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latin vocab section3
vocab for latin 1 section 3 2012-2013
Question | Answer |
in foro | in the forum |
negotium agit | is working, is doing business |
ecce! | see! look! |
pictor | painter, artist |
ambulat | is walking |
tonsor | barber |
venalicius | slave dealer |
non venit | does not come |
ad villam | to the house |
ianua | door |
pulsat | knocks on/at |
aperit | opens |
vocat | calls |
ducit | leads |
pictura | picture |
magnus | big, large |
pingit | paints |
leo | lion |
ferociter | fiercely |
petit | heads for, attacks |
fustem | club |
tenet | is holding |
verberat | is striking, is beating |
fortis | brave, strong |
revenit | returns |
intente | intently |
in taberna | in the shop |
inquit | says |
occupatus | busy |
senex | old man |
in sella | in the chair |
novaculam | razor |
barbam | beard |
tondet | is trimming |
poeta | poet |
versum | a line, a verse |
recitat | recites |
ridet | laughs, smiles |
sed | but |
scurrilis | obscene, dirty |
perterritus | terrified |
secat | cuts |
multus | much |
sanguis | blood |
fluit | flows |
e taberna | out of the shop |
ad portum | to the harbor |
navis | ship |
prope | near |
quaerit | looks for, searches for |
habet | has |
contentus | satisfied |
emit | buys |
bonum | good |
pulchra | beautiful |
linguam | language |
discit | is learning |
docta | skillful |
satis | enough |
eheu! | alas! |
et | and |