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Chp2 vocab Ap

Agricultral Density the ratio of the number of farmers per usable land sutibale for agricultral
Agricultral Revolution the time where humans tamed plants and animals and didnt depend on hunting
arithmetic density the amount of people dived by an amoutn of land
census A complete count of population
Crude Birth Rate (cbr) the amount of people born a year per every 1,ooo pepole alive
Crude Death Rate ( CDR) the amoutn of deaths in ayear per every 1,000 people alive
demograpic transtion the 4 stages countries pass through based on population
demogrophy the study of population charateristics
dependcy ratio the amount of people younger than the age of 15 and older than 64 compared to the amount of people working
doubling time the amount of years it takes to double the population
ecumene the portion on earth taken up by permanent human settlement
epidemiological transtion the disturbiton of a specific ttpe of diesease in each stage
Epidemiology the science of studying the incidence distribution and control of a diesease
Industrial Revoulution the time where the MCDS developed in industrial technology happened in stage 2
Infant Mortailty rate the amount of babys who die younger than the age of 1 to every 1,000 live births
life expectancy the amount of years a person is expected to live
medical revolution north america and europe made medical technology to give to the lcds
Natural increase the amount told by percentage growth of the poulation its the Cbr - Cdr
overpopulation when the population exceeds capacity
pandemic a diesease spread over a large area affects much of the population
Physiological density the amount of pepole per usable land
population pyriamid a bar graph that represents in 5 years showing the distribution of populatin by age and gender young on the bottom older on the top
sex ratio 1 male to every 1,000 females
total fertillitay rate the amount of children a women is expected to have in her childbearing years
zero poulation growth when the tfr declines anf the nir is at 0
Created by: BB2424
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