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BeorioGoates 2

2nd physical science test

rank types of electromagnetic radiation according to wavelength gamma, x ultraviolet, infrared, microwave, radio
bright lines separated by dark areas interference patterns
fluid properties but in which positive and negative charges move independently plasma
all materials become plasma if. . . they are heated to a high enough temperature
is nitrogen or water denser in liquid state? nitrogen
which have a lower internal energy, solids or gases? solids
rutherford model solar system model
Thompson's gas discharge experiments provide direct experimental evidence for the idea that. . . all atoms are made of charged particles
rutherford's gold foil experiment proved. . . that the atom has a nucleus
Gases emit light when they are energized by an electrical discharge. The light results . . . . . when an electron "jumps" from one energy level down to a lower energy level.
can electrons form interference patterns, just like light? you bet
if moving slowly enough, small objects can have wavelengths that reach macroscopic dimensions? fer sure
spin points in the same direction as. . . the orbital's magnetic field
elements that occur in the same row of the periodic table are organized into. . . periods
bohr model modified solar system model
thompson model positive plum pudding with negative electrons
probability waves tell us the probability of where electrons are likely to be detected
probability curves normal curve
shear waves transverse waves caused by shearing stress; can move through each state of matter
compressional wave longitudinal wave driven by pressure
longitudinal wave when the molecules vibrate in the same direction as the motion of the wave
surface waves contain both longitudinal and transverse motions
amplitude the maximum distance a particle moves from its resting place
wave speed the rate that the disturbance travels through the medium
photoelectric effect ejected electrons have more energy if the light had a shorter wavelength
brownian motion random moving of particles suspended in a fluid (a liquid or a gas) resulting from their bombardment by the fast-moving atoms
as atomic number goes up, atomic volume. . . goes up
as atomic number goes up, inoization energy goes. . down
on the periodic table, inozation energy goes up as you move. . . up and to the right
on the periodic table, ionization energy goes up as you move. . . down and to the left
what are the first five orbitals in order? 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p
atom is full when it has how many electrons? 8
pauli-exclusion principle to occupy the same space particles must have opposite spins
helium belongs in which valence electron group, s, p, d, or f? s
what is right about the continuous model? 4 states of matter
how was the continuous model proved incorrect? brownian motion
what was wrong with the molecular model? did not discover charge
how was the molecular model disproved? thompson's gas discharge experiment
how was thompson's model proved incorrect rutherford's gold foil experiment
what is wrong with rutherford's model? orbiting electrons, can't explain light/colors
what is right about Bohr's model? energy levels for electrons
what is wrong with Bohr's model? still has orbits on electrons, only works for atoms with one electron
Created by: 1518728199
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