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Name the 3 Granulocytes.
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The nongranular Leukocytes are?
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Stack #118182

Chapter 12 Blood

Name the 3 Granulocytes. Neutrophils, Eosinophils, Basophils.
The nongranular Leukocytes are? Lymphocytes and Monocytes.
Normally what percentage of blood is RBC 45%
Normally what percentage of blood is plasma? 55%
Myeloid tissue is also know as? Red bone marrow.
This type of Anemia can be caused by a lack of vitamin B12. Pernicious Anemia
The formation of new blood cells is known as? Hematopiesis
Which type of lymphocytes make antibodies? B-lymphocytes
These lymphocytes directly attack bacteria. T-lymphocytes
What are the formed elements in blood? RBC's, WBC's, and Platelets.
Platelets are also known as? Thrombocytes
White blood cells are also known as? Leukocytes
Red blood cells are also known as? Erthrocytes
Normal adult blood volume is? 4 to 6 liters
How long can donated blood be stored? 6 weeks
Thalassemia Major A hemolytic anemia found most frequently in people of Mediterranean descent, causes abnormal hemoglobin resulting in low hemoglobin numbers. Also causes low oxygen content in tissue, swelling of spleen and liver, and crippling skeletal deformity
What type of WBC is the most numerous in the body? Neutrophils
What is the life span of a RBC? 80 to 120 days
Anemia Low oxygen carrying ability of the blood. Body produces defective or low numbers of RBC's. Normal adult hemoglobin numbers range from 12 to 14 g/100ml. Less than 9 g/100ml indicates anemia.
Polycythemia The overproduction RBC's
Myeloid tissue is found in what bones? Sternum, ribs, and hip bones
Hepatic Portal Circulation Unique blood flow from the intestines to the liver. Hepatic Portal Vein carries blood from 2 capillary beds in the intestine.
Hemostasis The prevention of blood loss
Hemostasis is maintained by? 1-Vascular Spasm 2-Platelet formation 3-Coagulation
RBC's in 1 cubic millimeter 5,000,000
WBC's in 1 cubic millimeter 7500
Platelets in 1 cubic millimeter 300,000
Sickle Cell Anemia Genetic disease causing sickle shaped hemoglobin. Causes reduction of blood flow.
What WBC's have the longest life? Lymphocytes
Umbilical Vein Carries oxygenated blood to the placenta. There is only 1.
Umbilical Arteries Carries oxygen-poor blood from the placenta back to the mother. There is 2.
Ductous Venosus A shunt that allows blood to bypass the liver in a fetus.
Foramen Ovale Hole/shunt allowing blood to pass from right atrium directly into left atrium. Allowing blood to bypass fetal lungs.
Ductous Arteriosus Conects the aorta and pulmonary artery. Aids in the bypassing of blood to fetal lungs.
What percentage of total body weight is blood? 7% to 9%
Size of a RBC 7-9 micrometers
Leukopenia Low WBC count (below 5000 WBC/cubic millimeter)
Leukocytosis High WBC count (above 10,00/cubic millimeter)
Differential WBC count Measures proportions of each type of WBC.
Leukocytes in blood Neutrophils 60-70%, Lymphocytes 20-25%, Monocytes 3-8%, Eosinophils 2-4%, Basophils 0.5-1%.
What's in plasma? 7% protein, 91% water, 2% other solutes.
Vitamin K Promotes the formation of prothrombin by the liver.
Megakarocytes Produce platelets. Known as platelet mother cells.
Albumin A protein that expands plasma.
Serum Plasma minus it's clotting factors
Globulin A protein containing antibodies that help protect us from infections.
Thrombus When a clot stays in the place where it formed.
Embolis A dislodged clot in the bloodstream.
Type A blood RBC antigen type A. Antibodies in plasma anti-B
Type B blood RBC antigen type B. Antibodies in plasma anti-A.
Type AB blood RBC antigen type AB. Antibodies in plasma none. Universal recipient.
Type O blood RBC antigen none. Antibodies in plasma anti-A and anti-B. Universal donor.
Ischemia Decreased blood supply to tissue.
Necrosis Tissue death due to lack of blood supply to tissue.
Gangrene The decay of necrotic tissue.
Veins Carry blood to the heart. Veins have valves.
Layers of blood vessels Tunica intima, tunica media, tunica externa. The media/muscle layer is thicker in arteries. Externa layer thicker in veins.
Atherosclerosis Hardening of the inside of an artery
Arteriosclerosis Hardening of outside of artery
Created by: pima respiratory
Popular Respiratory Therapy sets




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