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Definitions 1509Test

SRGT 1509 Test 1

Airborne Contamination Airborne transmission of infectious pathogens by dissemination of droplet nuclei from evaporated droplets that can remain suspended in the air for long periods or by dissemination of dust particles that contain the infectious agent.
Antiseptic Capable of preventing infection by inhibiting the growth of infectious agents.
Asepsis Absence of the microorganisms that produce sepsis or septic disease.
Bacteriocidal Agent that destroys bacteria.
Bioburden The number of contaminating organisms found on a given amount of material prior to undergoing an industrial sterilization procedure.
Contamination A condition of being soiled, stained, touched, or otherwise exposed to harmful agents, making an object potentially unsafe for use as intended or without barrier techniques
Cross-contamination The passage of pathogens indirectly from one Pt to another due to use of improper sterilization procedures, unclean instruments, or recycling of products.
Decontamination To make (an object or area) safe for unprotected personnel by removing, neutralizing, or destroying any harmful substance.
Disinfectant Any chemical agent used chiefly on inanimate objects to destroy or inhibit the growth of harmful organisms.
Droplet Very small drop of fluid.
Event-related sterility What happens to the package after sterilization determines its continued sterility.
Fomite An inanimate object or substance, such as clothing, furniture, or soap, that is capable of transmitting infectious organisms from one individual to another.
Fungicide A substance or preparation, as a spray or dust, used for destroying fungi.
Infection Invasion of the body by pathogenic microorganisms.
Mode of transmission Passing of a communicable disease from an infected host individual or group to a conspecific individual or group.
Nosocomial Of or being a secondary disorder associated with being treated in a hospital but unrelated to the patient's primary condition.
Pathogen An agent that causes disease, especially a living microorganism such as a bacterium, virus, or fungus.
Resident flora Organisms that habitually live in the epidermis, deep in the crevices and folds of the skin.
Sepsis The presence of pathogenic organisms or their toxins in the blood or tissues. The poisoned condition resulting from the presence of pathogens or their toxins.
Spore A walled, single- to many-celled, reproductive body of an organism, capable of giving rise to a new individual either directly or indirectly.
Sporicide Substance or preparation for killing spores.
Sterile Free from living germs or microorganisms.
Sterile field A specified area, such as within a tray or on a sterile towel, that is considered free of microorganisms. An area immediately around a pt. that has been prepared for a surgical procedure.
Sterile technique The use of surgical practices that restrict microorganisms in the environment and prevent contamination of the surgical wound; task performed in a sterile environment in order to avoid contact with harmful bacteria.
Sterilization Any process that eliminates or kills all forms of microbial life, including transmissible agents present on a surface, contained in a fluid, in medication, or in a compound such as biological culture media.
Strike-through contamination The soaking through of barrier from sterile to non-sterile or vice versa.
Surgically clean If an item cannot be made sterile, it is washed with antiseptics or disinfectants which destroy most, but not all, microorganisms.
Surgical conscience The professional behavior that demonstrates understanding and application of the principles of surgical technology and the legal, ethical and moral responsibilities to patients and team members for which each practitioner is accountable.
Surgical site infection (SSI) An infection that occurs after surgery in the part of the body where the surgery took place.
Terminal disinfection To cleanse so as to destroy or prevent the growth of disease-carrying microorganisms.
Transient flora Microorganisms that have a very short life span that colonize the host for hours to weeks but do not establish themselves permanently.
Vector An insect or other organism that transmits a pathogenic fungus, virus, bacterium, etc. Any agent that acts as a carrier or transporter, as a virus or plasmid that conveys a genetically engineered DNA segment into a host cell.
Virucide An agent that inactivates or destroys viruses.
Disinfection The process of destroying or inhibiting the growth of most forms of pathogenic microorganisms (except bacterial spores & prions) on inanimate objects or surfaces.
Alcohol Disinfectant only; will not sterilize. Denatures cell proteins. Excellent disinfectant except endospores. Limited use due to high degree of flammability.
Chlorine compounds Usually used as a room disinfectant. Excellent, inexpensive way to disinfect room surface.
Formaldehyde Bactericidal, fungicidal, and psudomonacidal. Tuberculocidal and virucidal in 10 in alcohol solution and 15 in aqueous. Sporicidal in 12 hours.
Glutataldehyde Used to disinfect or sterilize. May be used on items too sensitive to steam-sterilize. Has nasty odor, irritate skin, eyes, and mucous membranes. Items must be fully submersible in liquid for 20-30 minutes or 10 hours. Must rinse.
Iodophors For surgical skin prep and for disinfection; not for sterilizing. May cause allergic skin reaction. Corrosive to metal; stains surfaces.
Phenolic compounds Disinfectant only. Irritates skin and should be used only with proper PPE.
Ultrasonic cleaning
Cavitation The formation of bubbles, which expand and then implode, which can pull small debris out of tiny crevices.
Washer sterilizer Usually positioned with one end accessible from the "dirty" decontam area and the other end accessible to the clean processing area. They are assumed only to produce high-level decontamination.
Sterilizer A piece of equipment used to attain either physical or chemical sterilization. The agent used must be capable of killing all micro-organisms.
Mechanical indicators Gauges, thermometers, alarms, and "test pack"
Chemical indicators External sterilization tape, labels, internal tape or strips
Biological indicators The only method that positively ensures sterility, living spores (BACILLUS STEAROTHERMOPHILUS)are sent through the sterilization process and then incubated.
Moist Heat Sterilization Hastens the action of the heat. The pressure increases the temp, destroys the micro-organism by denaturation of proteins.
Dry Heat Sterilization Hot air; utilizes increases temperature and increases times. Used for powders or petroleum products.
Sterilization Cycle Heat up or penetration of the agent. Kill time. Bioburden. Evacuation or dissipation of agent.
Steris Peracetic acid; strong smell
Sterrad Hydrogen peroxide 6%
Cleaning The physical removal of soil, debris, blood and body fluids from an area or item.
Endotracheal Tube passed through the nose or mouth, between the vocal cords and into the trachea of an unconscious pt. The balloon lies just below the vocal cord.
Oral Airways Inserted through the mouth to separate the jaws and depress the tongue.
Nasal Airways Inserted through the nose to prevent the obstruction of the airway due to relaxation of the soft palate.
Esophageal Stethoscope Used to monitor the body's core temperature.
Nasogastric (NG) Tubes Passed through the nose into the stomach.
Sterile Packs (Lap packs) 1st item opened on the back table which serves as the initial sterile field.
Laparatomy Sponges (Lap Sponges) Used to absorb blood & fluids, blunt dissection & for protecting tissue & organs during a procedure. Used on cases with large incision. Usually moistened with saline. ALWAYS come in packs of 5. COUNTABLE item.
Raytec Sponges Used on procedures with smaller incisions. Used on a sponge stick for sponging & retraction. ALWAYS come in packs of 10. COUNTABLE item.
Peanutes/Kitners A.K.A. Pusher. Used for blunt dissection of tissue & sponging fluids. Loaded on a clamp ALWAYS! ALWAYS come in packs of 5. COUNTABLE item.
Tonsil Sponges used during tonsillectomies to pack the area after the tonsil is removed & normally loaded on an instrument. ALWAYS comes in package of 5. COUNTABLE item.
Cottonoids (Noids) Used to protect delicate neural tissue when suctioning & used to assist in hemostasis. Generally moistened with saline. ALWAYS come in packs of 10. COUNTABLE item.
Dental Roll Used for sponging and packing during oral surgery. COUNTABLE item.
Syringes Used to irrigate wounds, aspirate fluids or inject medications
Needles Larger the number, smaller diameter of the needle. Inject locals.
Knife Blades (KBs) 10 - cutting skin. 11 - blood vessels, ureters. 12 - tonsil & neck cases. 15 - cut organs, blood vessels & inside the body cavity. 20 - cut through casts, during trauma cases to cut away large amounts of tissue or clotting.
Foley Catheter Used to measure urinary output over a period of time or to provide bladder decompression.
Red Robinson/Red Rubber Used to obtain a urine specimen or empty the bladder prior to a procedure.
Fogarty Embolectomy Catheter The tip is passed beyond the obstruction w/in a lumen of an artery, vein, or duct & the balloon is inflated then as it is withdrawn the obstruction is brought with it.
Ureteral Catheter Aid in identifying the ureters during a surgical procedure; to introduce radiopaque contrast media during a retrograde pyelogram. Used to inject sterile water or radiopaque media during a lap chole to check for patency of duct & to check for gall stones.
Active Drains Makes use of negative pressure (created by removing air from the collection device) & the drains are connected to a collection device.
Passive Drains Provides a pathway for fluid or air to move from one are of high pressure to an area of low pressure. EX: Penrose Drain
Non-Permeable Dressing Used to create an airtight or watertight seal over the wound. Used directly against the skin. EX: Vaseline Gauze & Xeroform Gauze
Permeable Dressing A non-adherent material is used to "wick" fluids from the wound. Used directly against the skin. EX: Telfa & Adaptic
Absorbent Dressing Absorbent layer that will absorb any drainage. EX: 2x2's 4x4's Kerlix & Abdominal Pad (ABD)
Secure Dressing The outer layer is used to secure the first 2 dressing layers. EX: Ace bandage, Coban (adhesive crinkled tape), Kling (fluffed rolled gauze) & Kerlix
Esmark An elastic wrap that is applied to an extremity to act as a tourniquet or to exsanquinate (remove blood from the extremity) prior to applying the tourniquet.
Montgomery Strap Used when the wound may require frequent wound dressing changes.
Aseptic Technique The methods by which microbial contamination is prevented in the environment.
Critical Item entering the body tissues underlying the skin and mucous membranes must be sterile.
Semicritical Item that comes in contact with intact skin or mucous membranes are maintained sterile.
Noncritical Item will come into contact with intact skin or mucous membrane. Cleaned, disinfected and stored unsterile.
Hand washing event-related, usually performed before and after a specific task or event.
Hand antisepsis The application of an approved antiseptic.
Surgical Scrub The process of removing as many micro-organisms as possible from the hands and arms by mechanical washing and chemical antisepsis before participating in a surgical procedure.
Mechanical Scrub The actual friction of the scrub brush against the skin.
Chemical Scrub Inactivation of micro-organisms with microbial or antiseptic agents, reducing the resident flora.
Created by: 504662600
Popular Surgery sets




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