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Final Review PART 2

History 41-76

Define Nativism. Favortism toward a native born person over foreign born person. Its purpose was to response to growth of immigration.
What was the purpose of the tenements/rowhouses? Rowhouse: Provided single-family housing for working class families. Tenements: multifamily home usually overcrowded and unsanitary.
Compare and Contrast Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois. BTW-believed in gradual approach to integration. WEB- immediate approach in society.
What methods were used to prevent African Americans from voting? Polltax, grandfather clause, and literacy tests.
What is poll tax? annual tax that they had to be paid before qualifying to vote.
What is the grandfather clause? if a man failed the literacy test, or could not afford poll tax, if their father or grandfather were eligible, so were they. Slavery was not freed by the date.
What were Jim Crow Laws? Seperated the white and black people in public and private facilities.
What was the result of the Supreme Court Case of Plessy vs. Ferguson? Established a doctrine of "seperate by equal" and legalized racial segregation for almost 60 years.
Explain the 17th amendment. Election of U.S. senates by the people rather than by state legislatures.
Explain the 18th amendment. prohibition-banning of alcohol.
Explain the 19th amendment. women suffrage-right to vote.
Define scientific management. increase efficiency in the workplace-simple and easy
The Jungle-what was it about? sickening conditions of meatpacking industry
Who was the author of The Jungle? Upton Sinclair
What did The Jungle Result in? Led to the Meat Inspection Act and the Pure Food and Drug Act.
Why did Congress pass the 16th Amendment? Underwood Tariff lowered taxes for first time since Civil war.It resulted in the creation of federal income tax to replace revenue lost from lowering tariffs.
Define muckrackers. journalist who exposed the corrupt side of buisness and public life.
What role did Eugene V. Debs have in the 1912 presidential election? Socialist party canidate for president.
Why was the Federal Reserve System created? nations banking system-helped people borow money if that bank was running out. Financial reform in progressive era.
What is the initiative? legislative measure can be originated by the people rather than by lawmakes.
What is the referendum? proposed legislative measure can be summited to vote of the people.
What is the recall? removing of public officials from office by the vote of the people.
What does the initiative, referendum, and recall do? Progressive reforms to voters give them more voice in government.
What were the goals of the Progressive Movement? 1. protecting social welfare 2.promoting moral improvement. 3. creating economic reform 4. fostering efficiency
What were the reasons for U.S. imperialism? 1. Desire for military strength. 2. thirst for new markets. 3. belief in cultural superiority
How did the U.S. gain its first overseas colonies? What arguments were made against the creation of an empire for the U.S? The U.S. gained its first colonies after siging the Treaty of Paris with Spain after the Spanish American War. They gained the Island of Guam and Puerto Rico. America's imperialism became a big problem. Some felt the need to take over new islands and
educate and Christianize them. Others felt it was wrong to take new lands and deny them the right to self government.
Explain the Open Door Policy. Open trade routes and protect trade interests with China for the U.S.
Explain the Platt Amendment. It insisted Cuba to add to its constitution in order to get independence.
What was the name of President Roosevelt's foreign policy? What was the purpose of the Roosevelt Corollary? Roosevelt Corollary-it protected its economic interests by military intervention in affairs of Western Hemisphere nations/ Latin American and Carribean.
What allowed the U.S. to build a canal across the Isthmus of Panama? gained independence from Colombia.
What were the Fourteen Points? Wilson's plan for peace.
Why did the U.S. not join the League of Nations? Senate rejected plan because they wanted to stay clear of foreign entanglements.
What caused the U.S. to enter WWI? Zimmerman Notes, sinking of U.S. ships, Russian Czar overthrown, Cultural ties to the Allies.
What was the War Industries Board? Regulate and took over mass production of companies, rationed foods,etc for war efforts.
What were the terms of the Espionage and Sedition Acts? Interfering with war efforts
What occured during the Teapot Dome scandal? Oil-rich lands dold and leased out to private companies for profit under President Harding's Administration.
How did the American punlic view labor unions after WWI? labeled as corrupt and communist- the fear of communism led to downfall in union membership.
Who was A. Mitchell Palmer? What were his fears? Attorney General in change for removing radicals from government. He helped fuel the Red Scare/ Communism with Palmer Raids.
Which group of people did the immigation policies of the 1920's limit? Japanese, European immigration. it allowed immigration from western hemisphere-canada and mexico
What was the purpose of the Fordney-McCumber Tarriff? Raised taxes on imports to record levels to protect American buisness against foreign competition.
What is the NAACP? Full racial equality.
What failed legislation did they push for? Equality and anti-lynching laws.
What was the Great Migration? African Americans escaping racial violence and jobs from the south to northern cities.
What was the significance about the trial of John T. Scopes? Science and religion in American schools
List poets and artists from the Harlem Renaissance. Ernest Hemmingway, Langston Hughes, F. Scott Fitzgerald, George Gershwin, Georgia O'keefe, Sinclair Lewis, etc.
What was the Harlem Renaissance? artistic and literary movement celebrating African American culture.
What were Marcus Garvey's beliefs? African Americans should build a seperate society and believed in the "Back to Africa" campaign.
What was prohibition? banning of alchol.
How long did prohibition last? 18 years.
Why was it unsuccessful? It couldnt be enforced, bribing, smuggling, and people didnt agree with it so they purposely broke the law.
Created by: kk_taki2
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