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vc a&p study guide

vc lvn chap 16 study guide

What are three functions of the blood? transports, protects against excessive bleeding, regulates temp
What are the physical characteristics of blood? bright/dk red, thick viscosity
What is the composition of blood plasma? 90% Water and 8% protein
What are 4 different kinds of substances transported in the blood plasma? proteins, ions, nutrients, waste products, gases and hormones
What is the precursor cell of all blood cells? Stem cells (hemocytoblast)
State the function of erythrocytes. transport of O2 and CO2,
Hematocrit volume % of blood cells in whole blood; packed cell volume.
leukocytosis Too many leukocytes
monocytes Become macrophages and phagocytize dead tissue
lymphocyte Produce antibodies
Eosinophils Detoxify foreign proteins
Phagocytize pathogens neutrophils
Contain the anticoagulant heparin Basophils
Recognize antigens as foreign T lymphocytes
Secretes histamine during inflammation Basophils
What are the different types of blood? Type A, B, AB, O
What determines the blood type? antigen
Explain what happens if a person with type O positive receives blood from a person with type A negative. the body will reject and start clotting
What are the 3 mechanisms of blood clotting and describe each? Vascular spasm, Platelet plug, Chemical Clotting
With respect to chemical blood clotting/name the organ that produces many of the clotting factors. Liver
With respect to chemical blood clotting/name the vitamin necessary for Prothrombin synthesis. Vitamin K
With respect to chemical blood clotting/state what the clot itself is made of. fibren
Define Vitamin K Helps body to make prothrombin
Define Thrombus stationary blood clot
Define embolus moving clot
Define hemophilia Doesn't have a clotting factor
Define anticoagulant prevents blood from clotting
Define clotting fibren form together
Total blood volume Blood volume 4-6 Liters Plasma 55%, Formed Elements-45%
Polycythemia too many red blood cells
Anemia too few red blood cells
Type of cells in the formed elements? Formed Elements, Plasma-3rd major fluid-55%, Formed Elements-blood cells-45% Formed Elements-Erythrocytes (RBC), Thrombocytes (platelets), Luekocytes (WBC)
Hemoglobin iron containing protein in red blood cells responsible for O2 carrying
leukopenia too few blood cells
albumin holds water
globulin antibodies
3 mechanisms of blood clotting vascular spasm, platelet plug, chemical clotting
descriptions of: vascular spasm platelet plug chemical clotting injury stop the flow of blood to tissue release of prothrombin
Created by: acmkibc
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