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Terminology Final

The Male Gonad Testis
A gland below the bladder and surrounding the urethra Prostate
Tissue that produces sperm cells Seminiferous tubules
Hair-like tail region of the sperm is called Flagellum
Tube that leads from the epididymis to the urethra Vas Deferens
Foreskin Prepuce
Male castration would result from which of the following operations Bilateral orchiectomy
Inflammation of the glans penis Balanitis
A chancre is the primary lesion in which of the following condition Syphilis
An androgen Testosterone
Testosterone is produced by Interstitial cells of the testes
Undescended testicles Cryptorchism
Benign prostatic hyperplasia is characterized by Overgrowth of glandular tissue
Testicular carcinoma Seminoma
Sterilaztion Procedure Vasectomy
The sac containing the male gonad Scrotum
Congenital condition of the male urethra Hypospadias
Parenchymal tissue in the testes Seminiferous tubules
Congenital absence of a testicle Anorchism
A spermolytic substance Destroys sperm cells
Orchiopexy Fixation of an undescended testicle
Swollen, twisted veins near the testes Variocele
Non-gonococcal urethritis is most often caused by Chlamydial infection
Treating tissue with cold temperatures is called Cryogenic surgery
Which of the following is not an STD BPH
The ovum is the Female gamete
Pregnancy Gestation
Area between the uterus and the rectum Cul-de-sac
Part of the vulva Labia majora
Adnexa uteri Ovaries and fallopian tubes
Ovarian sac Corpus luteum
Respiratory disorder in the neonate Hyaline membrane disease
Incision of the perineum during childbirth Episiotomy
Fingerlike ends of the fallopian tubes are called Fimbriae
The study and treatment of newborns is called Neonatology
Sac conatining the egg cell is the Ovarian follicle
Hormone produced by an endocrine gland located below the brain Follicle-stimulating hormone
Removal of the fallopian tubes and ovaries Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
Premature separation of placenta Abruptio placentae
A woman who has had 3 miscarriages and 2 live births Grav 5, para 2
Endometrial carcinoma may be detected by D & C
Removal of internal and reproductive organs in the region of the hip Pelvic exenteration
Physician's effort to turn the fetus during delivery Cephalic version
Gynecomastia Abnormal development of breast tissue in males
Excessive flow of blood from the uterus between menstrual periods Metrorrhagia
Painful labor and delivery Dystocia
Menarche First menstrual period
Vaginal discharge, pain in the LLQ and RLQ, dysmenorrhea, and a gonococcal infection. Pelvic inflammatory disease
Pieces of the inner lining of the uterus are ectopic Endometriosis
Leukorrhea is associated with which of the following condition? Cervicitis
Spitting up blood from the respiratory tract and lungs Hemoptysis
Suture -rraphy
New opening between two parts of the jejunum Jejunojejunostomy
Dilation of a lymph vessel Lymphangiectasis
Difficult digestion Dyspepsia
Pyloric stenosis Narrowing of the opening between the stomach and intestine
Which test would tell the presence of melena Stool guaiac
An ulcer would most likely be detected by which of the following tests Gastroscopy
Esophageal atresia Esophagus does not open to the stomach at birth
Bursting forth of blood from the spleen splenorrhagia
Lipase An enzyme that digests fat
Palatoplasty Surgical repair of the roof of the mouth
Which test is NOT a liver function Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
Which test would demonstrate choledocholithiasis Transhepatic cholangiography
Opposite of -ectasis -stenosis
Flow, discharge -rrhea
Anastomosis Cholecystojejunostomy
Common bile duct Choledoch/o
Forward protrusion of the eye Proptosis
Surgical puncture to remove fluid from the abdomen Paracentesis
Twisting of part of the intestine upon itself Cecal volvulus
Periodontal procedure Gingivectomy
Heavy menstrual discharge Menorrhagia
Visual examination of the abdomen Laparoscopy
Salivary stones Sialolithiasis
Pertaining to between the ribs Intracostal
Pertaining to the opposite side Contralateral
Protrussion of an eyeball Exophthalmos
A congenital anomaly Syndactyly
Symbiosis Parasitism is an example
Symptoms precede an illness Prodrome
Before Meals Ante Cibum
Antibodies Protein substances made by leukocytes
Symphysis Bones grow together as in the pelvis
Ultrasonography Sound waves and echoes are used to create an image
Metamorphosis Change in shape or form
Hypertrophy Increase in cell size; increased development
Excessive sugar in the blood Hyperglycemia
Retroperitoneal Behind the abdomen
Antigens Streptococci
Return of disease symptoms Relapse
Dia- Complete, through
Abductor muscle Carries a limb away from the body
Dyspnea Difficult breathing
Brady- Slow
Located on the dorsal side of an endocrine gland in the neck Parathyroid gland
Recombinant DNA Gene from one organism is inserted into another organism
Tachycardia Rapid heartbeat
Epithelium Surface cells that line internal organs and are found in the skin
Percutaneous Through the skin
The process by which food is burned to release energy Catabolism
Part of the cell where formation of protein occurs Endoplasmic reticulum
Sum of the chenmical processes in a cell Metabolism
Picture of nuclear structures arranged in numerical order Karyotype
Part of a cell where catabolism occurs Mitochondria
Allows materials to pass into and out of the cell Cell membrane
Genes are composed of DNA
Muscular wall separating the abdominal and thoracic cavities Diaphragm
The space in the chest between the lungs is the Mediastinum
Adipose means pertaining to Fat
Throat Pharynx
Sarcoma Malignant tumor of flesh tissue
Craniotomy Incision of the skull
A histologist studies Tissues
An epithelial cell is a Skin Cell
The pleural cavity is the Space between the membranes around the lungs
Viscera Internal Organs
The pituitary gland is in which body cavity Cranial
Voice Box Larynx
The tailbone is the Coccyx
Supine means Lying on the back
The upper lateral regions of the abdomen, beneath the ribs, are the Hypochondriac regions
The RUG contains the Liver
Pertaining to a plane that divides the body into right and left portions Sagittal
A disk is A piece of cartilage between the backbone
Formation of lymph Lymphopoiesis
Interstitial fluid contains or is Found in the space between cells and becomes lymph when it enters lymph capillaries
All of the following are apart of the immune system EXCCEPT Platelets
All of the following describe areas of lymph node concentration EXCEPT Bone Marrow
B cells, plasma cells, and antibodies are apart of Humoral immunity
Helper or suppressor cells are types of T cells
Examples of immunoglobulins IgA, IgE, IgG
Oropharyngeal lymph tissue Tonsils
Mediastinal T cell producer Thymus
Nasopharyngeal lymph tissue Adenoids
Abdominal organ that filters erythrocytes and activates lymphocytes Spleen
Produces lymphocytes and monocytes and all other blood cells Bone Marrow
Cytotoxic cell are T cell lymphocytes
Interferons and interleukins are Antiviral proteins produced by T cell lymphocytes
Slight increase in numbers of lymphocytes Lymphocytosis
Pertaining to poison Toxic
Computerized x-ray imagining in the transverse place CT Scan
HIV is The Virus that causes AIDS
Malignant tumor of lymph nodes Hodgkin disease
Viral infection causing blisters on skin of lips, nose, or genitals Herpes simplex
Cancer arising from the lining cells of capillaries, producing bluish red skin nodules Kaposi sarcoma
Major lung infection with fever, cough. chest pain, and sputum. Treatment is with Bactrium Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
Protozoan (parasitic) infection associated with AIDS. PRoduces pneumonitis, hepatitis, and encephalitis Cryptococcosis
Atopy is A hypersensitivity or allergic state
Fibrous layer of clear tissue that extends over the anterior portion of the eye and is continuous with the white of the eye Cornea
Yellowish region in the retina contains the fovea centralis Macula lutea
What eye structure is transparent, biconvex, and focuses light on the retina Lens
Place where optic never fibers cross in the brain Optic chiasma
Adjustment of the lens by the ciliary body Accommodation
Photosensitive receptor cells of the retina; make the perception of color possible Cones
The combining form for cornea is Kerat/o
The combining for the ciliary body is Cycl/o
The meaning of palpebr/o is Eyelid
An eye inflammation commonly called "pinkeye" is Conjunctivitis
Impairment of vision due to old age Presbyopia
Myopia Nearsightedness
Astigmatism Defective curvature of the cornea or lens
Glaucoma is primarily diagnosed by Tonometry
A blind spot; area of depressed vision surrounded by an area of normal vision Scotoma
Macular degeneration produce Loss of central vision
Small hard mass on the eyelid; formed from a sebaceous gland enlargement Chalazion
Small-shaped, spirally wound tube in the inner ear is the Cochlea
Channel between the middle ear and the nasopharynx Eustachian tube
Myring/o Tympanic membrane
Bacterial infection of the middle ear Suppurative otitis media
Visual examination of the ear Otoscopy
Nerve deafness occurring with aging Presbycusis
Fungal infection of the ear Otomycosis
Amniocentesis Surgical puncture to remove fluid from the sac around the embryo
Inflammation of lymph tissue in the throat Tonsillitis
Prolapse -ptosis
Blood is held back from an area Ischemia
Death Necr/o
Acromegaly Enlargement of extremities after puberty due to pituitary gland problem
Pain in the ear Otalgia
Continuing over a long period of time Chronic
Small artery Arteriole
Instrument to visually examine -scope
Hernia of the urinary bladder Rectocele
Tumor of bone marrow Multiple myeloma
X-ray record of the spinal cord Myelogram
Berry shaped bacteria -cocci
Neutrophil Polymorphonuclear
Instrument to record -graph
Resembling -oid
An eosinophil is a Leukocyte
Removal of the voice box Laryngectomy
Angioplasty means Surgical repair of a blood vesel
A blood cell that produces antibodies Lymphocyte
The opposite of -malacia is -sclerosis
Excessive development Hypertrophy
Treatment -therapy
Surgical creation of a permanent opening to the outside of the body -stomy
Study of the interaction of drugs and subcellular entities such as ezymes and DNA is called Molecular Pharmacology
Finding proper antidotes to the harmfull effect of drugs is part ofthe specialty of Toxicology
Which of the following is a drug generic name Ampicillin
Which agency holds the legal responsibility for deciding whether a drug may be distributed and sold FDA
The combination of two drugs can cause an effect that is greater than the sum of the individual effects of each Synergism
Suppositories are inserted Rectal adminstration
Drugs are swallowed and absorbed through the intestinal tract Oral
Drugs are injected through a syringe into a muscle, vein, or body cavity Parenteral adminstration
Aerosols are adminstered in this way Inhalation
Drugs are applied on the skin Topical
What is anaphylaxis A type of hypersensitivity reaction
Drugs that block release of a substance that causes allergic reactions are called Antihistamines
Morphine Analgesic drug
Beta-blocker Cardiovascular drug
Heparin Anticoagulant drug
Estrogen Endocrine drug
Amphetamine and caffeine Stimulant drug
What is the effect of a diuretic Lowers blood pressure by promoting fluid excretion from the kidney
Penicillin is an example of which type of drug Antibiotic
A drug that against fever is Antipyretic
Drugs that control anxiety and severe disturbances of behavior Tranquilizers
Drugs that relax without necessarily producing sleep Sedatives
Drugs used to relieve pain, induce sleep, and suppress cough Analgesics
Drugs that produce loss of sensation throughout the entire body Anesthetics
Drugs used to treat epilepsy Anticonvulsants
Created by: reolove_
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