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RBC Morphology

Hematology1 test on RBC Morphology DelTech Owens

Anisocytosis means that the blood cells are different in __. Size
Poikilocytosis means that the blood cells are different in __. Shape
A measure expressed in % of the variation in the red blood cell volume distribution is called _ _ _ _. Red cell distribution width
Normal range of red cell distribution width is __. 11.5 - 16%
Microcytes are __ than normal RBCs. smaller
Macrocytes are __ than normal RBCs. larger
RBCs with hypochromia are __ in color than normal RBCs. lighter
Hypochromia indicates that RBCs are suffering from decreased __. Hemoglobin
Polychromasia means the RBCs have more __ variation than normal. color
What is another word for target cells? Codocytes
Normal RBCs are bi-concave disks, while sphereocytes are __ shaped. spherical (like a ball instead of being bi-concaved)
Another word for tear drop cells is __. dacrocytes
How can you tell a dacrocyte that has formed due to blood smearing and not due to disease or dysfunction in the body? If dacrocytes form due to smearing, all the tails will be pointing the same way.
Ovalocytes are shaped like an __. oval
Elliptocytes are similar to ovalocytes, but their distortion in shape is __ than an ovalocyte. greater
Stomatocytes have a pale __ through the center instead of a pale disk. slit
Another word for sickle cells is __. drepanocytes
An acanthrocyte refers to a __. form of red blood cell that is spiked, or possesses various abnormal thorny projections
Echinocytes are similar to acanthrocytes, but are __ severe. less
Another word for burr cells is __. echinocyte
A schistocyte is another kind of blood fragment, but it is __ than a acanthrocyte. smaller
A true schistocyte does not have __ __. central pallor.
Helmet cells are also called __ __. bite cells
Blister cells are precursors of __ __ and have bubble on one side. helmet or bite cells
One variation in RBC distrubution is called agglutination. Agglutination means the RBCs have __ together. stuck, or clumped, together
Rouleaux is another form of variation in RBC distribution. When rouleaus presents itself, it means that the cells have lined up like __. coins or dishes
Howell-Jolly bodies are traces of ___ that show up as a single __ in the cells on the blood smear. DNA dot
In a basophilic stippling, the DNA presents as __ on the periphery of the cell. dots
Another way to describe pappenheimer bodies is __ __. siderotic granules
2 causes of basophilic stipplings include: Lead poisoning and chemotherapy
Pappenheimer bodies are abnormal granules of __ found inside red blood cells. iron
Pappenheimer bodies present as tiny dots, like Howell-Jolly bodies, but there are __ dots. more
A __ is a single round dense structure with a regular border, as opposed to the Pappenheimer bodies, which are frequently multiple inclusions with irregular borders. Howell-Jolly body
Heinz bodies are similar to helmet cells in shape, but are __ severe. less
Cabot rings are __ __ in color when stained. red violet
Cabot rings appear as threadlike strands in the shape of a __ or __ of an RBC. loop, figure-8
Hemoglobin c crystals appear as _ shaped areas light in color. C
Created by: IsaacJ
Popular Laboratory Science sets




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