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postpartum comp

what is amniotic fluid entering the maternal circulation sx, causes cardioresiratory collapse, and DIC, risks include induction, C/S, forceps vacum, placental previa/abruptio, eclampsia, lacerations? amniotic fluid embolism
what complication of pp is venous stasis, compression by uterus causes dilation resulting in pooling postpartum, hypercoagulation, coagulation factors inc during preg persist pp, trauma to vessel lining can occur during C?S, obesity, varicose veins, superficial venous thrombosis
what postpartum complication is manifested as swelling, tenderness, redness, warmth, treatments are analgesics, rest, elevation, elastic support? superficial venous thrombosis
what pp complication s/s are often diffuse, one leg swollen, redness, heat, tenderness, positive homan's sign, deep vein thrombosis
what is pp complication is managed by checking hx of DVT's prophalactic heparin, early ambulation, leg exercises, antiembolism stockings/sequential compression devices? DVT deep vein thrombosis
what occurs when fragments from DVT travel to the lungs, severely compromised pulmanary circulation can result in death, sx. dyspnea, tachycardia, low PO, angina, fainting, abd pain, rales, pallor & cyanosis pulmonary embolism
what pp complication is managed by Radiography of lungs ultrasound and spinal tomography, management: heperine, o2, pain meds, bed rest head up, continual vs, po, lung sounds? pulmonary embolism
what is a bacterial infection after childbirth resulting in a temp greater than 100.4 for 2 of the first 10 days postpartum, alkaline vaginal environment, necrosis of endothelial lining, tears in endometrium, vagina, cervix avenues for infection? puerperal infection
what can be caused by c/s trauma to tissue, incision, surgery itself, prolonged labor be4 c/s, vaginal birth tissue trama, lacerations episiotomys, catheterizations, prolonged ROM, long labor multiple vag exams, fetal scalp electrode, IPC? puerperal infection
what type of puerperal infection is infection of the uterus, caused by bacteria that are normally found in vagina & cervix, sx: fever, chills, malaise, anorexia, lethargy, abdominal pain, tenderness, cramp, purulent foul lochia, subinvolution, tachycardia endometritis
what type of puerperal infection is treated by blood work, cultures, iv antibiotics, complications are spread outside uturis to fallopian tubes and ovaries=sterility, peritonitis (inflamation of walls of abdomen pelvic cavity=pelvic abscess/thrombophlebit endomitritis
what type of puerperal infection is managed by promoting lochial drainage, peri care, pain meds, maintain antibiotics? endomitritis
what occurs primarily with c/sec incisions, episiotomy, lacerations, risk factors are diabetes, obesity, multiple vag exams, chorioamnionitis, SX localized: edema, warmth, tenderness, redness, pain, lack of approx, seropurulent drainage, S/s infection wound infections
what puerperal infection is treated with incision and drainage, wound care, antibiotics, pain meds, warm compress, peri care, sitz bath? wound infection
what puerperal infection is caused by trama from childbirth, caths, hypotonic bladder and urethra, stasis and retention sx: dysuria, urgancy, freq, suprapubic pain, fever, pain, N&V TX: antibiotics, urine analgesics, inc fluids, acidic drinks? UTI
what is an infection of the breasts usually associated with breast feeding affects one breast, cause: staphloccocus aures enters nipple from NB mouth, hands of mother or staff, engorgement stasis of milk. mastitis
what is indicated by local red, edematous, hot, painful, wedge shaped nipple, systemic fatigue, malase, aches, fever, headache, tx: complete emptying of the breasts, feeding, pumping, antibiotics, warm or cold packs, analgesics? mastitis
Created by: malcolmnursing2
Popular Nursing sets




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