In each blank, try to type in the
word that is missing. If you've
typed in the correct word, the
blank will turn green.
If your not sure what answer should be entered, press the space bar and the next missing letter will be displayed. When you are all done, you should look back over all your answers and review the ones in red. These ones in red are the ones which you needed help on. Question: Answer: 1.Acceptable range (35-45). 2.Determines if ventilations is adequate. 3.If >45 mmHg,then the pt. is not ventilating. 4.If pt. not on vent. and PaCO2 <35 torr, then it is not a serious problem. Question: Methods of VentilationsAnswer: 1. Ventilations. 2. Manual resuscitation (bag). 3. Mouth to mouth resuscitation. 4. IPPB. 5.BIPAP. 6. Pressure support ventilation (PSV). Question: Answer: 1.Acceptable range(80-100 torr). 2.It determines the adequacy of Oxygenation. 3.If PaO2 <80 torr, then pt. is not oxygenatiing. 4.If PaO2 >100 torr,then pt. is over-oxygenating n as w/all drugs,O2 should be indicator of o2transport Question: Answer: 1.Acceptable range(7.35-7.45). 2.Imp. to diagnose diabetics and indicates the need of sodium bicarbonate administration. 3. Interprets gases. Question: HCO3-Answer: 1.Acceptable range(22-26mEq/L). 2.Determines chronic vs. acidosis vs. alkalosis. 3.A low HCO3- is clear indicator for sodium bicarbonate indicator. Question: Hb (Hemoglobin)Answer: 1. Acceptable range(22-26). 2.Carries O2. 3.If Hb low then pt. is hypoxic regardless of PaO2 value and SaO2. 4. Hemorrhaging refers to the loss of blood and indicates supplement administration. |
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Popular Respiratory Therapy sets