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Milady Standard14
Question | Answer |
Asymmetrical Balance | Is established when two imaginary halves of a hairstyle have an equal visual weight, but the two halves are positioned unevenly. Opposite sides of the hairstyle are different length or have a different volume. Asmmetry can be horizontal or diagonal. |
Balance | Establishing equal or appropiate proportions to create symmetry. |
Bang Area | Also known as fringe area; Triangular section that begins at the apex, or high point of the head, and ends at the front corner |
Concave Profile | Curving inward; Prominent forehead and chin, with other features receded inward. |
Contrasting Lines | Horizontal and vertical lines that meet at a 90-degree angle and create a hard edge. |
Convex Profile | Curving outward; Receding forehead and chin. |
Curved Lines | Lines moving in a circular or semi-circular direction; used to soften a design. |
Designed Texture | Wave pattern that must be taken into consideration when designing a style. |
Diagonal Lines | Lines positioned between horizontal and vertical lines. They are often used to emphasize or minimize facial features. |
Directional Lines | Lines with a definite forward or backward movement. |
Emphasis | Also known as focus; The place in a hairstyle where the eye is drawn first before traveling to the rest of the design. |
Form | The mass or general outline of a hairstyle. It is three-demensionaland has length,width, and depth. |
Harmony | The creation of unity in a design; The most important of the art priciples. Holds all the elements of design together. |
Horizontal Lines | Lines parallel to the floor or horizon; Create width in design. |
Parallel Lines | Repeating lines in a hairstyle; May be straight or curved. |
Profile | Outline of the face, head, figure seen in a side view. |
Proportion | The comparative relation of one thing to another; The harmonious relationship among parts or things. |
Rhythm | A regular pulsation or recurrent pattern of movement in a design. |
Single Lines | A hairstyle with only one line, such as the one-length hairstyle. |
Space | The area surrounding the form or the area the hairstyle occupies. |
Straight Profile | Neither convex nor concave; Considered the ideal. |
Symmetrical Balance | Two halves of a style; Form a mirror image of one another. |
Transitional Lines | Usually curved lines that are used to blend and soften horizontal or vertical lines. |
Vertical Lines | Lines that are straight up and down; Create length and height in hair design. |