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exam 2

postpartum pt 3

when assessing lochia postpartum if in one hour only one inch of the pad is saturated what would that be?> scant
when assessing lochia postpartum if in one hour 1-4 inches of the pad is saturated what would that be?> small
when assessing lochia postpartum if in one hour 4-6 inches of the pad is saturated what would that be?> moderate
when assessing lochia postpartum if in one hour the entire pad is saturated what would that be?> large
when assessing lochia postpartum if in 15 min the entire pad is saturated what would that be?> excessive (PPH)
when assessing a postpartum vaginal delivery pt the client may not feel urge to void due to anesthesia, trauma, lack of tone, palpate bladder location, palpate location of fundus, encourage freq voids, 300- 400 ccs, bladder scan, URGENCY, FREQ, DYSURIA= infection
when assessing a postpartum vaginal delivery you assess breasts. immediatly postpartum breasts should be what? soft and nontender
when assessing a postpartum vaginal delivery you assess breasts. 2-3 days postpartum breasts should be what? filling, full, sometimes tender
when assessing a postpartum vaginal delivery you assess breasts. What should you be assessing for? engorgement, lumpy, glands areolar and nipples flat or inverted, trama, discharge
when assessing a mother postpartum what do you assess for varicosities (normal and usually fade) varicosities
what lower extremity symptom is uncommon, but due to early ambulation, increase in clotting factor, homan's sign, dorsiflexion thrombophlebitis
what is the attraction felt by parents, "beautiful" unidirectional from parents to child, sensitive period of first hour, skin to skin contact, delay procedures, eye txs bath etc. bonding
what is the process of an enduring bond, developed thru plesurable, satisfying, parent-child interactions, begins in pregnancy and extends many months after delivery, accepts responsibility 4 care, puts needs above all else, feeds first, attachment
in the process of maternal adaptation, what phase is the mother focused on her need for fluid, food, and deep restoritive sleep, seems content to allow others to make decisions, absorbs every detail of neonate, inegrates birth into reality,24hrs more c/s taking in phase
what part of process of maternal adaptation is mother becomes more independent, more concerned about self care, shifts needs of infant, ready to learn, may verbalize anxiety about abilities, nurse must support, reassure, praise, allow mother to do care taking hold phase
what phase of process of maternal adaptation is where they give up their role as a childless couple, carefree lifestyle goes away, may be disappointed: sex of child, c/s, cries alot, poor nurser? letting go phase
what maternal concern happens in 70-80% of mothers postpartum, mild transient (up to 2 weeks) depression that affects of new mothers, tearfullness, mood swings, irritability, does not interfere with infant care, cause could b: fatigue, hormones, let down postpartum blues
what maternal concern happens in 10-15% of postpartum mothers, a disabling condition requiring therapy 2 wks-12 mos, predisposing factors include depression during preg, prev incident, hx of depression, mental illness postpartum depression PPD
Created by: malcolmnursing2
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