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sequent occupance
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AP Human Vocab 1

AP Human Geography Vocab Unit 1- Brianna Riddick

vocab worddefinition
sequent occupance societies leave cultural imprints, contributing to cultural landscape; symbolizes how humans interact with surroundings
cultural landscape landscape influenced by cultural group; how humans interact with nature
arithmetic density total number of people divided by total land area
physiological density number of people per unit of land suitable for agriculture
hearth the region from which ideas originate
diffusion spread of a feature from one place to another over time
relocation diffusion spread of an idea through movement of people from one place to another
expansion diffusion spread of a feature in a snowballing process
hierarchical diffusion spread of an idea from a person of authority to others
contagious diffusion rapid, widespread of a characteristic throughout a population
stimulus diffusion spread of an underlying principle, even though a characteristic fails to diffuse
absolute distance exact measurement of the space between two places
relative distance approximate measurement of the space between two places
distribution arrangement of something across Earth
environmental determinism 19th/early 20th century approach stating geography was the study of how the environment caused human activities
absolute location position on Earth's surface using longitude and latitude
relative location position on Earth relative to other places
site physical character of a place
situation location of a place relative to other places
space time compression reduction in time it takes to diffuse something, as a result of improved communication and transportation
friction of distance distance requires effort, money, and energy to overcome
distance decay diminishes in importance and eventually disappears with increased distance from origin
networks set of interconnected nodes without a center
connectivity relationships between people and objects across the barrier of space
accessibility how easily a certain location can be reached from other locations
space gap between two objects
spatial distribution location of geographic phenomena across space
size estimation of extent
scale ratio of size of something on Earth and the size on a map
formal region common characteristic in an area
functional region area organized around a node or focal point
vernacular region place that exists as part of cultural identity
possibilism people can adjust to their environment
natural landscape landscape not affected by human activity
pattern geometric arrangement of something across Earth
toponym name given to a place on Earth
Created by: BriannaRiddick
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