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ACT Science
Question | Answer |
Absolute | existing independent of any other cause |
Accuracy | freedom from mistake; exactness; the relationship between the graduation on a measuring device and the actual standard for the quantity being measured |
Adverse | acting against or in an opposite direction |
Analogous | similar or comparable in certain respects |
Analyze | to study the relationship of the parts of something by analysis |
Application | ability to put to a practical use; having something to do with the matter at hand |
Approximately | nearly; an estimate or figure that is almost exact |
Argument | a reason for against something |
Assumption | something accepted as true |
Comprehend | to understand fuly |
Concentration | the ratio of the amount of solute to the amount of solvent or solution |
Conclusion | a final decision based on facts, experience, or reasoning |
Confirm | to make sure of the truth of something |
Consequence | something produced by a cause or condition |
Consistent | in agreement; firm; changeless |
Constant | remaining steady and unchanged |
Contradiction | a statement in opposition to another |
Control group | experimental group in which conditions are controlled |
Controlled experiment | one in which the conditions suspected to cause an effect is compared to one without the suspected condition |
Controlled variable | a factor in an experiment that remains constant |
Correlation | a close connection between two ideas or sets of data |
Criticism | a finding of fault; disapproval |
Definitive | most nearly complete or accurate |
Demonstrate | to explain by use of examples or experiments |
Dependence | a state of being controlled by something else |
Dependent variable | result or change that occurs due to the part of an experiment being tested (positioned on the vertical y- axis) |
Diminish | to make smaller or less; decrease in size |
Direct relationship | the connection between two variables that show the same effect ( i.e., both increase or both decrease) |
Effective | producing or able to produce a desired condition |
Estimation | forming a calculation based on incomplete data |
Ethical | following accepted rules of behavior |
Evaluation | the result of finding; estimating the value of something |
Evidence | that which serves to prove disprove something |
Examine | to look at of check carefullly |
Expectation | the extent of a chance that something will occur |
Experiment | a test made to find something out |
Experimental design | the plan for a controlled experiment |
Experimental group | the experimental part in which all conditions are kept the same except for the condition being tested |
Explanation | a statement that makes something clear |
Extrapolation | estimating a value for one characteristic that is beyond the range of a given value of another characteristic |
Figure | a picture that explains |
Fundamental | a basic part |
Generalization | something given as a broad statement or conclusion |
Hypothesis | testable explanation of a question or problem |
Illustrate | to make clear by using examples |
Imply | to suggest rather than to say plainly |
Inconsistent | not in agreement |
Incorporate | to join or unite closely into a single body |
Independent variable | in a controlled experiment, the variable that is being changed (positioned on the horizontal x- axis) |
Indication | the act of pointing out or pointing to something |
Indicator | any device that measures, records, or visibly points out; any of various substances used to point out, such as, a cause, treatment, or outcome on an action |
Ingredient | any of the components of which something is made |
Interpolation | estimating a value that falls between two known values; a "best-fit line" on a graph |
Interpretation | the act of telling the meaning of; explanation |
Inverse (indirect) relationship | the connection between two variables that shows the opposite effect (i.e., when the value of one variable increases, the value of the other variable deceases |
Investigate | to study by close and careful observation |
Irregular | not continuous or coming at set times |
Issue | something that is questioned |
Judgment | an option formed by examining and comparing |
Justify | to prove or show to be right or reasonable |
Legend | a title, description, or key accompanying a figure or map |
Maximum | as great as possible in amount or degree |
Measurement | the act of finding out the side or amount of something |
Mechanism | the parts or steps that make up a process or activity |
Minimum | as small as possible in amount or degree |
Model | a pattern or figure of something to be made |
Modify | to make changes in something |
Observation | the act of noting and recording facts and events |
Opinion | a belief based on experience and on seeing certain facts |
Optimum | the best or most favorable degree, condition, or amount |
Pattern | a model, guide, or plan used in making things; definite direction, tendency, or characteristics |
Perform | to carry out; accomplish |
Phenomenon | an observable fact or event |
Precision | the quality of being exactly stated; exact arrangement |
Predict | to figure out and tell beforehand |
Preference | a choosing of or liking for one thing rather than another |
Probability | the quality of being reasonably sure but not certain of something happening or being true |
Procedure | the way in which an action or actions is carried out |
Proponent | one who supports a cause |
Proportional | any quantities or measurements having the same fixed relationship in degree or number |
Reasonable | showing or containing sound thought |
Refute | to prove wrong by argument or evidence |
Relationship | the state of being connected |
Replicate | to copy or reproduce |
Revise | to look over again; to correct or improve |
Simulation | the act or process of simulating a system or process |
Study | a careful examination and investigation of an event |