
Question: to writeAnswer:
Question: to shareAnswer:
Question: to decideAnswer:
Question: to Answer: dar
Question: to be (perm.)Answer:
Question: to be (temp.)Answer:
Question: to goAnswer:
Question: to Answer: ver
Question: to haveAnswer:
Question: to Answer: traer
Question: to fallAnswer:
Question: to Answer: oir
Question: to putAnswer:
Question: to be able Answer: (o->ue)
Question: to leaveAnswer:
Question: to Answer: hacer
Question: to Answer: venir
Question: to know a Answer: saber
Question: to know a Answer: conocer
Question: to sayAnswer:
Question: to Answer: andar
Question: to fitAnswer:
Question: to wantAnswer:
Question: to Answer: producir
Question: to translateAnswer:
Question: to insertAnswer:
Question: to make Answer:
Question: to or conductAnswer: conducir
Question: to Answer: obedecer
Question: to deserveAnswer:
Question: to haveAnswer:
Question: to be worth; Answer:
Question: to Answer: zambulliar
Question: to Answer: secoger
Question: to pickAnswer:
Question: to getAnswer:
Question: to Answer: explicar
Question: to dressAnswer:
Question: to say Answer:
Question: to hang Answer:
Question: to clap or Answer:
Question: to Answer: atestiguar
Question: to dyeAnswer:
Question: to Answer: poseer
Question: to fillAnswer:
Question: to recommendAnswer:
Question: to Answer: conjugar
Question: to look Answer:
Question: to demandAnswer:
Question: to ; substituteAnswer: sustituir
Question: to pick Answer:
Question: to Answer: persegir
Question: to measureAnswer:
Question: to Answer: convencer
Question: to keep; Answer: mantener
Question: to make-up; Answer: componer
Question: to blessAnswer:
Question: to curseAnswer:
Question: to satisfyAnswer:
Question: to contradictAnswer:
Question: to have Answer: merender
Question: to break Answer:
Question: to attackAnswer:
Question: to get Answer:
Question: to splashAnswer:
Question: to shoot; Answer: filmar
Question: to Answer: reparar
Question: to slip Answer: deslizar
Question: to continueAnswer:
Question: to appearAnswer:
Question: Answer: to clasp
Question: to stay;remainAnswer:
Question: to Answer: apretar
Question: to electAnswer:
Question: to denyAnswer:
Question: to protectAnswer:
Question: to govern; Answer: gobernar
Question: to Answer: impedir
Question: to Answer: trabajar
Question: to Answer: cantar
Question: to Answer: escuchar
Question: to play as in Answer: tocar
Question: to shootAnswer:
Question: to kick or throw one's Answer: lanzar
Question: to stopAnswer:
Question: to Answer: pasar
Question: to Answer: driblar
Question: to make a Answer: encestar
Question: to blockAnswer:
Question: to Answer: atrapar
Question: to Answer: batear
Question: to stealAnswer:
Question: to Answer: marcar
Question: to startAnswer: (e-> ie)
Question: to begin or Answer: (e-> ie)
Question: to Answer: llamar
Question: to play as in Answer: jugar
Question: to Answer: cortar
Question: to walkAnswer:
Question: to remainAnswer:
Question: to Answer: facturar
Question: to Answer: revisar
Question: to Answer: inspeccionar
Question: to boardAnswer:
Question: to take Answer:
Question: to Answer: aterrizar
Question: to Answer: desembarcar
Question: to reclaimAnswer:
Question: to duck or go Answer:
Question: to skateAnswer:
Question: to Answer: nevar
Question: to skiAnswer:
Question: to sneezeAnswer:
Question: to examineAnswer:
Question: to Answer: recetar
Question: to give Answer:
Question: to stay in bed; Answer: la cama
Question: to suba Answer:
Question: to Answer: alquiar
Question: to Answer: echar
Question: to hit;smackAnswer:
Question: to shineAnswer:
Question: to ;let;allowAnswer:
Question: to Answer: presentar
Question: to ;talkAnswer:
Question: to dye;or change Answer: colorar
Question: to Answer: completar
Question: to Answer: terminar
Question: to Answer: ayudar
Question: to forAnswer: buscar
Question: to answerAnswer:
Question: to hope for ;to Answer: esperar
Question: to Answer: lienar
Question: to needAnswer:
Question: to useAnswer:
Question: to Answer: comprar
Question: to restAnswer:
Question: to have Answer:
Question: to Answer: cuidar
Question: to sentAnswer:
Question: to walk;to Answer: pasear
Question: to Answer: pintar
Question: to Answer: practicar
Question: to returnAnswer:
Question: to just do Answer: de..
Question: to lift;to get Answer:
Question: to crossAnswer:
Question: to Answer: doblar
Question: to Answer: manejar
Question: to Answer: cambiar
Question: to pay Answer: pagar
Question: to have Answer: desayunar
Question: to Answer: lavar
Question: to Answer: secar
Question: to cleanAnswer:
Question: to awayAnswer: quitar
Question: to orderAnswer:
Question: to ironAnswer:
Question: to Answer: cocinar
Question: to Answer: pienarse
Question: to Answer: cepillarse
Question: to batheAnswer:
Question: to showerAnswer:
Question: to go to Answer:
Question: to wake Answer: despertarse
Question: to sit Answer: senaterse
Question: to Answer: afeitarse
Question: to put on Answer:
Question: to occupy; to be Answer: ocuparse
Question: to be Answer: preocuparse
Question: to have Answer: (o->ue)
Question: to meetAnswer: (o->ue)
Question: to fall; Answer:
Question: to Answer: lastimarse
Question: to Answer: casarse
Question: to put Answer: meter
Question: to Answer: correr
Question: to loseAnswer: (e->ie)
Question: to returnAnswer: (e->ie)
Question: to return Answer: (o->ue)
Question: to Answer: (O->ue)
Question: to coughAnswer:
Question: to feel Answer: (o-> ue)
Question: to rainAnswer: (o->ue)
Question: to drinkAnswer:
Question: to Answer: creer
Question: to sellAnswer:
Question: to Answer: (e->ie)
Question: to learnAnswer:
Question: to liveAnswer:
Question: to Answer: subir
Question: to openAnswer:
Question: cubirAnswer: to
Question: to recieveAnswer:
Question: to Answer: (E->IE)
Question: to sleepAnswer: (O->UE)
Question: to Answer: (e->ie)
Question: to Answer: (e-> i)
Question: to repeatAnswer: (e->i)
Question: to orderAnswer: (e->i)
Question: to Answer: (o->ue)
Question: to Answer: escribir
Question: to shareAnswer:
Question: to Answer: decidir
Question: to Answer: dar
Question: to be (perm.)Answer:
Question: to be (temp.)Answer:
Question: to Answer: ir
Question: to seeAnswer:
Question: to haveAnswer:
Question: to bringAnswer:
Question: to fallAnswer:
Question: to hearAnswer:
Question: to putAnswer:
Question: to be able Answer: (o->ue)
Question: to leaveAnswer:
Question: to Answer: hacer
Question: to Answer: venir
Question: to know a Answer:
Question: to know a Answer:
Question: to Answer: decir
Question: to Answer: andar
Question: to Answer: caber
Question: to Answer: querer
Question: to Answer: producir
Question: to Answer: traducir
Question: to insertAnswer:
Question: to make Answer:
Question: to or conductAnswer: conducir
Question: to obeyAnswer:
Question: to deserveAnswer:
Question: to Answer: haber
Question: to be worth; Answer: valer
Question: to buzzAnswer:
Question: to chooseAnswer:
Question: to pickAnswer:
Question: to getAnswer:
Question: to explainAnswer:
Question: to Answer: vestirse
Question: to say Answer:
Question: to hang Answer:
Question: to clap or Answer: aplaudir
Question: to testifyAnswer:
Question: to Answer: tenir
Question: to ownAnswer:
Question: to Answer: llenar
Question: to recommendAnswer:
Question: to conjugateAnswer:
Question: to look Answer:
Question: to Answer: exigir
Question: to replace; Answer:
Question: to pick Answer:
Question: to Answer: persegir
Question: to measureAnswer:
Question: to convinceAnswer:
Question: to keep; Answer:
Question: to make-up; Answer: componer
Question: to Answer: bendecir
Question: to Answer: maldecir
Question: to Answer: satisfacer
Question: to contradictAnswer:
Question: to have Answer:
Question: to break Answer:
Question: to Answer: atacar
Question: to get Answer: anochecer
Question: to Answer: salpicar
Question: to ; filmAnswer:
Question: to Answer: reparar
Question: to slip Answer:
Question: to Answer: continuar
Question: to appearAnswer:
Question: Answer: to clasp
Question: to stay;remainAnswer:
Question: to pressAnswer:
Question: to electAnswer:
Question: to Answer: negar
Question: to protectAnswer:
Question: to ; ruleAnswer:
Question: to preventAnswer:
Question: to Answer: trabajar
Question: to Answer: cantar
Question: to Answer: escuchar
Question: to play as in Answer:
Question: to shootAnswer:
Question: to kick or throw one's Answer: lanzar
Question: to Answer: parar
Question: to passAnswer:
Question: to Answer: driblar
Question: to make a Answer: encestar
Question: to Answer: bloquear
Question: to Answer: atrapar
Question: to Answer: batear
Question: to stealAnswer:
Question: to Answer: marcar
Question: to Answer: (e-> ie)
Question: to begin or Answer: (e-> ie)
Question: to callAnswer:
Question: to play as in Answer: jugar
Question: to cutAnswer:
Question: to Answer: caminar
Question: to Answer: quedar
Question: to checkAnswer:
Question: to reviseAnswer:
Question: to inspectAnswer:
Question: to Answer: aboardar
Question: to take Answer: despegar
Question: to Answer: aterrizar
Question: to Answer: desembarcar
Question: to reclaimAnswer:
Question: to duck or go Answer: bajar
Question: to Answer: patinar
Question: to snowAnswer:
Question: to skiAnswer:
Question: to sneezeAnswer:
Question: to Answer: examinar
Question: to Answer: recetar
Question: to give Answer:
Question: to stay in bed; Answer: la cama
Question: to suba Answer: bucear
Question: to rentAnswer:
Question: to Answer: echar
Question: to hit;smackAnswer:
Question: to shineAnswer:
Question: to ;let;allowAnswer: dejar
Question: to Answer: presentar
Question: to ;talkAnswer:
Question: to dye;or change Answer:
Question: to completeAnswer:
Question: to finishAnswer:
Question: to helpAnswer:
Question: to search Answer: buscar
Question: to Answer: contestar
Question: to hope for ;to Answer: esperar
Question: to fillAnswer:
Question: to needAnswer:
Question: to Answer: usar
Question: to Answer: comprar
Question: to restAnswer:
Question: to have Answer:
Question: to Answer: cuidar
Question: to sentAnswer:
Question: to walk;to Answer: pasear
Question: to Answer: pintar
Question: to practiceAnswer:
Question: to returnAnswer:
Question: to just do Answer: de..
Question: to lift;to get Answer:
Question: to crossAnswer:
Question: to Answer: doblar
Question: to Answer: manejar
Question: to changeAnswer:
Question: to pay Answer:
Question: to have Answer: desayunar
Question: to washAnswer:
Question: to Answer: secar
Question: to cleanAnswer:
Question: to clear Answer:
Question: to Answer: ordenar
Question: to ironAnswer:
Question: to Answer: cocinar
Question: to combAnswer:
Question: to brushAnswer:
Question: to Answer: banarse
Question: to Answer: ducharse
Question: to go to Answer: acostarse
Question: to wake Answer: despertarse
Question: to sit Answer:
Question: to Answer: afeitarse
Question: to put on Answer:
Question: to ; to be busyAnswer: ocuparse
Question: to be Answer: preocuparse
Question: to have Answer: (o->ue)
Question: to meetAnswer: (o->ue)
Question: to fall; Answer: resbalarse
Question: to hurtAnswer:
Question: to marryAnswer:
Question: to put Answer: meter
Question: to runAnswer:
Question: to loseAnswer: (e->ie)
Question: to Answer: (e->ie)
Question: to backAnswer: (o->ue)
Question: to Answer: (O->ue)
Question: to Answer: toser
Question: to feel Answer: (o-> ue)
Question: to Answer: (o->ue)
Question: to drinkAnswer:
Question: to believeAnswer:
Question: to sellAnswer:
Question: to Answer: (e->ie)
Question: to learnAnswer:
Question: to liveAnswer:
Question: to climbAnswer:
Question: to Answer: abrir
Question: Answer: to cover
Question: to Answer: recibir
Question: to preferAnswer: (E->IE)
Question: to Answer: (O->UE)
Question: to lieAnswer: (e->ie)
Question: to Answer: (e-> i)
Question: to repeatAnswer: (e->i)
Question: to orderAnswer: (e->i)
Question: to Answer: (o->ue)
Question: to writeAnswer:
Question: to Answer: compartir
Question: to Answer: decidir
Question: to Answer: dar
Question: to be (perm.)Answer:
Question: to be (temp.)Answer:
Question: to goAnswer:
Question: to seeAnswer:
Question: to Answer: tener
Question: to bringAnswer:
Question: to Answer: caer
Question: to Answer: oir
Question: to putAnswer:
Question: to be able Answer: (o->ue)
Question: to Answer: salir
Question: to doAnswer:
Question: to comeAnswer:
Question: to know a Answer:
Question: to know a Answer: conocer
Question: to Answer: decir
Question: to walkAnswer:
Question: to fitAnswer:
Question: to Answer: querer
Question: to Answer: producir
Question: to Answer: traducir
Question: to Answer: introducir
Question: to make Answer: lucir
Question: to drive or Answer:
Question: to Answer: obedecer
Question: to Answer: merecer
Question: to haveAnswer:
Question: to be ; valueAnswer:
Question: to buzzAnswer:
Question: to chooseAnswer:
Question: to pickAnswer:
Question: to getAnswer:
Question: to Answer: explicar
Question: to Answer: vestirse
Question: to say Answer: despiderse
Question: to hang Answer: colgar
Question: to clap or Answer:
Question: to Answer: atestiguar
Question: to Answer: tenir
Question: to ownAnswer:
Question: to Answer: llenar
Question: to Answer: recomendar
Question: to conjugateAnswer:
Question: to look Answer: parecer
Question: to demandAnswer:
Question: to ; substituteAnswer:
Question: to pick Answer:
Question: to Answer: persegir
Question: to measureAnswer:
Question: to convinceAnswer:
Question: to keep; Answer:
Question: to make-up; Answer: componer
Question: to blessAnswer:
Question: to curseAnswer:
Question: to satisfyAnswer:
Question: to Answer: contradecir
Question: to have Answer: merender
Question: to awayAnswer: escapar
Question: to attackAnswer:
Question: to get Answer: anochecer
Question: to splashAnswer:
Question: to shoot; Answer:
Question: to Answer: reparar
Question: to slip Answer: deslizar
Question: to Answer: continuar
Question: to Answer: aparcer
Question: Answer: to clasp
Question: to stay;remainAnswer:
Question: to Answer: apretar
Question: to Answer: elegir
Question: to Answer: negar
Question: to protectAnswer:
Question: to govern; Answer:
Question: to Answer: impedir
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Created by: smcurrey528
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