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Ch 19 WW1 Honors

Allies (Triple Entente) Great Britain, France, Russia, US
Central Powers (Triple Alliance) Germany, Ottoman Empire, Austria-Hungary
Neutral Switzerland, Spain, Norway, Sweden
Weapons of WW1 U-boat, Machine Guns, Airplanes (dogfights), trench warfare, tanks, poison gas
4 longterm causes Imperialism, Militarism, Nationalism, and the system of alliances
What was the immediate cause of the war? Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
For what country was Archduke Ferdinand the heir to the throne? Austria-Hungary
Who assassinated Ferdinand? Gavrillo Princip
What was the British Blockade? The British used their navy to block the Germans from obtaining supplies.
What stance did Wilson want to take in the war? Neutrality
What did Wilson propose as a League of Peace? League of Nations
Who did not pass the League of Nations? The Senate
What years did the war last? 1914-1918
When did the US enter the war? 1917
What were US Soldiers called? doughboys
What boat was sunk by a german U-boat where 128 Americans died? Lucitania
What was the Zimmerman Note a telegram obtained by British intelligence that indicated Germany would help Mexico take back the US state of Texas, Arizona and New Mexico
What is unrestricted warfare? When a country threatens to attack (in this case boats) of any nature- military, passenger, cargo...
Who was President during WW1? Woodrow Wilson
What political party was Wilson? Democrat
When did the British enter WW1? When the Germans crossed into Belgium
What did women do in WW1? The only military women who went overseas were nurses. Domestically, women took on work in the factories, raised Victory gardens and also did clerical work.
Who was Vladimir Lenin The Bolshevik leader in Russia who led a revolution.
Why did Russia drop out of the war and thus lose a lot of territory? They were having a Russian Revolution
What was the Sussex Pledge? a promise made by Germany not to sink any more merchant ships without a warning (after the Lusitania).
What is espionage? Spying.
What is the purpose of a Liberty Bond? For the US Government to raise money to pay for the war.
Gavrillo Princep was a member of what Serbian nationalist group? The Black Hand
What are reparations? damanges paid for war
Who owed reparations after WW1? Germany
In the Treaty of Versailles, what country was forced to take full responsibility for the war? Germany
What is a "RED SCARE" a fear of communism- widespread
After WW1, Warren G. Harding became the President. What did he promise to do? "A return to normalcy"- to get things back to the way things were before WW1
What was President Wilson's 14th point? the League of Nations
What was the League of Nations designed to do? prevent future wars
What did the Espionage and Sedition Acts do? It made it illegal to criticize the US Government or War effort
What was the job of the "Committee on Public Information"? They were supposed to "sell" the war to the American people.
What was the selective service act? It made the draft possible. It used a lottery method.
World War 1 was the first war in which... Women OFFICIALLY served in the armed forces
What was the Great Migration? When African Americans moved by the thousands from the south into the north.
What was created to help conseve energy during ww1 by the fuel administration? Daylight Savings Time
Created by: bnet02
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