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Dead Guys

What did they do? Does anyone care?

Dead Guys NameWhat Did They Do?
Dr. John Snow First Anesthesiologist
Joseph Priestly Described how to produce and store Nitrous Oxide
Crawford Long Removed tumor from neck while being the first paid ether anesthetist
Edmund Andrews First to realize that we need to give Oxygen during anesthesia, also a grave robber
Alice Magaw Mother of Anesthesia
Sister Mary Bernard First Nurse Anesthetist
William Morton Invented first ether vaporizer
Sir James Simpson Stated that pain came from tissue damage or potential damage, used chloroform during childbirth
Humphrey Davy Thought Nitrous Oxide Would be good if procedure was not going to cause too much bleeding
Horace Wells Dentist who used Nitrous Oxide on himself, also taught Nitrous Oxide anesthesia
Valerius Cordus “Father” of accurate preparation of ether
Samuel Colt Prepared Nitrous Oxide to pay for patent on revolver
Agatha Hodgins Founder of AANA
Oliver Wendell Holmes Defined Anesthesia as “sleeplike state”
Jean Baptiste Andre Dumas Perfected and published work on chloroform
Created by: jestevenson
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