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MCCpsych test 1-3


psychoanalytic theroy all human behavior is caused and can be explained(Freud)
free association saying a word and having the client respond quickly as possible
ego defensive mechanisms (EDM) way of coping with basic drives or emotional painful thoughts feelings or events
(EDM) compensation overachievement in one area to compensate for perceived lack of another area
(EDM)conversion expression of emotional conflict through development of physical symptoms
(EDM)denial failure to acknowledge unbearable condition
(EDM)displacement venting intense feelings towards less threatening than the one who elicted them
(EDM)dissociation temp altercation of con to deal with conflict, example amnesia after accedent, or adult that remembers nothing of childhood sexual abuse
(EDM)fixation stuck in one of the childhood developmental stages
(EDM)identification modeling actions and opinions of influential others while searching for identity.
(EDM)intellectualization ignoring emotions and addressing the facts
(EDM) introjection accepting anothers values and belifes and attatudes as ones own, ex. person who dislikes guns becomes a hunter just like his best friend
(EDM)projection blaming of unacceptable thoughts on another, ex. closeted homo beats the crap out of a gay man.
(EDM)rationalization excusing behavior avoiding responsibility for it by blaming others (thus rationalizing it)
(EDM)reaction formation acting the opposite of what one thinks. ex. complementing the boss that you wish was face down in a gutter dead in his won piss and shit, being eaten by rats and stray dogs
(EDM)regression moving back to a developmental stage. man pouts like a five year old girl is his girl friend ignores him.
(EDM)repression removal of thoughts that are to painful. woman dosnt remember being mugged yesterday
(EDM)resistance overt or covert antagonism toward remembering or processing anxiety producing information. attends court ordered AA but wont participate
(EDM)sublimation substituting a socially acceptable activity for an umpulse that is unacceptable, ie. subbing hard candy for a cigerette, going for a 15 min walk when hungry for an entire pizza, cake and a 2L of mt dew.
(EDM)substitution replacing the desired gratification with one that is more readily available. woman wants a child and opens a daycare
(EDM)supression conscious exclusion of unacceptable thoughts and feelings from the conscious awareness. student wont think about parents illness to study for a test, woman tells a friend that she cant think about her sons death right now
(EDM)undoing exhibiting acceptable behavior to make up for or negate unacceptable behavior. cheating wife cleans house and makes a nice dinner for husband and blows him under the dinning room table.
taxonomy that decribes all mental disorders, outlining specific diagnostic criteria DSM-IV-TR. uses multiaxial classification system (axis 1-5)
axis 1 psychiatric disorders except retardation, and personality disorders, examples include schizophrenia anxiety depression and substance related disorders
axis 2 reports mental retardation and personality disorders, prominant maladaptive personality features and defense mechanisms
axis 3 curent medical conditions co morbidities
axis 4 psychosocial enviromentalproblems IE. lack of primary suport system, social enviroment, education occupation, housing, economics and access to health care and legal assistance
axis 5 Global assessment of fuctioning ranges from 0-100.
3 factors influncing a persons mental health individual, interpersonal, social/cultural
Peplaus stages of relationships orientation, identification, exploration, resolution
Orientation phase problems and needs id, pt asks Q's, expectations explained, pt harnesses energy toward meeting problems, pts full participation is elicted
Identification phase pt responds to persons pt feels is helpful, pt feels stronger, pt expresses feelings, interdependant work is done with the RN, roles are established between RN and pt
Exploration phase pt makes full use of services available, goals are such as going home and returning to work emerge, patients behaviors flux between dependance and independence,
Resolution pt gives up dependent behavior, services are no longer required by pt, pt assumes power to meet own needs set new goals and so forth
4 levels of anxiety mild moderate severe and panic
mild anxiety hightened awareness and sharpened senses, learning new behaviors and solving problems, full perceptual field
moderate anxiety decrease in perceptual field, can learn and solve only with assistance
severe anxiety perceptual field reduced to one detail or scattered details, can not complete tasks as directed, physiological symptoms tach increased resps, diaphoresis, chest pain
panic anxiety loss of rational thought, delusions, hallucinations, and complete physical immobility and mutness, person may bolt and run aimlessly and suffer injury from stupidity(dumb ass)
first stage of crisis the person is exposed to a stressor experiences anxiety and tries to cope in a customary fashion
second stage of crisis anxiety increases when customary coping fails
third stage of crisis the person all possible efforts to deal with the stressor including attempts at new methods of coping.
forth stage of crisis when coping attempts fail the person experiences disequilibrium and significant distress
maturational crisis sometimes called developmental crisis, are predictable, events in the normal course of life such as leaving home, having a baby(fuck!)
situational crisis unanticipated, that threaten the individuals integrity such as death, loss of a job, or home, physcial or emotional illness
adventitious crisis (social crisis) include natural disasters, war, earthquakes riots and violent crimes such as rape or murder
3 factors that affect the outcome of a crisis individuals perception of the event, emotional supports and availability of adequate coping skills
all crisis comes to an end, three ways that happen (if person is living at the end of it) are 1)person returns to precrisis level of functioning. 2)functions a new higher level. 3)persons functioning stabilizes at a lower level.
crisis intervention (requires assessment of individual) direct intervention:assess health and promote problem solving, Supportive interventions:offering understanding and encouragement and afferming self worth
Created by: medicalminded
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