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Yin channel overview
Kidney, Pericardium & Liver actions
Question | Answer |
Descends excess for the head, calms the spirit, revives consciousness & rescues yang | Kid 1 *** |
Clears deficiency heat, regulates the kidney, regulates the lower jiao | Kid 2 * |
Nourishes kidney yin& lcears deficiency heat, tonifies kidney yang, anchors the qi & benefits the lung, strengthens the lumbar spine | Kid 3 **** |
Reinforces the kidneys, anchors the qi & benefits the lung, strengthens the will & dispels fear | Kid 4 ** |
Regulates the chong & ren & benefit menstruation | Kid 5 * |
Benefits the throat, nourishes the kidneys & clears dificiency heat, regulates the yin motility vessel, calms the spirit, regulates the lower jiao | Kid 6 *** |
Benefits the kidneys, regulates the water passages & treats edema, regulates sweating, drains damp & clears damp heat, strenghtens the lumbar region | Kid 7 *** |
Regulates the chong & ren vessels & adjusts menstruation, stops uterine bleeding, clears heat & drains damp form the lower jiao | Kid 8 ** |
Clears the heart & trasforms phlegm, regulates qi & alleviates pain | Kid 9 ** |
Clears damp heat from the lower jiao, benefits the kidneys, ACAP | Kid 10 *** |
Benefits the lower jiao | Kid 11 * |
Tonifies the kidney & astringes essence | Kid 12 ** |
Regulates the chong & ren, regulates the lower jiao | Kid 13 ** |
Benefits the lower jiao& alleviates pain, regulates qi & moves blood stasis, regulates the water passages& promostes urination | Kid 14 ** |
Regulates the intestine, regulates the lower jiao | Kid 15 ** |
Regulates the qi& alleviates pain, regulates & warms the intestine | Kid 16 ** |
Dispels accumulation & alleviates pain | Kid 17 ** |
Regulates the lower jiao & alleviates pain, regulates qi& movers blood stasis, harmonises the stomach | Kid 18** |
Regulates qi & harmonises the stomach, lowers rebellion& alleviates cough & wheezing | Kid 19 ** |
Harmonises the middle jiao, unbinds the chest & transforms phlegm | Kid 20 ** |
Fortifies the spleen, harmonises the stomach, lowers rebellion, spreds liver qi, benefits the chest & breasts & alleviates pain | Kid 21 ** |
Unbinds the chest, lowers rebellious lung & stomach qi | Kid 22 ** |
Unbinds the chest, lowers rebellious lung & stomach qi, benefist the breasts | Kid 23 ** |
Unbinds the chest, lowers rebellious lung& stomach qi, benefits the breasts | Kid 24 ** |
Unbinds the chest, lowers rebellious lung & stomach qi | Kid 25 ** |
Unbinds the chest & benefits the breasts, transform phlegm & lowers rebellious lung & stomach qi | Kid 26 ** |
Unbinds the chest, harmonisis the stomach & lowers rebellious qi, trasfroms phlegn & alleviates cough & wheezing | Kid 27 *** |
Unbinds the ches, transforms phlegm & descends rebellion, regulates qi & dissipates nodules, benefits the breast | P 1 ** |
Unbinds the chest, invigorates blood & alleviates pain | P 2 * |
Clears heat form the qi, nutritive & blood levels, harmonises the stomach & intestines & stops vomiting, ACAP | P 3 *** |
Invigoreates blood & dispels stasis, cools blood & stops bleeding, calm the spirit, moderates acute conditions | P 4 *** |
Transforms phlegm, settles & calms the spirit, descends rebellious qi & regulates the stomach, regulates menstruation | P 5 *** |
Unbinds the chest & regulates qi, regulates the heart & calms the spirit, harmonises the stomach & alleviates nausea & vomiting, clears heat, opens the yin linking vessel | P 6 **** |
Clears heat from the heart & calms the spirit, harmonises the stomach & intestine, unbinds the chest, clears the nutritive level & cools blood | P 7 *** |
Clears heat from the pericardium & revives consciousness, clears heat from the heart & calms the spirit, harmonisis the stomach & clears heat from the middle jiao, clears the nutritive level & cools blood | P 8 * |
Clears heat from the pericardium & revives consciousness, clears the heart & benefits the tongue, clears summer heat | P 9 * |
Regulates qi in the lower jiao, treats shan disorder & alleviates pain, benefits the genitals & adjusts urination, regulates liver qi & stops menstrual bleeding, revives consciousness & calms the spirit | Liv 1 |
Clears liver fire, spreads liver qi, pacifies liver wind, clears heat & stoops bleeding, benefits the lower jiao | Liv 2 |
Spreads liver qi, subdues liver yang & extinguishes wind, norishes liver blood & lover yin, clears the head & eyes, regulates menstruation, regulates the lowr jiao | Liv 3 |
Spreads liver qi & regulates the lowr jiao, clears liver channel stagnant heat | Liv 4 |
Spreads the liver, regulates qi & benefits the geniatal, regulates mensruation, treats plumstone qi | Liv 5 |
spreads live qi & regulates the lower jiao, regulates blood, drains damp | Liv 6 |
Dispels wind damp, benefits the knee & relaxes the sinews | Liv 7 |
Clears damp heat from the lower jiao, benefits the genitals, invigorates blood & benefits the uterus, nourishes blood & yin | Liv 8 |
Adjust menstruation & regulates the lower jiao | Liv 9 |
Clears damp heat & benefits the lower jiao | Liv 10 |
Benefits the uterus | Liv 11 |
Eliminates cold from the liver channel & benefits the lower jiao | Liv 12 |
Harmonises the liver & spleen, regulates the middle & lower jiao, fortifies the spleen, spreads the liver & regulates qi | Liv 13 |
Spreads the lver & regulates qi, invegorates blood & disperses masses, harmonises the liver & stomach | Liv 14 |
Jing well of the kidney | Kid 1 |
Wood point of the kidney | Kid 1 |
Ying spring of the kidney | Kid 2 |
Fire point of the kidney | Kid 2 |
Shu stream of the kidney | Kid 3 |
Earth point of the kidney | Kid 3 |
Yuan source of the kidney | Kid 3 |
Luo connecting of the kidney | Kid 4 |
Xi cleft of the kidney | Kid 5 |
Confluent with the yin motality (qiao) | Kid 6 |
Jing river of the kidney | Kid 7 |
Metal point of the kidney | Kid 7 |
Xi cleft of the yin motality(qiao) | Kid 8 |
Xi cleft of the yin linking (wei) | Kid 9 |
He sea point of the kidney | Kid 10 |
Water point of the kidney | Kid 10 |
Window of the pericardium | P 1 |
He sea of the pericardium | P 3 |
Water point of the pericardium | P 3 |
Xi cleft of the pericardium | P 4 |
Jing river of the pericardium | P 5 |
Metal point of the pericardium | P 5 |
Luo connecting of the pericardium | P 6 |
Confluent with the yin linking (wei) | P 6 |
Command point of upper jiao | P 6 |
Shu stream of the pericardium | P 7 |
Earth point of the pericardium | P 7 |
Yuan source of the pericardium | P 7 |
Ying spring of the pericardium | P 8 |
Fire point of the pericardium | P 8 |
Jing well of the pericardium | P 9 |
Wood point of the pericardium | P 9 |
Jing well of the liver | Liv 1 |
Wood point of the liver | Liv 1 |
Ying spring of the liver | Liv 2 |
Fire point of the liver | Liv 2 |
Shu stream of the liver | Liv 3 |
Earth point of the liver | Liv 3 |
Heavenly star point of the liver | Liv 3 |
Jing river of the liver | Liv 4 |
Metal point of the liver | Liv 4 |
Luo connecting of the liver | Liv 5 |
Xi cleft of the liver | Liv 6 |
He sea of the liver | Liv 8 |
Water point of the liver | Liv 8 |
Front Mu of the spleen | Liv 13 |
Influencial point (Hui-meeting) of the zang | Liv 13 |
Front Mu of the liver | Liv 14 |