In each blank, try to type in the
word that is missing. If you've
typed in the correct word, the
blank will turn green.
If your not sure what answer should be entered, press the space bar and the next missing letter will be displayed. When you are all done, you should look back over all your answers and review the ones in red. These ones in red are the ones which you needed help on. Question: excess for the head, calms the spirit, revives consciousness & rescues yangAnswer: Kid 1 *** Question: Clears deficiency heat, regulates the , regulates the lower jiaoAnswer: Kid 2 * Question: Nourishes kidney yin& lcears deficiency heat, kidney yang, anchors the qi & benefits the lung, strengthens the lumbar spineAnswer: Kid 3 **** Question: Reinforces the kidneys, anchors the qi & benefits the lung, strengthens the will & fearAnswer: Kid 4 ** Question: Regulates the chong & ren & menstruationAnswer: Kid 5 * Question: Benefits the throat, nourishes the kidneys & clears dificiency heat, the yin motility vessel, calms the spirit, regulates the lower jiaoAnswer: Kid 6 *** Question: Benefits the kidneys, regulates the water passages & treats edema, regulates sweating, drains damp & clears damp heat, the lumbar regionAnswer: Kid 7 *** Question: Regulates the chong & ren vessels & adjusts menstruation, stops uterine bleeding, heat & drains damp form the lower jiaoAnswer: Kid 8 ** Question: Clears the heart & trasforms phlegm, qi & alleviates painAnswer: Kid 9 ** Question: Clears damp heat from the lower jiao, benefits the kidneys, Answer: Kid 10 *** Question: Benefits the jiaoAnswer: Kid 11 * Question: Tonifies the & astringes essenceAnswer: Kid 12 ** Question: Regulates the & ren, regulates the lower jiaoAnswer: Kid 13 ** Question: Benefits the lower jiao& pain, regulates qi & moves blood stasis, regulates the water passages& promostes urinationAnswer: Kid 14 ** Question: the intestine, regulates the lower jiaoAnswer: Kid 15 ** Question: Regulates the qi& alleviates pain, & warms the intestineAnswer: Kid 16 ** Question: Dispels accumulation & alleviates Answer: Kid 17 ** Question: Regulates the lower jiao & alleviates pain, regulates qi& blood stasis, harmonises the stomachAnswer: Kid 18** Question: Regulates qi & harmonises the stomach, rebellion& alleviates cough & wheezingAnswer: Kid 19 ** Question: Harmonises the middle jiao, unbinds the chest & transforms Answer: Kid 20 ** Question: Fortifies the spleen, harmonises the stomach, lowers rebellion, spreds liver qi, benefits the & breasts & alleviates painAnswer: Kid 21 ** Question: Unbinds the chest, rebellious lung & stomach qiAnswer: Kid 22 ** Question: Unbinds the chest, lowers rebellious lung & stomach qi, the breastsAnswer: Kid 23 ** Question: Unbinds the chest, lowers rebellious lung& stomach qi, benefits the Answer: Kid 24 ** Question: Unbinds the , lowers rebellious lung & stomach qiAnswer: Kid 25 ** Question: Unbinds the chest & benefits the breasts, transform phlegm & lowers rebellious lung & qiAnswer: Kid 26 ** Question: Unbinds the chest, the stomach & lowers rebellious qi, trasfroms phlegn & alleviates cough & wheezingAnswer: Kid 27 *** Question: Unbinds the ches, transforms & descends rebellion, regulates qi & dissipates nodules, benefits the breastAnswer: P 1 ** Question: Unbinds the chest, invigorates & alleviates painAnswer: P 2 * Question: Clears heat form the qi, & blood levels, harmonises the stomach & intestines & stops vomiting, ACAPAnswer: P 3 *** Question: Invigoreates blood & dispels stasis, cools blood & stops bleeding, calm the spirit, acute conditionsAnswer: P 4 *** Question: Transforms phlegm, settles & calms the spirit, descends rebellious qi & regulates the , regulates menstruationAnswer: P 5 *** Question: Unbinds the chest & regulates qi, regulates the & calms the spirit, harmonises the stomach & alleviates nausea & vomiting, clears heat, opens the yin linking vesselAnswer: P 6 **** Question: Clears heat from the heart & calms the spirit, harmonises the stomach & intestine, unbinds the chest, clears the nutritive level & bloodAnswer: P 7 *** Question: Clears heat from the pericardium & revives consciousness, clears heat from the heart & calms the spirit, harmonisis the stomach & heat from the middle jiao, clears the nutritive level & cools bloodAnswer: P 8 * Question: Clears heat from the pericardium & consciousness, clears the heart & benefits the tongue, clears summer heatAnswer: P 9 * Question: Regulates qi in the lower jiao, treats shan disorder & alleviates pain, benefits the genitals & adjusts , regulates liver qi & stops menstrual bleeding, revives consciousness & calms the spiritAnswer: Liv Question: Clears liver fire, spreads qi, pacifies liver wind, clears heat & stoops bleeding, benefits the lower jiaoAnswer: Liv Question: Spreads liver qi, subdues liver yang & extinguishes wind, norishes liver blood & lover yin, clears the head & eyes, regulates menstruation, the lowr jiaoAnswer: Liv Question: liver qi & regulates the lowr jiao, clears liver channel stagnant heatAnswer: Liv Question: Spreads the liver, regulates qi & benefits the , regulates mensruation, treats plumstone qiAnswer: Liv Question: spreads live qi & the lower jiao, regulates blood, drains dampAnswer: Liv Question: wind damp, benefits the knee & relaxes the sinewsAnswer: Liv Question: Clears damp heat from the lower jiao, benefits the genitals, invigorates blood & the uterus, nourishes blood & yinAnswer: Liv Question: Adjust menstruation & the lower jiaoAnswer: Liv Question: Clears damp heat & the lower jiaoAnswer: Liv Question: the uterusAnswer: Liv Question: Eliminates cold from the liver channel & benefits the jiaoAnswer: Liv Question: Harmonises the liver & spleen, regulates the & lower jiao, fortifies the spleen, spreads the liver & regulates qiAnswer: Liv Question: Spreads the lver & regulates qi, invegorates blood & masses, harmonises the liver & stomachAnswer: Liv Question: Jing well of the Answer: Kid Question: Wood of the kidneyAnswer: Kid Question: Ying spring of the Answer: Kid Question: Fire point of the Answer: Kid Question: Shu stream of the Answer: Kid Question: Earth point of the Answer: Kid Question: Yuan source of the Answer: Kid Question: Luo connecting of the Answer: Kid Question: Xi of the kidneyAnswer: Kid Question: Confluent with the yin (qiao)Answer: Kid Question: Jing river of the Answer: Kid Question: Metal point of the Answer: Kid Question: Xi cleft of the yin (qiao)Answer: Kid Question: Xi of the yin linking (wei)Answer: Kid Question: He sea of the kidneyAnswer: Kid Question: Water of the kidneyAnswer: Kid Question: Window of the Answer: P Question: He sea of the Answer: P Question: Water point of the Answer: P 3 Question: Xi cleft of the Answer: P 4 Question: Jing of the pericardiumAnswer: P 5 Question: point of the pericardiumAnswer: P 5 Question: Luo of the pericardiumAnswer: P 6 Question: Confluent with the yin (wei)Answer: P 6 Question: Command point of upper Answer: P 6 Question: Shu stream of the Answer: P 7 Question: Earth point of the Answer: P Question: Yuan source of the Answer: P 7 Question: Ying spring of the Answer: P 8 Question: Fire of the pericardiumAnswer: P 8 Question: Jing well of the Answer: P Question: Wood point of the Answer: P Question: Jing well of the Answer: Liv Question: Wood point of the Answer: Liv Question: Ying of the liverAnswer: Liv Question: Fire point of the Answer: Liv Question: Shu stream of the Answer: Liv Question: Earth point of the Answer: Liv Question: star point of the liverAnswer: Liv Question: Jing river of the Answer: Liv Question: Metal point of the Answer: Liv Question: Luo of the liverAnswer: Liv Question: Xi of the liverAnswer: Liv Question: He sea of the Answer: Liv Question: Water of the liverAnswer: Liv Question: Front Mu of the Answer: Liv Question: Influencial point (Hui-meeting) of the Answer: Liv Question: Front Mu of the Answer: Liv |
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