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Parts of the Mass

Congregations stands and sings song. We make the sign of the cross and greeted by the priest. Entrance and Greeting
A time to acknowledge our sins and ask for forgiveness Penitential Rite
A prayer of praise and thanksgiving to God Gloria
priest offers a prayer of supplication (the prayer of supplication is generally a request by and for the person praying) that is specific to the day Opening Prayer
Usually a reading from Old Testament that has similar theme to Gospel. First Reading
Comes from the book of Psalms that is either sung or recited as a response Responsorial Psalm
Usually comes from a non-Gospel, New Testament book Second Reading
Sung or recited before the reading of the Gospel. Alleluia/Acclamation
We stand for this part of the Bible as a sign of respect for Jesus. We also make a small sign of the cross over our head, lips, and hearts to symbolize that His Truth be in our thoughts, in our words and in our hearts. Gospel
The priest's or deacon's reflection on how to apply the Scripture to our lives Homily
The profession of faith that expresses common Catholic belief Creed
Pray for our needs and the needs of those around the world General Intercessions
Bread and wine are brought to the altar and people have an opportunity to make donations to the collection basket Offertory/preparation of the gifts
Here the Eucharistic prayers are offered and bread and wine are consecrated into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. This is the heart of the Mass. Eucharistic Prayer
Includes the Lord's Prayer, sign of peace, and the breaking of the Bread while the Lamb of God is being sung or recited. Congregation approaches altar to receive Christ. Communion Rite
End of Mass with blessing from the priest. We are to go in peace to love and serve the Lord. Concluding Rite
Created by: msciba
Popular Religion sets




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