In each blank, try to type in the
word that is missing. If you've
typed in the correct word, the
blank will turn green.
If your not sure what answer should be entered, press the space bar and the next missing letter will be displayed. When you are all done, you should look back over all your answers and review the ones in red. These ones in red are the ones which you needed help on. Term: al aire Definition: Term: el agua Definition: freshwater Term: la arañaDefinition: Term: el árbolDefinition: Term: el bosque Definition: Term: la Definition: flower Term: la mariposaDefinition: Term: la naturalezaDefinition: Term: el Definition: bird Term: el Definition: fish Term: el Definition: river Term: la Definition: jungle Term: el Definition: path Term: la Definition: snake Term: la arenaDefinition: Term: la brisaDefinition: Term: el caracolDefinition: Term: hacer Definition: to be cool (weather) Term: la orilla Definition: Term: hacer una Definition: to take a Term: la fogataDefinition: to make a Term: escalar Definition: to climb Term: hacer una Definition: to go on an Term: por rápidosDefinition: to go whitewater Term: ver el Definition: to watch the Term: ver la puesta del Definition: to watch the Term: un cruceroDefinition: to go on a Term: montar un moto Definition: to a jet ski Term: el/la Definition: surfer Term: la tabla de Definition: surfboard Term: el veleroDefinition: to sail a Term: jugar al voleibol Definition: to play beach Term: el solDefinition: to suntan Term: Definition: to cool down Term: la Definition: truck Term: el carro Definition: Term: la casa Definition: Term: conducirDefinition: to Term: la botella de Definition: bottle Term: el Definition: equipment Term: la (de gas)Definition: (gas) Term: el Definition: match Term: el kayacDefinition: Term: la Definition: pot Term: el saco de Definition: sleeping Term: la de acampaDefinition: tent Term: (la tienda de acampar)Definition: to put up (the tent) Term: Definition: to use Term: la sombrillaDefinition: beach Term: la canoaDefinition: Term: el salvavidasDefinition: life Term: Definition: to pick up Term: Definition: to same (time, ) Term: Definition: to get/ to find Term: Definition: to fill up Term: en absolutoDefinition: not at Term: al extranjeroDefinition: Term: con Definition: in advance Term: Definition: unforgettable Term: junto Definition: next to Term: sin Definition: |
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