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RT Chapter 40
Question | Answer |
active cycle of breathing (ACB) | Airway clearance strategy consisting of repeated cycles of breathing control and thoracic expansion, followed by the forces expiratory technique |
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) | A respiratory disorder characterized by respiratory insufficiency and hypoxemia. Trigger include gram-negative sepsis, oxygen toxicity, trauma, pneumonia, and systematic inflammatory responses |
autogenic drainage (AD) | Modification of directed coughing, beginning with low-lung-volume breathing, inspiratory breath holds, and controlled exhalation, and progressing to increased inspired volumes and expiratory flows |
bronchiectasis | Abnormal condition of the bronchial tree characterized by irreversible dilatation and destruction of the bronchial walls |
ciliary dyskinetic syndromes | Conditions in which respiratory tract cilia do not function properly |
forced expiration technique (FET) | Modification of the normal cough sequence designed to facilitate clearance of bronchial secretions while minimizing the likelihood of bronchiolar collapse |
hertz (Hz) | Symbol for the physical term meaning cycles per second |
high frequency chest wall compression (HFCWC) | Mechanical technique for augmenting secretion clearance; injected into and withdrawn from a vest by an air-pulse generator at a fast rate, creating an oscillatory motion against the patient’s thorax |
huff cough | Type of forced expiration with an open glottis to replace coughing when pain limits normal coughing |
inspissation | (of a fluid) thickened or hardened through the absorption of evaporation of the liquid portion, as can occur with respiratory secretion when the upper airway is bypassed |
intrapulmonary percussive ventilation (IPV) | Airway clearance technique that uses a pneumatic device to deliver a series of pressurized gas minibursts at high rates (1.6 to 3.75 Hz) to the respiratory tract, usually via a mouthpiece; usually combined with aerosolized bronchodilator therapy |
mucus plugging | Retention of secretions resulting in full airway obstruction that can result in atelectasis and impaired oxygenation due to shunting |
oscillation | Back-and-forth motion; vibration or the effects of mechanical or electrical vibration |
positive expiratory pressure (PEP) | Airway clearance technique in which the patient exhales against a fixed orifice flow resistor in order to help move secretions into the larger airways for expectoration via coughing or swallowing |
splinting | Process of immobilizing, restraining or supporting a body part |
venostasis | Disorder in which normal flow of blood through a vein is slowed or halted |