Spanish Verbs Word Scramble
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Question | Answer |
to watch | cuidar |
to prefer | preferir (E->IE) |
to snow | nevar |
to sneeze | estornudar |
to decide | decidir |
to sneeze | estornudar |
to hit;smack | golpear |
to present | presentar |
to return back | devolver (o->ue) |
to kick or throw one's foot | lanzar |
to enter | entrar en |
to bathe | banarse |
to share | compartir |
to dribble | driblar |
to explain | explicar |
to be able to | poder (o->ue) |
to pick up | recoger |
to play as in guitar | tocar |
to dismebark | desembarcar |
to change | cambiar |
to need | necesitar |
to say | decir |
to ski | esquiar |
to lift;to get up | levantar |
cubir | to cover |
to serve | servir (e-> i) |
to sent | mandar |
to prefer | preferir (E->IE) |
to testify | atestiguar |
to be worth; value | valer |
to return | volver (e->ie) |
to cook | cocinar |
to fill | llenar |
to play as in guitar | tocar |
to finish | terminar |
to know a fact | saber |
to sing | cantar |
to give out | despachar |
to steal | robar |
to make-up; composed | componer |
to begin or commence | comenzar (e-> ie) |
to sit down | senaterse |
to bat | batear |
to examine | examinar |
to do | hacer |
to dress | vestirse |
to teach | ensenar |
to listen | escuchar |
to prevent | impedir |
to produce | producir |
to lift;to get up | levantar |
to be able to | poder (o->ue) |
to produce | producir |
to search for | buscar |
to prescribe | recetar |
to comb | pienarse |
to put | poner |
to bless | bendecir |
to fall; slip | resbalarse |
to elect | elegir |
to sleep | dormir (O->UE) |
to paint | pintar |
to have | tener |
to explain | explicar |
to measure | graduar |
to marry | casarse |
to cut | cortar |
to wash | lavar |
to prevent | impedir |
to call | llamar |
to drink | beber |
to watch | cuidar |
to suba dive | bucear |
to kick or throw one's foot | lanzar |
to govern; rule | gobernar |
to walk | andar |
to put on makeup | maquillarse |
to practice | practicar |
to sleep | dormir (O->UE) |
cubir | to cover |
to inspect | inspeccionar |
to turn | doblar |
to turn | doblar |
to fix | reparar |
to own | poseer |
to get dark | anochecer |
to stay in bed; bedrest | guardar la cama |
to recommend | recomendar |
to reclaim | reclamar |
to return | volver (e->ie) |
to recommend | recomendar |
to use | usar |
to have | haber |
to slip in | deslizar |
to shoot | tirar |
to sit down | senaterse |
to check | facturar |
to be (perm.) | ser |
to break away | escapar |
to begin or commence | comenzar (e-> ie) |
to continue | continuar |
to deny | negar |
to wake up | despertarse |
to land | aterrizar |
to sent | mandar |
to know a people | conocer |
to look like | parecer |
to walk;to stroll | pasear |
to curse | maldecir |
to suba dive | bucear |
to give | dar |
to govern; rule | gobernar |
to climb | subir |
to stop | parar |
to get | recoger |
to toss | echar |
to comb | pienarse |
to cut | cortar |
to be worried | preocuparse |
to sit down | senaterse |
to look at | mirar |
to have | tener |
to bring | traer |
to fall | caer |
to skate | patinar |
to shave | afeitarse |
to conjugate | conjugar |
to satisfy | satisfacer |
to come | venir |
to brush | cepillarse |
to cough | toser |
to have tea | merender |
to marry | casarse |
to drink | beber |
to land | aterrizar |
to finish | terminar |
to climb | subir |
to dry | secar |
to search for | buscar |
to walk | caminar |
to put in | meter |
to dye;or change color | colorar |
to listen | escuchar |
to share | compartir |
to have breakfast | desayunar |
to deserve | merecer |
to drive | manejar |
to make a basket | encestar |
to finish | terminar |
to have | haber |
to leave | salir |
to walk | caminar |
to dribble | driblar |
to present | presentar |
to want | querer |
to complete | completar |
to splash | salpicar |
to remain | quedar |
to pursue | persegir |
to change | cambiar |
to trap | atrapar |
to serve | servir (e-> i) |
to dismebark | desembarcar |
to paint | pintar |
to listen | escuchar |
to fall; slip | resbalarse |
to hang up | colgar |
to clear away | quitar |
to trap | atrapar |
to iron | planchar |
to pursue | persegir |
to have dinner | cenar |
to duck or go down | bajar |
to buzz | zambulliar |
to run | correr |
to pick up | recoger |
to trap | atrapar |
to play as in sports | jugar |
to give out | despachar |
to take off | despegar |
to attack | atacar |
to cross | cruzar |
to examine | examinar |
to testify | atestiguar |
to pass | pasar |
to pick | coger |
to walk;to stroll | pasear |
to clean | limpiar |
to have breakfast | desayunar |
to splash | salpicar |
to wash | lavar |
to continue | continuar |
to remain | quedar |
to take in | tomar |
to wake up | despertarse |
to do | hacer |
to understand | entender (e->ie) |
to fill | llenar |
to just do something | acabar de.. |
to cough | toser |
to call | llamar |
to choose | secoger |
to come | venir |
to pass | pasar |
to take out | sacar |
to die | morir (o->ue) |
to help | ayudar |
to write | escribir |
to obey | obedecer |
to bathe | banarse |
to pick | coger |
to rent | alquiar |
to watch | cuidar |
to protect | proteger |
to know a people | conocer |
to comb | pienarse |
to prescribe | recetar |
to have breakfast | desayunar |
to elect | elegir |
to stay;remain | permanecer |
to lie | mentir (e->ie) |
to help | ayudar |
to shine | brillar |
to replace; substitute | sustituir |
to dry | secar |
to put | poner |
to shower | ducharse |
to steal | robar |
to satisfy | satisfacer |
to need | necesitar |
to suba dive | bucear |
to dress | vestirse |
to translate | traducir |
to hit;smack | golpear |
to testify | atestiguar |
to convince | convencer |
to iron | planchar |
to get | recoger |
to deny | negar |
to clap or appluad | aplaudir |
to prefer | preferir (E->IE) |
to be worth; value | valer |
to search for | buscar |
to clap or appluad | aplaudir |
to work | trabajar |
to replace; substitute | sustituir |
to have tea | merender |
to have | tener |
to shoot | tirar |
to govern; rule | gobernar |
to dye;or change color | colorar |
to clear away | quitar |
to understand | entender (e->ie) |
to press | apretar |
to sell | vender |
to get | recoger |
to ski | esquiar |
to open | abrir |
to curse | maldecir |
to block | bloquear |
to fix | reparar |
to translate | traducir |
to examine | examinar |
to say goodbye | despiderse |
to protect | proteger |
to shoot | tirar |
to cross | cruzar |
to dry | secar |
to prepare | preparar |
to order | pedir (e->i) |
to order | ordenar |
to curse | maldecir |
to give | dar |
to be worried | preocuparse |
cubir | to cover |
to bless | bendecir |
to shine | brillar |
to obey | obedecer |
to wash | lavar |
to fit | caber |
to reclaim | reclamar |
to rain | llover (o->ue) |
to inspect | inspeccionar |
to take off | despegar |
to leave;let;allow | dejar |
to bless | bendecir |
to pursue | persegir |
to go to bed | acostarse |
to see | ver |
to begin or commence | comenzar (e-> ie) |
to go | ir |
to walk | andar |
to open | abrir |
to die | morir (o->ue) |
to clear away | quitar |
to rest | descansar |
to go to bed | acostarse |
to return | volver (e->ie) |
to press | apretar |
to sent | mandar |
to answer | contestar |
to live | vivir |
to skate | patinar |
to lift;to get up | levantar |
to put in | meter |
to converse;talk | conversar |
envirar | to clasp |
to return | regresar |
to feel ache | doler (o-> ue) |
to walk | caminar |
to play as in guitar | tocar |
to leave | salir |
to hope for ;to wait | esperar |
to fit | caber |
to serve | servir (e-> i) |
to shower | ducharse |
to fall | caer |
to toss | echar |
to look like | parecer |
to reclaim | reclamar |
to fit | caber |
to satisfy | satisfacer |
to demand | exigir |
to walk | andar |
to make a basket | encestar |
to pass | pasar |
to make bright | lucir |
to run | correr |
to marry | casarse |
to stay;remain | permanecer |
to skate | patinar |
to live | vivir |
to recieve | recibir |
to want | querer |
to recommend | recomendar |
to fill | lienar |
to pay for | pagar |
to fill | llenar |
to give | dar |
envirar | to clasp |
to go to bed | acostarse |
to know a fact | saber |
to play as in sports | jugar |
to say | decir |
to snow | nevar |
to convince | convencer |
to see | ver |
to rain | llover (o->ue) |
to kick or throw one's foot | lanzar |
to complete | completar |
to shoot; film | filmar |
to slip in | deslizar |
to shave | afeitarse |
to splash | salpicar |
to pay for | pagar |
to meet | encontrarse (o->ue) |
to hope for ;to wait | esperar |
to order | ordenar |
to just do something | acabar de.. |
to measure | graduar |
to rent | alquiar |
to stay in bed; bedrest | guardar la cama |
to make bright | lucir |
to open | abrir |
to fill | lienar |
to order | pedir (e->i) |
to learn | aprender |
to choose | secoger |
to hurt | lastimarse |
to shine | brillar |
to revise | revisar |
to start | empezar (e-> ie) |
to get dark | anochecer |
to rain | llover (o->ue) |
to appear | aparcer |
to resolve | resolver (O->ue) |
to slip in | deslizar |
to produce | producir |
to revise | revisar |
to dye | tenir |
to put | poner |
to hear | oir |
to stop | parar |
to duck or go down | bajar |
to toss | echar |
to repeat | repetir (e->i) |
to return | regresar |
to meet | encontrarse (o->ue) |
to inspect | inspeccionar |
to occupy; to be busy | ocuparse |
to lose | perder (e->ie) |
to keep; support | mantener |
to elect | elegir |
to make-up; composed | componer |
to be able to | poder (o->ue) |
to put on makeup | maquillarse |
to drive or conduct | conducir |
to rent | alquiar |
to know a people | conocer |
to deserve | merecer |
to write | escribir |
to explain | explicar |
to start | empezar (e-> ie) |
to make a basket | encestar |
to repeat | repetir (e->i) |
to cook | cocinar |
to be worried | preocuparse |
to lose | perder (e->ie) |
to bathe | banarse |
to feel ache | doler (o-> ue) |
to sneeze | estornudar |
to put on makeup | maquillarse |
to appear | aparcer |
to occupy; to be busy | ocuparse |
to own | poseer |
to prescribe | recetar |
to hear | oir |
to ski | esquiar |
to believe | creer |
to lose | perder (e->ie) |
to stay;remain | permanecer |
to believe | creer |
to press | apretar |
to call | llamar |
to shoot; film | filmar |
to repeat | repetir (e->i) |
to occupy; to be busy | ocuparse |
to insert | introducir |
to continue | continuar |
to make bright | lucir |
to board | aboardar |
to learn | aprender |
to present | presentar |
to convince | convencer |
to drink | beber |
to have lunch | almorzarse (o->ue) |
to just do something | acabar de.. |
to cut | cortar |
to lie | mentir (e->ie) |
to dye | tenir |
to make-up; composed | componer |
to hear | oir |
to answer | contestar |
to hurt | lastimarse |
to hope for ;to wait | esperar |
to go | ir |
to see | ver |
to score | marcar |
to come | venir |
to live | vivir |
to iron | planchar |
to learn | aprender |
to need | necesitar |
to die | morir (o->ue) |
to demand | exigir |
to drive | manejar |
to start | empezar (e-> ie) |
to break away | escapar |
to meet | encontrarse (o->ue) |
to clean | limpiar |
to drive or conduct | conducir |
to hang up | colgar |
to practice | practicar |
to contradict | contradecir |
to pick | coger |
to return back | devolver (o->ue) |
to buzz | zambulliar |
to order | ordenar |
to say | decir |
to walk;to stroll | pasear |
to score | marcar |
to brush | cepillarse |
to hit;smack | golpear |
to fall | caer |
to board | aboardar |
to leave | salir |
to get dark | anochecer |
to paint | pintar |
to share | compartir |
to drive | manejar |
to return back | devolver (o->ue) |
to practice | practicar |
to check | facturar |
to block | bloquear |
to score | marcar |
to lie | mentir (e->ie) |
to insert | introducir |
to buy | comprar |
to contradict | contradecir |
to say goodbye | despiderse |
to do | hacer |
to board | aboardar |
to say goodbye | despiderse |
to hang up | colgar |
to shower | ducharse |
to choose | secoger |
to appear | aparcer |
to steal | robar |
to return | regresar |
to work | trabajar |
to dye;or change color | colorar |
to bat | batear |
to be (perm.) | ser |
to understand | entender (e->ie) |
to climb | subir |
to own | poseer |
to cross | cruzar |
to feel ache | doler (o-> ue) |
to buzz | zambulliar |
to cough | toser |
to know a fact | saber |
to prevent | impedir |
to believe | creer |
to decide | decidir |
to recieve | recibir |
to keep; support | mantener |
to drive or conduct | conducir |
to dye | tenir |
to deserve | merecer |
to work | trabajar |
to dribble | driblar |
to be (perm.) | ser |
to put in | meter |
to block | bloquear |
to have tea | merender |
to pick up | recoger |
to stop | parar |
to resolve | resolver (O->ue) |
to be worth; value | valer |
to sell | vender |
to play as in sports | jugar |
to use | usar |
to wake up | despertarse |
to answer | contestar |
to cook | cocinar |
to be (temp.) | estar |
to win/earn | ganar |
to land | aterrizar |
to buy | comprar |
to dress | vestirse |
to decide | decidir |
to replace; substitute | sustituir |
to sleep | dormir (O->UE) |
to measure | graduar |
to deny | negar |
to duck or go down | bajar |
to hurt | lastimarse |
to be (temp.) | estar |
to clean | limpiar |
to contradict | contradecir |
to resolve | resolver (O->ue) |
to change | cambiar |
to rest | descansar |
to conjugate | conjugar |
to shave | afeitarse |
to dismebark | desembarcar |
to go | ir |
to have dinner | cenar |
to sing | cantar |
to demand | exigir |
to sell | vender |
to recieve | recibir |
to order | pedir (e->i) |
to want | querer |
to fix | reparar |
to attack | atacar |
to converse;talk | conversar |
to converse;talk | conversar |
to attack | atacar |
to have dinner | cenar |
to buy | comprar |
to complete | completar |
to have | haber |
to break away | escapar |
to keep; support | mantener |
to take off | despegar |
to stay in bed; bedrest | guardar la cama |
to turn | doblar |
to have lunch | almorzarse (o->ue) |
to brush | cepillarse |
to bat | batear |
to run | correr |
to bring | traer |
to rest | descansar |
to pay for | pagar |
to protect | proteger |
to insert | introducir |
to conjugate | conjugar |
to check | facturar |
to remain | quedar |
to have lunch | almorzarse (o->ue) |
to write | escribir |
to give out | despachar |
to shoot; film | filmar |
to bring | traer |
to leave;let;allow | dejar |
to use | usar |
to fill | lienar |
to look like | parecer |
to obey | obedecer |
to sing | cantar |
to snow | nevar |
to clap or appluad | aplaudir |
to translate | traducir |
to help | ayudar |
envirar | to clasp |
to be (temp.) | estar |
to leave;let;allow | dejar |
to fall; slip | resbalarse |
to revise | revisar |
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Popular Spanish sets