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WB Level 1


tempat place
membawa to bring smth
berkunjung to visit
memanggil / panggil to call
mewah luxurious
memberi to give
tertawa to laugh
bersisir to brush hair
sembahyang to pray
mencium to kiss / smell
menggosok (gigi) to brush (teeth)
berpausa to fast
menang to win
kalah to lose
tidak usah no need
sering often
singgah to drop in / visit
kuat strong
adat custom / tradition
menginap to stay (overnight)
jurusan destination
ke arah towards
sebentar lagi soon
warga negera citizen
merayakan to celebrate
menikah married (adj)
pernikahan wedding
mertua parents in law
meninggal to die
menangis to cry
mentraktir to pay for (treat)
hadiah present
tetangga neighbour
kasar rude
menyenangkan lovely
memang benar, tetapi... that's true, but...
pahit bitter
mudah-mudahan hopefully
garpu fork
pisau knife
sendok spoon
penerbangan flight
khususnya especially
tertarik pada interested in / excited about
sebetulnya actually
tetapi sebetulnya but, to be honest (actually)..
tugas tasks
melukis to paint
jarang rarely
mengetik to type
rapat meeting
menaman to plant
pemerintah government
kegiatan activity
pembangunan development
pelan slow
(ter)lambat late (to be)
awal early
gemuk fat
kurus thin
berat heavy
ringan light
tampan handsome
jelek ugly
bodoh stupid
malas lazy
sempit small (area)
terang light (opp dark)
gelap dark
sejuk cool
hangat warm
keras hard
lunak soft
perusahan company
larangan restriction
swasta private
negri state (opp private)
nyaman comfortable / convenient
darurat emergency
janji appointment / promise
berjemur to sunbathe
memancing to fish
mengajak to invite
menemani to accompany
sepangjang along / throughout / during
mengunjungi to visit
menjaga to take care of / look after
langit sky
padat dense
mengudara to take off
mendarat to land
tepi edge
menepi to pull over
jadwal schedule
saran suggestion
nasihat advice
membuang to throw away
buruk bad
kentang potato
cita-cita hopes / desires
santai to relax
menyetrika to iron
bingung confused
mencintai to love
sadar (bawha) to realise (that)
perbedaan difference
kesenangan hobby
mendaki to climb
tidak keberatan don't mind
sekali lagi one more time
ulangi to repeat
bagaimana tulisnya? how do you write it?
ejaan to spell
ucapan to pronounce
termasuk including
pendidikan education
milik belonging to
sebagian besar most
kebanyakan most
mata pelajaran subject (school)
kurang banyak not enough
sejarah history
dunia world
perawat nurse
penari dancer
nelayan fisherman
karyawan staff
wartawan journalist
pramugari air hostess
melayani to serve
relawan volunteer
penjahit tailor
satpam security guard
pedagang trader
gaji salary
rendah low
penghasilan income
lulus to graduate
pension retired
menerjemahkan to translate
halus polite / refined
hampir almost
lengkap complete
sopan polite
sepi quiet
larut malam late at night
petani farmer
sawah field
binatang animal
memelihara to raise (animals)
tenang quiet / stress free
baik hati kind
terburu-buru busy
hiburan entertainment
lingkungan (alam) environment (natural)
merusak to break
mebangun to build
menggambar to draw
bantal pillow
selimut blanket
sprei sheet
rak shelf
lemari cupboard
percaya (pada) to believe (in)
gempa bumi earthquake
putar balik u-turn
nanti dulu! wait a minute!
pemandangan (alam) view
mebel furniture
takut afraid
tahun God
di mana-mana everywhere
pertandingan match (football)
penjahat thief
kejahatan crime
penuh full
upacara ritual
bandara airport
kerajinan tangan handicraft
terletak located
terbuat dari (kayu) made from (wood)
masyarakat community
menyeberang to cross
penyeberangan crossing
di seberang opposite
jalan layang flyover
jembatan bridge
(lurus) mentok (keep going) to the end
bundaran roundabout
jalan satu arah one way street
tersesat to be lost
memilih to choose
penginapan accommodation
sederhana simple
lebih kurang less
oleh karena itu because of this
gajah elephant
harimau tiger
bunyi noise
suara voice / sound
langit sky
perahu small boat
baru saja just (done smthg)
sibuk busy
(uang) sewa rent (n)
hilang to lose
mengantar to take (sbdy)
menjemput to pick up (sbdy)
membuat to make
mati(kan) (turn) off
hidup(kan) (turn) on
aturan rules
berlari run
mengantur to organise
minta ijin to ask for permission
seragam uniform
tanpa without
memotret / memfoto to take a photo
mendengarkan to listen to
penerjemah translator
pertanian agriculture
atasan employer / boss
bawahan employee
ahli expert
bertabah to increase
berkurang to reduce
akhir-akhir ini recently
belankangan ini lately
konon a long time ago
keadaan state / condition
peringatan warning
penduduk residents / population
mengungsi to evacuate
melutus to erupt
luka hurt
memperoleh to get / obtain
awan cloud
domba sheep
babi pig
lancar fluent / smooth
memasan to order
ketika when
sambil while (one actor, two actions)
supaya in order to
sehingga therefore
sementara while (diff actors, same time)
sejak since
seandainya if (improbable)
Created by: Dave McD
Popular Languages sets




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