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rad rev on ppt

radiobiology review from power points

Radiobiology The study of the effects of radiation on biologic tissue aka. The marriage of radiologic physics and biology
Roentgen 1895
Becquerel 1896
Curie’s discovery 1898
Us fatality 1904
Law of b and t 1906
The pamphlet of American college of radiology states Effects from x radiation may be more severe than nuclear testing 1962
Dose limit 50 mSv per year/ 10 mSv x age = cumulative
Cell theory All living organisms are composed of cells (unicellular or multicellular), cells arise from preexisting cells, cell is the basic unit of life
Cell biology Tissues, organs, systems, organisms
Protoplasm the living contents of a cell that is surrounded by a plasma membrane aka. Cytoplasm
Inorganic compounds of protoplasm Water and minerals
Organic compounds of protoplasm Protein, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and lipids
Cell structure Cell membrane, cytoplasm, and cytoplasmic organelles
Cytoplasmic organelles Endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, ribosomes, lysosomes, and golgi apparatus
Endoplasmic reticulum involved in the synthesis of proteins, membrane factory for the cell, smooth e.r. are involved in the synthesis of lipids
Mitochondria "cellular power plants" generate most of the cell's supply of chemical energy involved in cellular differentiation, cell death, as well as the control of the cell cycle and cell growth
Ribosomes protein-synthesizing machines of the cell
Lysosomes digest things. They might be used to digest food or break down the cell when it dies.
Golgi apparatus cell structure mainly devoted to processing the proteins synthesized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
Nucleus Nuclear membrane, nucleolus, nucleo plasm, DNA, and RNA
Radiation damage to the cell All parts of the cell are at risk from this exposure
Two types of cells Somatic and genetic (germ) cells
Somatic cells All cells except for genetic or reproductive cells. They undergo mitosis
Genetic (germ) cells Reproductive cells, undergo meiosis
Chromosomes Linear threads in the nucleus that contain DNA
46 chromosomes or 23 pair : 2N or diploid number what are in somatic cells
23 chromosomes or 22 autosomes and 1 sex cell: haploid number What are in genetic cells
Genes Basic unit of heredity
Alleles Gene pairs (can be either heterozygous or homozygous)
Mitosis Process of somatic cell division where parent cell divides to produce 2 daughter cells identical to the parent cell
Four phases of cell division
Cell during interphase During s phase, Chromosomes change from a 2 chromatid to a 4 chromatid configuration
Prophase The nucleus swells, chromatids are visible, nucleus membranes disappears, DNA take structural form, chromosomes divides forming centrioles which move to opposite poles
The process of Interphase, prophase, metaphase ,anaphase, telophase = Daughter cells
Metaphase Mitotic spindles form between the centrioles, chromosomes line up, centromere duplicate, chromatids attach to mitotic spindle and mitosis can be stopped and studied
Anaphase Daughter chromsomes formed, pulled toward their respective centriole
Telephase The nuclei begin to form at opposite poles, nuclear membranes form, daughter chromosomes uncoil, cytoplasm divides equally, and cells are now independent then process starts all over again
Meosis Special type of cell division occurring in germ or reproductive cells, reduces the number of chromsomes in each daughter cell to half the number of chromsomes in the parent cell
Phases of Meosis Meosis I, interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase ; Meosis II, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
Malignant cells Cancer cells that may be normal in size or may vary greatly in size and shape from normal cells
How do malignant cells vary from normal cells They have increased amount of chromatin and increased amount of nuclear material to cytoplasm
Sensitivity of a cell to radiation is determined by what State of maturity and its functional role in the body
H to L sensitivity in Tissues Epithelial, muscle, connective and nervous
H to L sensitivity in Organs Nervous, reproductive, digestive, respiratory, endocrine
Factors affecting radiosensitivity
Body is how much water 70 to 85 %
Highest Cellular type sensitivity to radiation Lymphocytes, spermatagonia, erythroblasts, rapid reproduction
Intermediate cellular type sensitivity to radiation Endothelial, osteoblasts, spermatids, fibroblasts, all mature and less reproduction
Low cellular type sensitivity to radiation Muscle, nerve, chondrocytes, mature and slow reproduction
Law of b and t the radio-sensitivity of a cell is directly proportional to their reproductive activity and inversely proportional to their degree of differentiation
LET- linear energy transfer Measure of rate at which energy is transferred from ionizing radiation to the soft tissue; method of expressing radiation quality or how damaging a particular type of radiation is
What is LET expressed in KeV/m
Diagnostic x ray is what KeV/m 3
Direct interactions are related to High LET
Indirect interactions are related to Low LET
High LET radiation causes Greater amounts of damage over a shorter tract of time
Low LET radiation causes Lower amount of damage over a longer tract of time
As the LET of radiation increases the ability to produce biologic damage increases
Protraction Dose delivered continuously as a low dose rate
Fractionation A high dose rate is maintained but is not continuous usually daily intervals occur between high dose therapy
Biologic effects affecting radio-sensitivity Oxygen effect, age, gender, recovery, and chemical agents
OER This states that the presence or absence of oxygen effects tissue sensitivity to radiation
True Tissues that is highly oxygenated (aerobic) is more sensitive than tissue low in oxygen (hypoxia) or without oxygen (anoxia)
Sensitivity Prior to birth most sensitive
Sensitivity when Mature Least sensitive
Sensitivity when old age Slightly more sensitive than when mature
Who is more radioresistant Females by 5 to 10 %
Radiosensitizers Chemicals agents that cause the cells, tissues, or organs to be more radiosensitive
Radioprotectors Chemicals agents that cause the biologic specimen to be resistant to radiation
Hormesis A little radiation is good for you
This has an application of radiology, design of therapeutic plans and provides information on low dose exposures Dose response relationship which is a graphic representation of the relationship between radiation dose and the magnitude of the absorbed response
A linear response and linear threshold are both what on a chart Straight
Non-linear non-threshold and non –linear threshold are both what on chart Slightly curving
Threshold A level that is reached below which no effects are observed
Non-threshold Any amount of radiation may cause a response
Diagnostic x- ray which A linear non-threshold dose response relationship
These also follow a linear non-threshold radiation induced cancer, leukemia and genetic effects
Sigmoid (s type) dose A non- linear threshold radiation dose relationship primarily applies to high dose effects such as those seen in radiation therapy
Charteristics of a sigmoid type dose response curve Usually a threshold , partial recovery from lower dose, decreased response at lower dose called the rate effect a plateau and possibly a turning downward at the highest dose curve exhibits non-9sochastic or certainty effect
Linear quadratic dose response curve Believed to be a more accurate estimate of the risk associated with low level radiation, a more accurate reflection of stochastic and genetic effects at low dose levels from low LET radiations
Stochastic (statistical) effects Random in nature, probability or frequency of the biologic response to radiation as a function of the radiation dose examples: hereditary effects and carcinogenesis
Nonstochasic (deterministic) effects This is a certainty. Biologic effects of ionizing radiation that demonstrates the existence of a threshold example: cataracts, non-malignant damage to skin, blood deficiencies, and impairment to fertility
Chromosome Tiny rod shaped structure that contains DNA
DNA The essential ingredient in chromosomes and the carrier of the genetic code for reproduction and cell activity contains all hereditary information ,double helix structure, nitrogen containing , organic bases, sugar phosphate backbone and a nucleitide base
Organic bases of DNA are Adenine, quinine, cytosine, and thymine
Gene The basic unit of heredity
alleles Gene pairs (homozygous or heterozygous)
Karyotyping A way of identifying or mapping out genes, way of detecting gene mutations
In vitro Irradiation outside of the body or cell in a petrie dish
In vivo Irradiation within the body or cell
Irritation of macromolecules in a solution in vitro causes what main chain scission , crosslinking, and point lesions
Main chain scission The Breaking of the backbone of a long chain macromolecule, reduction of a long single macromolecule into smaller macromolecule, viscosity decreases (thins)
Crosslinking Macromolecules have small spurlike side structures extending off the main chain, spurs attach to other macromolecules or other segments of the same molecule, viscosity increases (thickens)
Point lesions Disruption of the chemical bonds with in the molecule late radiation effects observed at the whole body level these are not detectable but can cause malfunction within the cell
Measures of viscosity determine what The degree of main chain scission
Metabolism consists of catabolism(reduction of nutrient molecules of energy) and anabolism(the production of large molecules for form and function)
This is the most radiosentitive molecule DNA
Half as much DNA is present in G1 than in G2
Somatic mutations Have genetic consequences for that individual only
Genetic mutations Has effect on reproductive organs or gamates one or both parents it will possibly be expressed in future generation
Radiation effects are not radio unique this means will make this happen but it will make it more likely to happen or will happen sooner
Most mutations are undesirable
Mutative effects are probably Cumulative
Target theory There are more than one sensitive key molecules in the cell if these are damaged the cell will not be able to continue to function
Key target molecule is DNA
If radiation interacts with the target molecule it is called what A hit
Indirect hit effect Ionization of a noncritical molecule transfer of energy to target molecule production of ions which are poisonous cell is damaged or indirectly destroyed
Radiolysis of water Disassociation of molecules by radiation means by which indirect hit may cause damage formation of free radicals
Lethal effects of radiation are determined by Observing cell survival not cell death
Cell survival curve A description of the relationship between dose and proportion of surviving cells
2 models for cell survival Single target single hit and multi-target single hit
Single target single hit Applies to biologic targets such as enzymes, virus’s and simple cells such as bacteria
Poission distribution D37 the measure of the radio-sensitivity of biologic tissue
D0 means Mean lethal dose equal to D37 in linear portion of graph and represents the dose that would result in one hit per target in the straight-line portion of the graph if not radiation were wasted
Large D0 means Radio-resistant cells
Small D0 means Radio-sensitive cells
D37 mean When radiation dose reaches a level that is sufficient to kill 63% of the cells (37%) survive
If there were no wasted hits (uniform interaction) D37 would be sufficient to kill what percentage of cells 100%
Multitarget single hit Human cell has two targets which must be inactivated to kill the cell
DQ Threshold dose related to recoverability of a cell from a sub-lethal exposure or dose
Cell cycle effects mitosis Cell cycle time average time from one mitosis to another most cells take 24 hours
Age response function Pattern of change in radio-sensitivity as a function of phase in the cell cycle
Phase radio-sensitivity 1. M phase 2. G1 S transition 3. Late s phase is the most radio-resistant
Created by: hseratt
Popular Radiology sets




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