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Nursing Week 4 Terms

Week 4 Terms-Spring

Adventitious Sounds Crackles; discrete noncontinous sounds
Aerosol Atomized particles of a substance suspended in the air
Alveoli Air cells of the lungs
Asphyxia Severe hypoxia leading to the loss of consciousness and if not corrected death
Anoxia An abnormal condition characterized by the lack of oxygen
Asthma A respiratory disorder characterized by recurring episodes of paroxysmal dyspnea, wheezing on expiration, coughing and bronchial secretions
Atelectasis A collapsed or airless aveoli, a lobule or larger unit of lung tissue. May be caused by obstruction or compression
Bronchodilator Any drug that has the property of increasing caliber of the pulmonary air passages or an instrument used for this purpose
Bronchoscopy Examination of the bronchi through a bronchoscope
Bronchospasm An abnormal contraction of the smooth muscle of the bronchi resulting in acute narrowing or obstruction of the respiratory airways
Cannula A tube or sheath enclosing a trocar, the tube allows the escape of fluid after withdrawal of the trocar
Carbon Dioxide Narcosis CNS insensitivity to carbon dioxide as a respiratory stimulant resulting from chronically elevated blood carbon dioxide level
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Coryza (common cold or rhinitis) Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose usually accompanied by swelling of mucosa and nasal discharge
Crackles Soft high pitched discontinuous popping sounds that occur during inspiration
Croup Disease characterized by suffocative and difficulty breathing, laryngeal spasm and sometimes by the formation of a membrane
Dyspnea A shortness of breath or a difficulty in breathing
Embolus A foreign object, air, gas, tissue, tumor or piece of thrombus that circulates in the bloodstream until it becomes lodged in the vessel
Hemoptysis Coughing up blood from the respiratory tract
Hypercapnia Greater than normal amounts of carbon dioxide in the blood
Hyperventilation An increase of both depth and rate of respiration
Hypoventilation A decrease of both depth and rate of respiration
Hypoxemia Insufficient oxygenation of the blood
Hypoxia Inadequate cellular oxygenation which interferes with the cell ability to transform energy
Incentive Spirometer Method by which the patient perform sustained maximal inspiration and at the same time sees the results of his effort as registered in the machine
I.P.P.B Intermittent Positive Pressure Breathing through the use of a machine which aids ventilation
Isolette Trade name for self-contained incubation permitting isolation and manipulation of an infant usually premature
Orthopnea Respiratory condition in which there is discomfort in breathing in any but erect sitting or standing
Perfusion Passage of blood or other fluid through a vascular bed
Pleural Effusion A collection of fluids in the pleural space, usually secondary to other diseases such as congestive heart failure, pneumonia and tuberculosis
Pleurisy An inflammation of the parietal pleura of the lungs
Postural Drainage Drainage of secretions from the bronchi or a cavity in the lung by having the patient positioned so that the gravity will allow drainage of the particular lobe or lobes of the lung involved
Sibliant Wheezes Characterized by a high-pitched musical quality, whistles-like sounds
Sonorous Wheezes (rhonchi) Deep, low-pitched rumbling sounds that are heard primarily during expiration by air moving through narrowed tracheobronchial passages
Spirometry Measurements of air capacity of the lungs
Status Asthmaticus Persistent and intractable asthma
Stridor Harsh, high-pitched sound during inspiration due to obstruction of air passages
Tidal Volume The amount of air moved by a single breath at any level of activity
Tomography A x-ray technique that produces a film representing a detailed cross section of tissue structure at a predetermined depth
Tuberculosis A chronic, granulomatous infection caused by acid-fast bacillus
Vesicular Sounds Sounds heard normally over most of lung field
Created by: nonelily
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