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Neuroanat Rev NPTE

Neuroanatomy Review NPTE scorebuilders

General Function of Cerebellum Responsible for fine tuning of movement. Assists with maintain posture and balance. Regulates muscle tone, Controls rapid alternating movements.
Signs & Symptoms of Cerebellar lesions symptoms are ipsilateral to damaged side Ataxia,nystagmus,Tremor(intention, postural) dysmetria, Hypotonia titubations, dysdiadochokinesia, poor coordination, deficits in postural reflexes, balance, and equilibrium.
Floculonodular(Archicerebellum) lobe Function Connects with vestibular system, Deals with equilibrium and regulation of muscle tone. Helps coordinate VOR.
Anterior lobe (Paleocerebellum) Function Deals with modifying muscle tone and synergistic actions of muscles. Important in maintenance of posture and voluntary movement control
Posterior lobe (Neocerebellum) Function Deals with smooth coordination of voluntary movements. Makes sure of accurate force, direction, and extent of movement. Important for motor learning.
Posterior/Dorsal Column Sensory tract relaying information on proprioception, vibration, and discriminative touch(2-point discrimination, & Graphesthesia) Cuneatus= UE,Trunk,Neck Gracilis= LE, Trunk
Spinocerebellar tract (Dorsal & Ventral) Sensory tract that ascends to cerebellum for information dealing with subconscious proprioception, tension in muscles, joint sense, and posture of trunk & LE(Dorsal). UE,LE,&Trunk(Ventral). Symptoms ipsilateral to damaged hemisphere side.
Spino-Olivary tract ascends to cerebellum and sends information from cutaneous and proprioceptive organs.
Spinoreticular tract Afferent pathway for the reticular formation. It influences levels of consciousness.
Spinotectal tract Sensory tract providing afferent Information for spinovisual reflexes and assists with movement of eyes and head towards a stimulus. (Ascending component of MLF?)
Spinothalamic tracts (Anterior & Lateral) Lateral = sends up information dealing with pain and temperature. Anterior = sends up information dealing with light touch and pressure.
Ascending Tracts - Posterior Column - Spinocerebellar tract - Spino-Olivary tract - Spinoreticular tract - Spinotectal tract - Spinothalamic tract
Pyramidal tracts & Results of damage Anterior & Lateral Corticospinal Results of damage: Positive babinski sign, absent superficial abdominal relfexes and cremasteric reflex, and loss of fine motor or skilled voluntary movement.
Extrapyramidal tracts & Results of damage - Reticulospinal tract - Rubrospinal tract - Tectospinal tract - Vestibulospinal tract Results of damage: significant paralysis, hypertonicity, exaggerated DTR's, Clasp-knife rxn.
Basal Ganglia function and components Composed of caudate, putamen, globus pallidus, substantia nigra, and subthalamic nuclei. Collectively responsible for voluntary movement, regulation of autonomic movement, posture, muscle tone, and control of motor responses
Corticospinal Tract (anterior & lateral) Pyramidal motor tract responsible for voluntary discrete and skilled movements
Reticulospinal tract Extrapyramidal motor tract responsible for facilitation or inhibition of voluntary and reflex activity through the influence on alpha and gamma motor neurons.
Rubrospinal tract Extrapyramidal motor tract responsible for motor input of gross postural tone, facilitating activity of flexor muscles, and inhibiting the activity of extensor muscles.
Tectospinal tract Extrapyramidal motor tract responsible for contralateral postural muscle tone associated with auditory/visual stimuli.
Vestibulospinal tract Extrapyramidal motor tract responsible for ipsilateral gross postural adjustments subsequent to head movements. Facilitating activity of the extensors muscles and inhibiting activity of the flexor muscles
Frontal lobe functions This lobe is responsible for Intellect, orientation, voluntary movement, Broca's area, executive function.
Frontal lobe impairments Contralateral weakness, Perseveration, inattention, Emotional lability, Delayed or poor initiation, Broca's aphasia (expressive), impaired concentration, apathy,Personality changes, and antisocial behavior
Parietal lobe function This lobe is responsible for receiving information associated with touch, kinesthesia, and vibration.
Parietal lobe impairments Dominant hemisphere(typically left): agraphia, alexia, agnosia Non-dominant hemisphere: dressing apraxia, anosognosia Contralateral sensory deficits Impaired taste Impaired language comprehension
Temporal lobe function This lobe is responsible for auditory processing, wernicke's area, and production of meaningful speech.
Temporal lobe impairments Learning deficits, Wernicke's aphasia (receptive), antisocial aggressive behaviors, difficulty with facial recognition, difficulty with memory, inability to categorize objects
Occipital lobe function This lobe is responsible for visual processing,judgment of distance, and vision in three dimensions.
Occipital lobe impairments Homonymous hemianopsia, impaired extraocular muscle movement and visual deficits, impaired color recognition, reading & writing impairment, and cortical blindness with bilateral lobe involvement.
Left Hemisphere specialization/dominance Analytical, controlled, logical, rational, Mathematical calculations, Language, Express positive emotions (love & happiness)
Right Hemisphere specialization/dominance This lobes specific responsibilities include: Nonverbal processing, artistic expression, comprehension of general concepts, spatial relationships, kinesthetic awareness, mathematical reasoning, and body image awareness
Created by: dkhan40
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