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Stack #117619

NCLEX-PN Respiration

incentive spirometer-How? inhale slowly & deeply thru mouthpiece
Cheyne-Stokes respirations: Progressively deeper breaths followed by shallower breaths with apneic periods
Biot's respirations are rapid, deep breathing w/abrupt pauses between breaths & equal depth between each breath
Kussmaul's respirations rapid, deep breathing without pauses
Tachypnea is shallow breathing with increased respiration rate
bacterial pneumonia dyspnea & wheezing also a productive cough and fever
Sign of difficulty breathing is use of accessory muscles
Diaphragmatic & Pursed-lip breathing is: two controlled breathing techniques that help pt conserve energy
Deep Breathing & cough:order is cough, deep breathe, cough, deep breathe
Pulmonary embolism ss chest pain & dyspnea; typical sign is: a cough with productive blood tinged sputum
Diaphragmatic breathing helps: to strengthen and maximize ventilation
What helps to maximize lung expansion: diaphragmatic breathing
Diaphragmatic breathing exhalation should be longer than inhalation to prevent collapse of bronchioles.
In diaphragmatic breathing pt should exhale thru: pursed lips to keep bronchioles open and prevent air trapping
Chronic bronchitis-use diaphragmatic breathing (diaphragm is flat and weak)
epiglottiditis an emergency-pt needs a tracheostomy or intubation
acute epiglottiditis SS? drooling, severe sore throat, hoarseness, pt often leans foreward w/head hyper extended, hi fever & severe inspiratory stridor
bacterial meningitis use (gown, gloves & mask)respiratory insulation bc transmitted by drops from nose
asthma - important to take meds regularly
sinus infection pain in upper molars & tan or green discharge in the oropharynx
Created by: jeanl
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