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If your not sure what answer should be entered, press the space bar and the next missing letter will be displayed. When you are all done, you should look back over all your answers and review the ones in red. These ones in red are the ones which you needed help on. Question: 2 principles of diagnosisAnswer: Chinese diagnosis provides the diagnostic tools necessary to identify the patterns and is based on 2 fundamental principles-Inspect the to examine the interior & a part reflects the whole Question: Inspect the exterior to the interiorAnswer: Outward signs and symptoms (clinical manifestations) reflect the condition of the internal organs. According to the basic idea underlying Chinese diagnosis, everything, such as skin, complexion, bones, channels, smells, sounds, mental state Question: Inspect the exterior to the interior-2Answer: preferences, emotions, tongue, pulse, demeanor, body build, reflects the state of the internal organs and can be used in . Question: A part the wholeAnswer: the state of the whole organism can be from examination of a part of it
Question: Four of examinationAnswer: observation, auscultation (hearing and ), interrogation, palpation Question: Diagnosis by Answer: 2 important regarding diagnosis by observation-Correspondence between and individual part and the whole & Observation of Constitutional traits Question: Correspondence b/t and part and the wholeAnswer: One of the principles on which diagnosis by observation is based is that each single, small part of the body reflects the whole. examples of this are the face, the tongue, the pulse, and the ear. Question: Observation of constitutional Answer: 1) A constitutional type indicates the tendency to certain disharmonies and it allows us to , and prevent a possible pathological development. Question: Observation of traits-2Answer: Observation of a constitutional type and allows us to put the presenting disharmony into perspective, helping us to gauge it's severity Question: of constitutional traits-3Answer: of constitutional types is important to give patients and underlying treatment irrespective of the presenting disharmony Question: Observation of constitutional -4Answer: Observation of constitutional type and tendency us to forecast the type of disharmony that such a patient might be subject to Question: by observation Answer: Involves looking at the aspects-spirit, body, demeanor, head and face, eyes, nose, ears, mouth, teeth-gums, throat, limbs, skin, tongue, channels Question: Answer: In a general state it indicates a state of vitality; if this person is thriving, the person has "spirit". The "Simple Questions" says: If is a spirit the person thrives, if there is no spirit the person dies. Question: -2Answer: The presence or absence of can be observed in the complexion, the eyes, the state of mind and breathing Question: ->Answer: Complexion is healthy, muscles are firm, face color is clear, eyes have glitter and inner vitality, the mind is clear, the breathing even Question: No Answer: complexion is dull, muscles are withered, face is dark, eyes move uncontrollably, show no inner vitality and are not clear, the mind is unclear and breathing is labored or shallow Question: -emotional aspectAnswer: Spirit of a person also refers to the mental-emotional-spritual of the person Question: - SpiritAnswer: Clear voice that projects outwards well, the eyes and have luster (even if the complexion color is pathological) the expression is lively, the mind is clear and alert, the person walks with erect posture and has a naturally optimistic Question: -sprit-2Answer: enthusiastic, and strong attitude Question: BodyAnswer: There are three aspects to when examining the physical appearance of a patient-Constitutional type, Long term changes in physical appearances, short term changes Question: DemeanorAnswer: This includes the way a person moves, and also the movement of individual parts of the body, such as eyes, face, , limbs and fingers. The general principle: excess movement or rapid jerky movements-yang, full or hot patterns. Question: Demeanor-2Answer: Lack of movement or slow movements-yin, empty or cold patterns Movements such as tremors or convulsions always indicate the of interior wind of the liver. These could be convulsions of the whole body, or just tremors of an eyelid or cheek. Question: head and Answer: Hair- the state of hair is related to the condition of blood or -essence. Falling hair may indicate a condition of blood deficiency, while pre-mature grey hair indicates a decline of kidney-essence Question: Head and Face-face Answer: Observation of face color is an extremely important part of diagnosis. The face color reflects the state of Qi and Blood and is closely related to the condition of the mind.
Question: Four attributes of a complexionAnswer: Luster (slightly shiny, vibrant in color), Subtle, slightly reddish hue (reddish hue indicates a good supply of heart-blood and good state of mind, Contained-veiled , moisture Question: Colors of complexionAnswer: White: dull white-blood deficiency, white-yang deficiency
Red: whole face red-full heat, red cheekbones-empty heat
Yellow: sallow yellow-St Sp deficiency or Blood deficiency
Green: green face-liver patterns, interior cold, pain or interior wind Question: colors of complexion-2Answer: Green: green complexion with red eyes-liver fire, dark reddish-green complexion-stagnant liver Qi turning into heat
Blue: white bluish-cold or chronic pain
Black: in general-cold, pain, or KD disease, usually Kd Yin, blk & moist- cold, Blk & up-he Question: Pathological colors of -moist colorAnswer: Moist color is a sign of good prognosis, while a dry color is a sign of poor Question: Answer: eyes reflect the state of the mind and essence. If the eyes are and glitter, they indicate that the mind and the essence are in a good state of vitality. If the eyes are rather dull or clouded, it shoos that the mind is disturbed and Question: eyes-2Answer: the essence has been weakened. It is very common to see very dull and eyes in people who have been suffering from deep emotional problems for a long time. Question: eye Answer: dull or clouded-mind disturbance, of 5 yin organs weakened
whole eye, red painful, swollen-invasion of wind heat, liver fire Question: Answer: flaring nostrils with high -extreme heat in lungs
nose slightly moist and shiny-good prognosis Question: earsAnswer: ear lobes and prognosis: if they are shiny and slightly , the prognosis is good; if they are dry and withered, the prognosis is poor. The shape of the ear also helps to distinguish Full and empty patterns: a swollen ear indicates the presence of Question: ears-2Answer: a pathogenic factor, hence a full . A thin ear indicates deficiency of Qi or Blood Question: Mouth and Answer: The normal color of the lips should be and rather moist and shiny. Question: mouth and lip Answer: pale lips-yang or blood deficiency, red & dry lips-heat in St&Sp, or bluish-blood stasis, mouth slightly open-empty pattern, breathing through mouth-lung Qi defic, green around mouth-liver blood stasis or Lv-Qi stagnation Question: teeth and Answer: the teeth are considered an extension of the bones and are under the control of the kidneys. The gums are under the influence of the Stomach. Swollen&painful gums-St heat, swollen not painful-empty heat of St, pale gums-Bl Question: Answer: obs of the throat includes observation of the pharynx and tonsils. acute pain, redness, swelling of throat-invasion of wind heat, chronically sore and dry (not swollen or red)-Lu/Kd-yin deface w/ empty heat, erosion, red&swelling-toxic heat Question: LimbsAnswer: a healthy color and firmness of the flesh around the ankles and wrists indicates a good state of the body fluids. If the skin on these joints lacks luster and is dry & the shriveled, it indicates exhaustion of body fluids Question: Swelling of the and the four limbsAnswer: this is always due to painful obstruction syndrome (Bi)-especially deriving from Dampness. In chronic conditions, dampness develops into phlegm, which obstructs the joints and causes further swelling and bone . Question: swelling of the and four limbs-2Answer: if the joints are also red and hot to the , this indicates retention of damp heat. Question: of the four limbsAnswer: two types of edema-water edema, Qi Question: edemaAnswer: due to yang -the fluids that it is unable to transform transp and excr properly accumulate in the space b/t skin & muscle. This is the most common cause of edema. Lu-hands, Kd-primarily feet, Sp-hands and feet. Always pitting Question: Qi edemaAnswer: due to Qi stagnation or dampness. Skin does not pit or color on pressure Question: or spasticity of the four limbsAnswer: This includes shaking, trembling or quivering of arms and legs or both. Ranges from pronounced with wide amplitude to a quiver that is so fine and in amplitude that it is almost imperceptible. The cause is always LV wind & may be full or empty Question: Answer: The skin is related to the Lu. However, it is also related to the condition of the Blood & through this the Lv. hence, not all skin conditions are related to the Lu. Question: Skin-2Answer: many skin conditions are due to heat or stasis of blood and are related to the condition of th eviler. Furthermore, heat in the blood can also derive from St-heat so that some skin are related to St. Question: Skin-3Answer: dry skin usually indicates deficiency of Lv-blood, itchy skin is due to wind |
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