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Basic Phleb

Required on EVERY specimen lable 1.Name 2. DOB or MRN (medical record number) 3. Date 4. Time (military) 5. My Initials
Items on your tray Gauze, alcohol wipes, tubes, band-aids or tape, device (syringe, butterfly, vacutainer) tournquet
Purpose of a tourniquet makes vein easier to feel. Constict venous flow out not arterial in
How long can a tourniquet be left on 1 min max!
If the tourniquet is left on longer than 1 min hemoconcentration
where should the tourniquet be place in relation to the intended site of puncture? 3-4 inches above
Desired veins to choose from Median cubital - center of bend in arm Cephalic vein - thumb side Basilic - pinky side - median nerve and brachial artery - not drawn in class
Evacuated tubes containing an anticoagulant additive must be gently mixed to prevent blood from clotting
Characteristics of veins carry deoxygenated blood, have valves (the blood is NOT under pressure)Within the vein muscle facilitate the movement of blood and vlaves prevent backflow
A butterfly needle is used for drawinf from fragile veins, drawing small veins, drawinf from veins in the hand (used for more control)
Proper procedure when cleansing a venipuncture site is rub the site with alcohol in an outward, spiraling motion and allow 30-60 seconds to dry before the puncture.
What angle should a needle be inserted at 15-30 degrees
In order to prevent mislabeling, the tubes are labled after blood is drawn and patient is still present
When you see a hematoma forming
Chemical used to clean human skin by inhibiting the growth of microorganisms antiseptic
Components of the chain of infection and examples Source of infection- nonsterile items, contaminated equipment or supplies Mode of transmission - direct contact, airborne, medical instruments Susceptible host - patient or you!!!
3 ways to get a blood sample capillary, venapuncture, arterial
vein selection size, depth, direction
Fibrinogen A blood clotting factor
Serum Blood specimen that does not contain an anticoagulant
Antecubital Near the bend of the elbow
Hemolysis Rupture or lysis of the blood cells
Median Cubital Vein Best vein to use for venipuncture
Arteries Vessels that carry blood away from the heart
Basilic Vein Alternate vein to use for venipuncture. Last choice when no other vein is available.
Veins Branching vessels that flow back to the heart.
Anticoagulant Substance introduces in to the blood or a blood specimen to keep it from clotting.
Tourniquet A soft rubber strip used on the arm to help find a venipuncture site.
Hemostatis Blood-clotting process in the body
Plasma Blood specimen that does contain an anticoagulant
Saphenous vein The longest vessel in the body
Hematoma Leakage of blood into surrounding tissue
Capillary Contains a mixture of arterial and venous blood
Citrates Type of anticoagulant additive for blood collection tubes, prevents the blood clotting sequence by removing calcium and forming calcium salts
Gauge Number Refers to the size (diameter) of the internal bore (opening) of a needle
Glycolytic inhibitor An additive used in collection tubes that prevents glycolysis
Heparin An anticoagulant that prevents blood clotting by inactivating thrombin and thromboplastin, the blood-clotting chemicals in the body
Syncope The transient (and frequently sudden) loss of consciousness due to the lack of oxygen to the brain (fainting) and resulting in the inability to stay in an upright position
Created by: BOMLT
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