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al aire libre
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el agua dulce
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Spanish 3, Unit 1

Camping (vocab)

al aire libre outdoors
el agua dulce freshwater
la araña spider
el árbol tree
el bosque forest
la flor flower
la mariposa butterfly
la naturaleza nature
el pájaro bird
el pez fish
el río river
la selva jungle
el sendero path
la serpiente snake
la arena sand
la brisa breeze
el caracol shell
hacer fresco to be cool (weather)
la orilla shore
hacer una caminata to take a walk
encender la fogata to make a campfire
escalar montañas to climb mountains
hacer una excursión to go on an excursion
navegar por rápidos to go whitewater rafting
ver el amanecer to watch the sunrise
ver la puesta del sol to watch the sunset
hacer un crucero to go on a cruise
montar un moto acuática to write a jet ski
el/la surfista surfer
la tabla de surf surfboard
navegar el velero to sail a sailboat
jugar al voleibol playero to play beach volleyball
tomar el sol to suntan
refrescarse to cool down
la camioneta truck
el carro car
la casa rodante RV
conducir to drive
la botella de agua water bottle
el equipo equipment
la estufa (de gas) (gas) stove
el fósforo match
el kayac kayak
la olla pot
el saco de dormir sleeping bag
la tienda de acampa tent
Montar (la tienda de acampar) to put up (the tent)
utilizar to use
la sombrilla beach umbrella
la canoa canoe
el chaleco salvavidas life jackets
recoger to pick up
ahorrar to same (time, money)
conseguir to get/ to find
llenar to fill up
en absoluto not at all
al extranjero aboard
con anticipación in advance
inolvidable unforgettable
junto a next to
sin without
Created by: AlisaL
Popular Spanish sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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