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What major event led to a food surplus in great britain in the early 1700s? Agricultial revolution.
Which 3 major advancements took place during the agricultial revolution? Crop rotation,invention of farming ,improved mass breeding.
This event in the mid 1700s marked the decline in the need for hand(muscle) powe and increased the demand for machine power,thus creating factories? the industrial revolution.
What year did the enclosure movement take place? the 1700s
What replaced the cottage industry? Factories
What were the factories like? 2story buildings,hot,no windows at all.
what is mass production? LOts of products being made.
what were the consequences of mass production? men women and childern were losing there jobs.
What is Laissez Faire? very lazy goverment.
What were the factors of production? land labor capital.
What is thre royal to urban migration? job offers and factorys.
what was the industrial revolution? movement from muscle to machine power.
Example of land? waterways
Example of labor? Factories
Example of capital? Money
What are tendements? small buildings that housed about 40 to 50 people workers without homes.
what were some of the conditions of the tendements? very crowded,no electric,small.
What were the wages for the men women and children? The men got paid the least amount,the women and children got paid the most because they were cheaper.
What is women and child labor? women and child labor is when the factory owners made them work rediculious hours at a time like 12 or 13 hour shifts and it was very hot and nothing 2 drink for them.
what were some of the factory conditions? it was very crowded,hot,nothing for the workers to drink all day long,the windows were allways shut threy never got opened.
What is urbanization? the growth of the city.
What are the rise of the unions? groups of people that talk about certain things.
what is rise of suburbanization? it is like the outskirts of the city.
what are some conditions of the suburban area? there were single family homes,good hygeen,clean air and wealth.
what was the decline in the cottage industry? it was when machines started coming around and nothing was made by hand anymore.
what was the positive consequnces of the industial revolution? Better technolagy.
some negitve consequnces of the industial revlution? Lon hours,very short beak,hardly no pay at all.
Created by: LDonnalley
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