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Holzshu SOL 5.6
SOL 5.6 Oceans: Mr. Holzshu's 5th Grade Science
Question | Answer |
Oceans cover | about 70 percent of the surface of Earth. |
continental shelf | The area of seabed around a large landmass where the sea is relatively shallow compared with the open ocean. |
continental slope | The slanting between the outer edge of the continental shelf and the deep ocean floor. |
continental rise | A wide, gentle incline from an ocean bottom to a continental slope. |
sediments | sand, mud, rocks. |
Ocean trenches | are very deep. |
is relatively shallow | continental shelf. |
Ocean water is | a complex mixture of gases (air) and dissolved solids (salts, especially sodium chloride). |
Marine organisms are dependent on | dissolved gases for survival. |
The salinity of ocean water varies in some places depending on | rates of evaporation and amount of runoff from nearby land. |
Salinity | Amount of salt in the ocean. |
The basic motions of ocean water are | the waves, currents, and tides. |
the Gulf Stream | caused by wind patterns and the differences in water densities (due to salinity and temperature differences). |
mixing of ocean waters | can affect plant and animal populations. |
Currents | affect navigation routes. |
As the depth of ocean water increases, the temperature | decreases, |
the pressure increases and the amount of light decreases | As the depth of ocean water increases |
Plankton are | tiny free-floating organisms that live in water. |
Animal-like plankton are called | zooplankton. |
Plant-like plankton are called | phytoplankton |
phytoplankton | carry out most of the photosynthesis on Earth. |
photosynthesis from phytoplankton | provide much of Earth’s oxygen. |
Phytoplankton form | the base of the ocean food web. |
Plankton flourish in areas where | nutrient-rich water upwells from the deep. |