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Cardiac Dysrhythmia
Common Cardiac Dysrhythmias
Question | Answer |
Where are the bundles of HIS located? | Below the AV node with two on the left side and one on the right. |
What is another term for the AV node? | Junction (all conduction channels through). |
What does the Myocardial action potential involve? | Depolarization; Repolarization; Relative Refractory Period; Absolute Refractory Period. |
What happens during depolarization? | Stimulation of the cardiac cell by the pacemaker cell causing an influx of Na and Ca, outflow of K. |
What happens during Repolarization? | No impulse entering the cells can cause it to depolarize. |
What happens during the Relative refractory period? | Impulses entering the cardiac cell now can cause serious, uncontrolled reactions. |
What happens during the Absolute refractory period? | The retun of the cardiac cell to resting state. |
What part of the EKG is the Absolute RP? | From the begining of the QRS to the middle of the T |
What does the T wave represent? | Repolarization of the Ventricle. |
What does the P wave represent? | SA node fires, stimulates atrial contraction. |
What is the P-R interval? | Represents the de and repolarization of the atrium (the time it takes to travel from the SA node to the AV node). Average time: .12 - .20 |
What does the ST segment represent? | Early phase of ventricular muscle recovery. |
What is the QT interval? | The total time for ventricular de and repolarization (should not be less than 1/2 the R-R time. (AVG time: .34-.44) Danger above .45!!!! |
What is the passive flow rate from the atria into the ventricle? | 75-80% |
What is "Atrial Kick"? | It is the residual blood left in the atrium that is ejected upon contraction of atrium into ventricle. |
What is the duration of the QRS? | < or equal to .12 |
What does a peaked T wave represent? | TOO MUCH POTASSIUM |
What does and "U"ed T wave represent? | Ischemia |
A U wave appears on a EKG what does that represent? | Repolarization of the Purkinje Fibers. |
What is the most accurate method in deciding Rate? | Count the number of boxes between two R waves, divide 1500 by the number of boxes. |
What is Sinus Arrhythmia? | Rhythm=slightly irregular, varies w/respirations; Rate=variable; Normal P wave. |
What is Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT)? | Rhythm=Regular; Rate=>150 bpm; T and P waves are together; PR and QT intervals not measurable. |
What does Adenosine do to the heart? | It is a Chemical Defibrillator used to reset the heart. |
What is Atrial Flutter? | Rhythm= regular or irregular; Rate=variable; P waves are sawtooth; PR and QT not measurable. |
What is Atrial Fibrillation? | Alway irregular rhythm, rate. |
Be able to recognize Ventricular Tachy, Ventricular Fib and Asystole. |